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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Deformed babies in Fallujah/Iraq LETTER TO THE UNITED NATIONS

I hope that by now Barf Stew return readers would realize that BS is all about edgy stuff - UFO chatter, High Strangeness, Rants, and Hard Politics often will grab the headline (such as this hard politics link). And today's post - as always - deserves the Barf Stew tag as it shows front and center the `unintended' and totally Barfy results of war. Plenty of Barf to Stew about.

Here's the hard science link for today - How the Brain Encodes Memories at a Cellular Level - Totally Stewable.

Finally today - The Story Of Bottled Water (2010) - Be careful here folks - this Stew may just change the way you think about ever using a bottled water product again. Or worse.

Today's Book Feature Much more entertainment by going to the front page and paging down - --- lots more to explore. Bookmark today and return tomorrow for more fun too.

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