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Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1,436 Comments About An `Alien At The Window' Video

To Barf Stew, the `peeping tom alien' video of Stan Romanek, looks as real as the other `Area 51' aliens seen in other videos. Indeed, only Stan's long standing claim of `sightings' before this video (I believe) adds to its potential realness. Watch all the way thru and open your minds to the possible. 500K previous views. About a 3/1 pos/neg ratio of voting.

But, it's the comments about the above video that is of most interest IMO.

want to hear something freaky.... just as i watched this something threw a rock at my window from the back yard!!!!!
it takes a lot to scare me.. this fucking scared the shit outta me!
will not be sleeping ... luckily its 6 am and dawn is coming
Lol the dudes reaction made me laugh. Remember people they're different kinds of extraterrestrial the "Gray"(the one on this film) are not harmful there just fugitives and slaves from there own planet. No bs i know this by experience.
I just want to know one thing.There are actually people on this planet that believed this horse shit?
Gourmet Food For The Apocalypse 
398164_Food Insurance

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Should the U.S. legalize hard drugs?

So, let's see here. The Washington Post runs a piece by George Will asking the above question - and - pointing out the same absurdity of the drug war that EVERYONE but the WP has known for 30 years. To boot, the ONLY candidate who supports such an approach - Ron Paul - is routinely grilled as if he's nuts for suggesting such. Talk about a worthless media. Anyway, if you wish to read the Barf Stew from George Will's sudden realization here you go - Worthless Pundit Wakes Up Decades Late - thanks for F-ing nothing George.
As the people continue to fight back - a new billboard in Colorado:
I love the use of a soccer looking mom type for the demographic. This is indeed the exact type of billboard that every worthless politician in America needs to answer to. The real question is really - should those that have pushed the worthless drug war face punishment when the people eventually win? Who the F thinks that adults do NOT own their own body OTHER THAN THE POLITICIANS and the worthless mouthpiece of a MSM we all endure?

The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization - My New Kindle E-Book Has Arrived - 99 Cents To Blow Your Mind ---- BARFSTERS LOVE PARANORMAL. Please consider purchasing this product to support Barf Stew's efforts.

So, that takes care of the politics and the paranormal - must be time for the sexy pictures. On this picture you will need to hit the green tab to prove you are over 18 to see a very sexy non-nude (never nude on Barf Stew) picture of two Teen Girls In Bikini's (notice the length of the one girls fingers?). Digging deeper reveals a picture of three young ladies in even less garb - Slightly Perverse - Almost. Oh my, control your thoughts.
You are now a Barfster - you might as well bookmark the page.
How about a BS Sunday Video? Man bets his life savings on the Roulette Wheel - you need to see his face on the outcome:

The Archive has over 700 posts this good - all for Barfsters.
Gag Gift

Gave this as a little Xmas gift to some clients and they LOVED it and haven't stopped
talking about it. HILARIOUS. Be sure to check out all the different versions.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cannabis Vending Machine

The machine is at a NORML club in New Zealand Sells For 20 Dollars A Gram and is grown in `rural backblocks'. Interesting short read into where the police stand on pot as evidently NZ is one of the `highest' countries in % of smokers of the illicit product.
Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence
As Barfsters know, the sexy girl pictures are a main ingredient in the Stew - and at times BS shys away from the really edgy stuff that shows LOTS of skin - Like This Lovely Swimsuit Allows - OMG. OR, the sexiness that these Clubbing Girls are using as bait. Oh, if you are new to BS (barf stew) - you can catch more of the sexy pictures in nearly every post in the archive of over 700 posts.
Sex, Drugs - Time for Rock?


