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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stephen Hawking: "The Human Species Has Entered a New Stage of Evolution"

I ran across this yesterday - it was the Daily Galaxy's number one story of 2009 - since I had missed it, perhaps you did too. Great science speculation reading by Hawking for sure. Stewable.

Planet-hunting telescope unearths hot mysteries - Cool link about all the different types of planets and planetary bodies being found in just 1/400th of the nighttime sky. How about this - a `planet' at 26,000 degrees - or a `planet' with the density of ... well, read the link for that -;_ylt=AuMSSFL9YDoqNslsBB23uGEPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJscWxpaGdoBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMTA1L3VzX3NjaV9zcGFjZV9teXN0ZXJ5BGNwb3MDMQRwb3MDMgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNwbGFuZXQtaHVudGk-

Man Says Judge Arrested Him 'On a Hunch' - Careful, Barf all over this one.

New scanners break child porn laws - Barfable.

Doomsday argument - So, have you got about 10 minutes to challenge your mind? If so, you will encounter words like this:

"There is a 95% chance of extinction within 9120 years. The DA gives a 5% chance that some humans will still be alive in about the year 11125" Barf-Stew.

Underground Hill House -- Some folks want to build their house on top of a hill - others use the hill in a different way -- super pictures - Stew it.

The "move your money" movement gets noticed - The ONE thing your bank doesn't want you to do.

Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back! Super easy - just enter the ISBN # and it instantly tells you what they will pay for your book.

The Maine Tree Creature...What Is It? -- - Oh, you HAVE to see this one - includes a YouTube video --- is it a bear 80 feet up that tree, a bigfoot, or a porcupine? Or, is this guy a hoaxer in some regard as I will show in the follow-up link - and read these comments too

Ok, now for your WAY over the top UFO video: The Barf Stew Needs Stirring.

Go to my front page for much more as you page down

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