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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Omicron - The Unspoken

 Ever since Barfstew pointed out the absurdity of the CNN 5% death rate from COVID being on their screens 24/7 for month upon month last year - despite anyone with common sense knowing otherwise - there has always been the 'unspoken' about COVID. Be it the straight out censorship of the unmentionable that it might have come from a lab rather than a filthy meat market to the pure scare tactic of the Delta variant having "1000 Times" the viral load of the Alpha variant. - why do I say scare tactic? .... Well, was the outcome 1000 times worse - even as the country was opened up? And, isn't it a bit barfstewy that it's unspoken that if DELTA was more infectious...more dangerous.... that it isn't as deadly as Alpha? So that it could be more infectious.... more like a flu..... and doesn't it hold that Omicron, if it's more infections (and able to push out the DELTA version) - must be less deadly in an overall sense? (it's funny that we haven't heard if Omicron has more or less of a viral load than DELTA)  And, it certainly doesn't seem spoken, at least much, that COVID is very much concentrated in taking out the vulnerable - people with prior conditions - or elderly people. Especially those with such conditions who are living in close quarters with multi generations or unrelated people. Implying, endlessly, that all people face equal risk has made the COVID news nearly unwatchable.

This link provides an example of the underreported news early on in COVID about the undetected infection rate. Yet, the 5% death rate remained on the news screen -


Bitcoin remains under 50,000 as markets rebalance - perhaps. 

Even a year ago - This article suggests that the quantum power of computers could break bitcoin in 2022

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Today's Thought Piece good article from 2020 on the state of where AI is today.


More Barfstew Soon

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