Barfsters know that the ParaNormal is also a big part of the entertainment broth at BS - to that end here's some great Ghost Pictures and an entertaining blog about such.
In almost the same lines - now called science - researchers have found out by studying over 150 captive Chimps that they teach their young to Communicate With Humans. Other science links including what is happening to the planet Jupiter's interior.
Speaking of Ghosts and of communicating in difficult circumstances - check out this time travel to 1938 - The Typical `Country Store' --------- but, look closely into the glass reflections, how many `Ghosts' do you see? (original size here is best for ghost viewing) (with comments)
Entertained yet? Bookmark so you can visit the archive this weekend.
Barfsters ask, --- where's the BS politics? The Don't Re-Nig BumperSticker in 2012. You might send this one to someone I bet.
MORE BS politics? Sure ------------ Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Major Cities - you know, it attracts rats and pigeons.
And now the Sexy Image to make sure the College boys in Illinois are hanging around to the near end -  Sexy imgur.
Thanks for your visit today - tell a buddy about BS! Please visit the sponsors you find on this page.

Online game?
288863_Drawn®: The Painted Tower ™

Monday, March 12, 2012

Exploding Glass

Regan Lee brings us an account of recent first person high strangeness with this account of Exploding Glass at her new blog with other good content too. Check it out for your paraNormal fix.
Harrisburg PA latest town to default on some bonds - Bond Defaults Increasing In America in dollar amount. 
UFO's - Police Reports.
ParaNormal, Politics - and Sexy Pictures - all ingredients of the Barf Stew mix - let's take care of the Va Va Voom and the OMG Sexy stuff. Dig into the archive for more.
Meanwhile...... have you heard about this bizarre suicide in China? Two Teen Girls Attempting To Time-Travel - to correct a mistake they had made.
Here's a blog of what I call a new-age believer - Riding The Astral Plane - are you?
Finally, have you seen this one? A cat using Sign to ask for food:

Thanks for your visit to Barf Stew today - Enjoy this Amazon Selection too.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Target's Marketing Exposes Teen Girl's Pregnancy

Now here's a story fully worthy of Barf Stewing about - girl goes to Target, buys vitamins and unscented lotion, triggering the mailing of coupons to the home in her name for baby products. Father Becomes Irate - speaks with Target........
Hey remember the story about two men getting caught on a train in the possession of supposedly hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. Treasuries? -- Ready for the Barf Stew sequel? How about this new bust of SIX Trillion Dollars Worth Of US Treasury Bonds? - `shadow currency?'
Did you know that the Anagrams for 2009 , 2010 and 2011 all had True stuff? Some of the 2012 predictions are in the 2009 link above.
After the above you are still looking for ParaNormal? Like learning to Remote View? (Well put together webpage).
Let's finish with another Sexy YouTube:

Look around the page for more entertainment - you can even play cool games off of this page with just one click - thanks for looking around today.
 Remote viewing is a part of this book.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Teen Girl Calls Police On Mom For Having Sex

She was 15 and knew what was occuring - felt dis-respected. Digging into the Stew Link includes the police report - In Panama City Florida - this girl must go nuts at the dis-respecting that goes on during Spring Break in her town. Adding the oil to the Barf Stew.
Speaking of oil and old dames - how about this iconic 1936 photo from Atlanta? Also, the comments section gives some GREAT history about how this picture ultimately was used - and their is an Alice Cooper tie-in:
It's worth digging into the Stew for the meaty parts.
Gorilla Walks Upright
3 million hits

Barf Stew Entertains
Meanwhile..... for the HEAVY stuff paranormal you also come to BS for - few reads will compare with this gem from Duensing .... called.... The Creation of A Species As A Self Harvesting Food Source --- Absorb Some New Ideas About Your Reality Situation.
It's 2012. You have thoughts it is the end - so, you search for Armageddon Online and find it. After that, make sure to catch When The SHTF.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1939 Unexplained Bigfoot Video

Hello Barfsters. Hard to tell about this one other than to say - is it a Bigfoot or nothing more than a man? 55K views.

link -
The above almost makes one wonder if the Gable film was inspired by the above: 123K views

See You Tomorrow?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

HOT NEWS - The RAPTURE INDEX Backs Off Highest Readings Ever?

For those of you waiting for the big return/big moment - your number guide for such an event has backed off the August 8th alltime high reading of 184 - And Is Now 180 (out of maximum 225) getting downgraded by two points on Dec. 5th (or upgraded based on your point of view) for `improvement of the unemployment rate to 8.6% (you know, all those discouraged workers, who now have no benefits, and are ready to chuck it all in and have given up even looking for work - they are reason to rejoice evidently) and the other `downgrade' was to Famine (from the maximum of Five to a Four) - seems it hasn't been in the news at a level to warrant the maximum. --------------- Guess that Jesus has ascended a bit further up into the clouds for now?

