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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Doppelgangers, Elvis and Jesus Sightings, And Project Blue Beam

First if you are coming from my doppelganger post on The Heavy Stuff - thanks. Regardless if you are or not - thanks for visiting with Barf Stew today - when you finish this post, look around, I have lots of cool content on this blog already.

Ok, so, a few weeks ago I'm thinking a bit about doppelgangers and suddenly the thought comes into my mind again about how people `see' Jesus with some regularity and immediately the tales of Elvis Presley being `seen' years after his death also popped into my mind. And that was all it took for a trip into the internet.

Almost immediately, I came across this `Elvis Sightings, Leads & Research' - and, the wikipedia take on his `faked death' - `Is Elvis alive?' - and finally, `Confirmed Elvis Sightings' - Unfortunately, when reading account after account of this -- I found none that really represented the more `esoteric' definitions of a doppelganger.

In other words, in none of these instances was Elvis `ghostly' or a phenomena that was living in the flesh for a few moments - followed by a sudden `vanishing'. Indeed, all of these reports seemed to revolve around the idea that Elvis `never died'. And, when you read the wikipedia page - and understand just `how important' he was to some - perhaps these `hopes and sightings' are not to be unexpected.

So, I turned to look for examples of Jesus sightings next. And, I was NOT disappointed. Indeed, this is an amazing link find if you are a believer - `Photographs of Jesus Face' - Literally, photo after photo of Jesus allegedly taken in Church's - by nuns - etc --- all with a source of the picture and the story behind it. And, without question, these photos seem to fit into the `expanded' definition of a doppelganger that I made in the previous post - that of a `living flesh image' of a `dead person'. (I also assume that these `images'/entities - vanished in some manner too.)

Now, as amazing as the above link and images are (nearly each image is virtually identical - yet another `confirming' factor?) - how about this link from 2006 about a French `sighting(s)' - - get ready for a HEAVY read to say the least. I'll have other, less serious links at the bottom of this post.

It was at this point that my mind twisted once more - taking a Jesus Doppelganger and comparing that to the supposed ideas of Project Blue Beam. Now, here's a link to that madness if it is new to you and a quote summarizing the expectations of the `next coming' event:
and to quote the posting:

"International world media will be used to introduce this spiritual imposter and monster to the nations, who is a spiritual counterfeit posing as Christ, using NASA HAARP blue beam technology to stage a completely false and fabricated phony "second coming" by projecting moving speaking holograms into the lower atmosphere, while simultaneously attempting to beam messages from Maitreya directly into the brains of innocent unsuspecting masses, using HAARP mind control technology. "

Yes, the holographic projection of Christ's image from space and the HAARP technology to speak inside our heads - is what these folks believe will proceed the NWO (new world order). I've read similar stuff that claimed the NWO forces would simply use a `false alien landing' to accomplish the same control outcome for the powers that be over the sheeple they lead. (Other versions of this have other religions represented too - such a Buddha in the sky in those believing areas - for example. Or that these religious symbols would be HUGE in the sky and totally overwhelming.)

Now, since such technology seemingly already exists to produce events of a similar nature - the real question is WHAT IF? What if Jesus DID return?

Now, let's imagine a world economic collapse or overwhelming natural event that did or was going to affect the entire world. Indeed, could a world full of fear, doubt, and dependency actually `trigger' a REAL doppelganger of Jesus? After all, it is certainly within the realm of possibility that the above `pictures' of Jesus ARE REAL. And, indeed, are Jesus's REAL doppelganger. (Except in this case `showing to one or a few folks' - as opposed to the world.)

Would Jesus's doppelganger, if real, choose to `display' in a manner already speculated by the (anti) conspiracy forces as the prelude to a world takeover by the world power elites? ----- Since obviously, the son of God would already know that?

Or, could a Jesus doppelganger `return' - in/on a more personal level. Perhaps even to each person individually, - even simultaneously. And, if so, would you be ready to believe in a real doppelganger -- or -- in the science possibility of you being manipulated by a Hologram and HAARP?

And, is this all Stew worthy -- or -- just a ladle full of hot Barf Stew?

Thanks for reading today - lots more if you go to my front page and page downward - -- and take a look at my new Barf Stew T-shirt being offered to BS fans at the top of the sidebar.

Other links:,4729,10-strangest-Jesus-sightings-of-2009,Daniel-Finkelstein---TimesOnline,page2#439935 -- This one has something similar to what happened to me as I described in THS.
The companion post to this one

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Speaking of Holograms - CNN Hologram TV First

1 comment:

  1. The "photos" of Jesus's face are a load of crap. Half those photos are CLEARLY the same photo. Look at the one where he is stairing at the camera. They have all the same crease near his forehead. Why don't any of them have any sort of of background? Because it's a load.


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