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Friday, November 26, 2021

Could 'Bitcoin' Plunge IF Craig Wright Declared Liable In Legal Case?

 Markets Plunging - Barfstew Returns

With everything plunging in price today - from the stock market to the crypto market - might it be a prelude to the real fireworks about to happen? Could the long fighting in the crypto community about who is Satoshi Nakamoto finally be coming to an end with naysayers having to eat their words? What if Craig Wright loses the lawsuit and indeed SELLS from an original wallet of BTC, what would THAT do to the price? What if, somehow, someway legally, he gets everyone to call Bitcoin SV.... Bitcoin? 

Is it time for Tether to blow up yet?

It's Either A GREAT Day Or Horrible Day To Get Some Bitcoin - Click Below to FINALLY Buy Some - My Coinbase Link - buy or trade 100 dollars of Bitcoin within 90 days and we both get a bonus.


Barfstew's Slightly Perverse Lighter Side 2021


Nothing less than the 22 Parallel Universe Theory - an excerpt>

I've been working on for many years for it to be included in my 22 Parallel Universe Theory. I'm aware much of my research is so far ahead that many must think I'm insane or a genius. I'd rather think of myself as someone that tries to figure things out that others refuse to even attempt. With that much of my research, it doesn't matter to me that no one has ever spoken of it, written about it, or given it a name. 

Right. You can dig deeper right here - the 22 Universe Theory - Barfstew?


Speaking Of Parallel Universes

And, finally for today - a retro picture.

How About A Couple More?

And, How About Some Real Barfstew?
All Of 600 Views In a Year

Thanks for reading and being here - the return has begun.

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