Looking for today's hottie? Your wait is over - check out this Future Pole Grinder with great legs and hose. Russian chick, so you know she's hot.
Meanwhile..... Billionaire investor George Soros says that the global financial system is on the brink of collapse. - Crap Is Hitting The Fan Message.
Billionaires Write Books?

 Here's what he says about 08's Economic Collapse
Today's ParaNormal Link? How about the BEST test online for PSI skills? Got PSI? Careful, addictive.
Here's something you will forward I bet. An interactive software program that scans peoples faces in Berlin - then, evaluates whether the consensus face shown to the city is Happy or Sad - Trippy City Smiley - cool story with video if desired. Unique.
Well... how about a second helping of the paraNormal today? Writer/experiencer Dan Mitchell, who is now allowing comments on his blog even, writes up a recent possible contact with an Alien Technology - fun read at the least.
As Barfsters know TBS loves TIME Travel stuff. So, here is a video of 1921 and how to make a Bra out of two hankies: Under 4K views. You'll forward this too I bet:

Sexy Virtual Girl? Yep! Barf Stew Entertains! (for full sized picture)
For those who come to BS for disgusting videos that are slightly perverted - this fits the bill:

Please SHARE BS with your friends via the Twitter and Facebook buttons below. Do your part to promote independent blogs that you visit. Thanks.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Georgian Herman Cain Ad Catches Fire -- Or -- Blows Smoke?

For those of you wondering - here's the take in Georgia of the above:
In that sense, the grainy 55-second video has been a raging success, generating more than 1 million hits on YouTube by tweaking liberal outrage at the taboo cigarette habit -- and libertarian delight in liberal outrage.

Cain has said there is no "hidden message" in the ad, which focuses on staffer (and cigarette-puffer) Mark Block extolling Cain for running a "campaign like nobody's ever seen," and urging listeners to "take back America."
But veteran political operatives aren't buying it. The use of the cigarette was a calculated ploy, said Marty Kaplan, a professor of entertainment, media and society at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.

"Smoking is a dog-whistle to libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, people mad at the ‘nanny state,' " said Kaplan, who was deputy campaign manager for presidential candidate Walter Mondale in 1984.
The full article is Right Here --- and just what is TBS's point of view on the ad? ---- HEADLINE worthy! Brilliant Marketing.
Herman Cain, like the OWS and Ron Paul folks, is something the MSM is simply incapable of dealing with as defenders of the status quo and the mouthpiece for BOTH parties. (Obviously, the parties are among the biggest advertisers for a good part of every year.)
Oh, meanwhile in Georgia comes this OVER THE TOP blowing smoke story about sightings of BIGFOOT in the north Georgia mountains, oh say about 70 miles from my home in the exo-suburbs of Atlanta. bruce-barraclough-eyewitness-account of bigfoot sightings - and here's a tease:
They took pics headed back to camp ate lunch then split into 2 teams. Two members stayed at base camp and the other 2 groups split up. Bruce’s team headed towards the area with the tree formations, the other group stayed on the trail. About a mile down the road the other team did tree knocks. Silence. Bruce did tree knocks, again, silence. They did a rock knock then and they got a loud response. On the hike they noticed what appeared to be mountain lion tracks. Bruce being sick with the flu realized he couldn’t descend the hill any further. He stayed behind with a 45 mm weapon as the others continued down the trail. They realized there was heavy movement in the canyon below. Bruce continued on back to base camp. He then heard something heavy being thrown. He then experienced violent tree shaking. He quickened his pace. He felt and heard footsteps assuming he was being followed.

Not being embarrassed he then began talking to his guest. He offered a drink from his canteen to the unknown stalker and left his canteen on the middle of the trail.
He radioed the other group and asked them to retrieve his canteen when they returned. A while later they radioed him and asked him if he had left a turtle shell on top of the canteen!
He joined them to see for himself and discovered the canteen had a turtle shell on top of the emptied canteen!
He believes that the forest visitor left him a gift.
Seriously, this is just a PORTION of what occurred. A must read story to understand the strange state of Georgia and what happens when one beckons the Unknown.

