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Monday, January 4, 2010

Will Big Media Usage Of `Twenty-Ten' Diminish `Two Thousand Twelve' Fever?

Immediately after Christmas I noticed it. Suddenly, many of the talking heads in the national media began calling 2010 - two thousand ten --------- twenty ten. Indeed, despite having heard the same year mentioned nearly countless times as two thousand ten by the SAME talking heads on TV -- here they were using a completely different usage than they did the previous days, weeks, months, and even years. And, being always suspicious of the main stream media (MSM), I wondered what was up.

Now, while it is true that 20-10 uses one less syllable than 2,010 - it wouldn't if it was pronounce twenty hundred ten. Indeed, could THAT be IT?

Could it be that the media has changed it for speed? OR, could it be - for conspiracy oriented folks - be a way to diminish the potential influence of `two thousand twelve' mentality taking hold in the nation or world --- especially, if the powers that be are unable to re-gain a real world economy after taking it to the edge of financial breakdown less than 18 months ago?

Indeed, if the economy doesn't improve in a direct line - if there is a double dip or worse -- dissatisfaction with the world power structure is not likely to improve from its low status today with the common folk. So, IF 2,012 represented to the power structure - a worrisome element about how things could be in the future - and one that the power structure of governments didn't want to support the perception of -- then, why NOT make the talking heads begin to use 20-10 INSTEAD of using the same words they had been using for nearly a decade 2,010.

The question now is will the sheeple-peons who listen to the MSM also adapt their language speaking patterns appropriately. Will you be a 20-10'er or a 2,010'er?

Or, could it be that 20-10 really IS better and that we as a society just hadn't thought this minor linguistic issue before we needed to? Or, is ALL this - this post - nothing more than a good idea for a post - and be nothing more than thick Barf Stew?

Go to my front page and page down for my last 7 posts - lots to explore. -- thanks for visiting today.

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