Meanwhile - Machines That Dispense Gold Bars Coming To The US - ONE gram bars - like you see above - first ones will go into Vegas (of course) - - barf stew.
Oh, if you still believe in the Obama Recovery - (like the super rich evidently) - you may want to read this before TSHTF - Global Collapse of the Fiat Money System: Too Big To Fail Global Banks Will Collapse Between Now and First Quarter 2011 - - Very stewworthy.
Global Financial Crisis
The Subprime Solution: How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It
Yesterday I featured a link from Meredith Whitney about how the middle class was being `DE-banked' from the system - today - I highlight other words from this level headed woman - States Are Poised to Be Next Credit Crisis for US: Whitney - - Barf Stew does Economics.
And, with all the crappola above - it kinda makes you want to return to a simpler time - right? Like 1939 perhaps?
(click to enlarge -
Have you heard about this comet that we may all be able to see with the unaided eye later in the month? Could it be -
Approaching COMET HARTLEY the blue star according to the Hopi prophecy? -
Barf or Stew?
Here's a cool site and a great UFO video -
Speaking of great - Blonds-Only Vacation Island Planned - - find out where at the link. Barf Stew.
BS is wondering if the island would have beauties like these - or anything as perverse as these `art prints'
Here's another print from the artist above:
Barf Stew Entertains
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