And, you might have thoughts about other types of stuffing when viewing these two hotties who are TBS's daily sexy picture Ball Headstone Classic - future pole dancers? - And, why not a weekend Double D's Shot. ---- Want more pics? Go into the archive for many more. Barf Stew is like a treasure waiting to be found.
Politics, check. Sexy, check. ParaNormal, check. The Barf Stew Mix.
Double shot of ParaNormal? -- The Art Shaman on Squidoo Trippy Girl With Some Cool Ideas - even sympathetic magic.
According to this website I'm the 75,857,923,338th person to have lived since the beginning of history and the day I was born I was the 2,614,154,543rd person on Earth. Find your

 Birthtime Order Number Here.
More people realize daily that the MSM is worthless and only is in the pocket of the politicians they serve and collect ad money from as part of their business plan.
TBS does politics.
You can't tell me that you'd wait THIS LONG for the SLEAZE? Well, let that patience be rewarded immediately:
Sunday Moyo, Zimbabwe Man, Caught Having Sex With Donkey, Claims Animal Was A Prostitute - A True `Sunday' Story - other gems in this story include the fact that 20 states have no laws against animal ...... intimacy.
Oh, and
 this is the 2000's.
Today's B.S., hardly another website like it - bookmark and return for more entertainment. Please support independent blogs when you search the internet.
here's your hot read for the coming cold winter months.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Trending - Home Invasions, Rural Ohio, Bondage and Hair Removal For Victims

Fake story? Think again. An unbelievable special consensus of religious thought gone amok and certainly Today's B.S. lead story. Violent Amish Sect.
The Politics of Love: The New Testament and Non-Violent Revolution
The Ultimate Pothead Halloween Costume - Unacceptable Drug Humor.

 More Costumes.
Oh, BTW:

Waiting for some Sexy Pictures for the weekend pleasure zone? Here you go - `Spread' Pole Dancer? --- wow, huh? And, this one is sure to please too - New HS Dress Code? - yeah, a bit different than you remember.
And, here's Today's B.S. sleazy story - 18 Year Old Female Uses Doggy Door For Robbery - Blames Addiction To Porno - lurid details just a click away.
DEEP ParaNormal of interest - a feature of Today's B.S. - Charles Tart - And Away YouGo - you may want to bookmark this webpage.
And, finally, over 100 DEEP posts about Aspects of the Event Horizon - and more. lol.
The Sidebar Beckons.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Could Voting Be Increased With ONE LETTER?

Here's a little Barf Stew `study' that suggests that the addition of the letter `r' - added to ONE word - could change the way people think about voting - - all that said, the TOTAL sample size on THREE combined studies is under 400. Just sayin.
The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies (New Edition)
How Voters Decide: Information Processing in Election Campaigns (Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology)
Just How Stupid Are We?: Facing the Truth About the American Voter
BS political Humor -
BS political Humor 2 -
Barf Stew Does Politics
And, if you look in the sidebar, you can see that BS does the ParaNormal - here offering up the event horizon of Bruce Duensing - - Very Stewed.
Meanwhile..... 'Weed Man' Sues For The Right To Beg For Pot - - Smokable.
Damiana Leaf 1 LbSmokable Birth Control1 Lb Four Winds Herbal Smoking Blend
Smoke Plants of North America: A Journey of Discovery Illustrated EditionLegally Stoned: 14 Mind-Altering Substances You Can Obtain and Use Without Breaking the LawHow to Make Herbal Smoke Incense : A guide to making affordable JWH Herbal Smoke Incense
Ready for some Time Travel? This one is called Iced Tea 1926 and if you click for the large image - sexy and suggestive.

Lots of Perkies Here (with comments)
Which brings forth the BS daily sexy picture - hubba hubba. If you want more pics like this see the sidebar.
Barf Stew Entertains
Is this part of the collapse of the Muni's we've been warned about? Not much in the MSM on this - Ala. County Readies for Possible Record Bankruptcy -
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
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