Before Political Correctness
Royal Upskirt
Now, Here's a REAL Anomalous Experience
The BS Does ParaNormal
THE BS Entertains

Speaking of Legs
Title 9 Winner

Looks Like A Spanked Butt
Even A Bit Of CT
As Barfsters know, THE BS likes to look a bit deeper into the crevices for the alternative view..... such as the idea that pumping 85 billion fiat dollars into the American economy EACH MONTH might just be Deflationary Rather Than Inflationary.... indeed, the below is it's main well taken point
"Unproductive investment is by nature ultimately deflationary. This is a point also worth recalling when investing in paper assets fuelled by QE liquidity and not underpinned by sustainable economic growth,"
Oh, Heck - Barfsters Haven't Even Had Their Serving Of Sexy GIF Yet....

The Pokie Edge Of Entertainment
And, A Final OMG
Please browse the strange products on this webpage - much appreciated. Barfsters continue to grow as you can see by the Alexa.Com numbers..... he haw.
Title 9 Winner
Looks Like A Spanked Butt
Even A Bit Of CT
As Barfsters know, THE BS likes to look a bit deeper into the crevices for the alternative view..... such as the idea that pumping 85 billion fiat dollars into the American economy EACH MONTH might just be Deflationary Rather Than Inflationary.... indeed, the below is it's main well taken point
"Unproductive investment is by nature ultimately deflationary. This is a point also worth recalling when investing in paper assets fuelled by QE liquidity and not underpinned by sustainable economic growth,"
Oh, Heck - Barfsters Haven't Even Had Their Serving Of Sexy GIF Yet....
The Pokie Edge Of Entertainment
And, A Final OMG
Please browse the strange products on this webpage - much appreciated. Barfsters continue to grow as you can see by the Alexa.Com numbers..... he haw.
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