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Sunday, January 3, 2010

What Would Jesus See?

As I said on my Squidoo page today, yesterday I went blog hopping on Blog Catalog and found numerous things to bring to The AnomalyMan Listing and Barf Stew. So, with that said, today's lead link on Barf Stew is simple - set up a website that collects ALL of the purported links of `images' of Jesus. Such as this image link -

You won't believe how many this guy has collected - and - actually - some are quite startling as an image. Here's his website - Stewable.

Russian DNA Discoveries - Mind Blowing - First, this is mind blowing indeed -- even if some of this article seems to get a bit Barfy when talking of group consciousness being retrieved using these methods. Good edgy science article from a few weeks ago. Four minute read.

Most of the strange links I find for folks comes from checking my stats on my weird content webpages -- as a result - here you go for who links to my AnomalyMan Page

The Ghost Held Me Down - Real cool first person account of perhaps contact with the beyond. Barf Stew at its best. Two minute read.

“God Helmet” Inventor, Dr. Michael Persinger Discovers Telepathy Link in Lab Experiments - WOW - Incredible Article. Let me quote from the article --- "What we have found is that if you place two different people at a distance and put a circular magnetic field around both, and you make sure they are connected to the same computer so they get the same stimulation, then if you flash a light in one person’s eye the person in the other room receiving just the magnetic field will show changes in their brain as if they saw the flash of light. We think that’s tremendous because it may be the first macro demonstration of a quantum connection, or so-called quantum entanglement..."

The Interaction of Universal Species - As super Stewable as the links are above - this could be the link of the day, week, month. It's a long read of high strangeness to the maximum. I LOVE this quote from the article for one reason which I will share with you after the link - - "My earliest recorded memory “through hypnotism” was prior to birth, and when I described the memory to my parents, it was verified, the living room I described as well as the contents within, and the visiting family, it was all real, and it took place when my mother and father first met, before I was conceived. Strange? But definitely true." Now, here is why that is heavy -- IF we are indeed `alive' in some sense in our mothers egg - before birth -- and IF - determinism is possible in the NON-NOW - then, this indeed could be the earliest possible moment to access as a particular identity. Barf Stew Classic.

Okay, somehow your mind is STILL in the mode for more - well don't let me disappoint you -- how about a guy that films ORBS - swarms of orbs unlike the typical white orbs -- hmmmm....

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