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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Triangle UFO Photographed In Broad Daylight Over Greenville, SC

Here's the number one Barf Stew link I could dig up for you today - picture from supposedly 3/16/10 at 8:03PM - story has more details and one more picture - make sure to see the large version of this picture - .

BTW, I am nearing competition of part two UFO Hall Of Shame list - stay tuned.

Next up Barf Stew way (BS) is a link I had on my blog The Heavy Stuff today in my post there - the link is to the blog of Lujan Matus and involves his ideas for how to create a separate perception structure via awareness techniques - in this case, specifically, Dreaming. -- Some big ideas here I may blog about soon on BS.

This is the title of that post I did on The Heavy Stuff - `The Embers Of Castaneda’s `Don Juan Legacy’ - Tensegrity, Lujan Matus, And Mystery' -- It provides some of the ideas, and such, that Carlos Castaneda is still influencing some people with until this day. - Lots to Stew about.

Here's a rarity - someone giving up going into the woods to get proof of a bigfoot - as a `researcher'. Realizing, evidently, that the technique has never worked to provide `proof' - yet - fully believing `experiencers' (witnesses) of the bigfoot `form'. - BS. Pork Brains anyone? Barf Stewwwww. You have to see this ingredients label for one thing in particular.

Is this the kind of girl you take home to mama? -- BS sexy pic.

NOT DOING is: - Using "our momentary chance" to choose action different from our normal response. Not Doing, a technique of Carlos Castaneda for awareness - BS.

And, today's YouTube video with Barf Stew approval. Heavy Man. Heavy.

Make sure to see my page on Squidoo --- - too. Oh, and make sure to interact with my sidebar over there -------------> Thanks.

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