An increasing population base - less toilet paper purchased - need I say more about the economy mess the politicians have created? (Not only that, for those that really think TSHTF - they are hoarding toilet paper to use as money during the coming economic collapse.) - Barf Stew you may need to hold your nose to eat.
The Ultimate In Being Prepared: Before The Run On It.
Could one hundred individuals - organized - influence an important social news link media? Isn't that the description of the MSM? Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered - Barf Stew - You Decide.
Digging Deeper - Caution, Mucky Stuff:
Or, use LinkShare on your webpage:
The website Shorpy today has this cool picture of the aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Stewable.
Do You Like Books With Oldtime Pictures? This Book Features The Aftermath Of The Quake.
Three Fearful Days: San Francisco Memoirs of the 1906 Earthquake & Fire
San Francisco Earthquake 1906 Mouse Pad
Have you ever heard the Barf Stew - BS - story about the `Devil Baby of Bourbon Street'? - Well, here you go - (with pics, I think - so strange it is hard to tell) -
And, here you thought that no one was marketing something with the words Devil Baby:
And, speaking of children - devils or other weird types of states - can a three year old really reach a Zen State? The Child-Meditation Miracle - - or, is it indeed - A little Barf and A little Stew?
Going Deeper and Deeper:
Sensational Meditation for Children Child-Friendly Meditation Techniques based on The Five Senses
Guided Meditation for Children
And, leave it to the Japanese to entertain us all - now the Electric Butterfly.
Have you seen the one where they take 3 German `Beer Girls' - have them on a hillside, slightly upslope - have a group of tourists in front of them asking them to bend over to show the cleavage of their outfits - and, then tell me if you would take this picture if you walked up from behind - Barf Stew Entertains.
ohhhhh that smell, - Ok, say you are the Federal officials - and you know that the `Marijuana Vote' in California is worrisome to what the Feds have been saying for decades - and, you also know this - Marijuana may cause Canada's economic comedown - - yeah, a story not likely to be on your front page of your local news - BS spreads it around. What is that smell?
And, for your final serving of Barf Stew today - how about a TV report about UFO lights in the sky -
BTW, I do a similar page to this on Squidoo too -
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