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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chemtrails - Stopping Global Warming In Its Tracks

Perhaps the Barfiest example of a `world authority' has been the spraying - for over a decade - of `Chemtrails' all over the sky - all over the world. Longtime readers of my views know that on June 4th 2008, in reaction to a story about the relation of carbon dioxide and temperatures, I predicted that the Contrails were being used for world climate control Have ChemTrails Stopped Global Warming? -

For me, one of the strangest phenomena of all concerning ConTrails has been the denial by the MSM - especially the weathermen on TV. What kind of profession would allow the increase of this phenomena in the sky without making reference to it? Indeed, to me, it's the lack of their involvement that has allowed this to phenomena to be ignored by the masses. An ignorance almost hard to believe for those who have been aware of the changes to the skyview over our heads since 1995 or so.

And, now, it seems that the world may bring the subject above board.  Chemtrails easily rise to Today's Barf Stew Tag. Please share this video if you think more than 500 should see it (number of views when posted) - can interest in Chemtrails REALLY be this low?

Are Chemtrails the proof of a New World Authority?
Chemtrails: The DVD
Chemtrails Confirmed
Cloud Seeding: Weather control, Cloud, Cloud condensation nuclei, Ice nucleus, Bioprecipitation, Precipitation (meteorology), Earth's atmosphere, Terpene, Chemtrail conspiracy theory, Project Cumulus

You did see the Gorilla on April 22nd's post, right?
I post links daily at too. Check that out.


  1. Only your equally twisted mind could have come up with a title like Barf Stew forcing us to say we love barf stew.

  2. Bruce,

    LOL. Thanks - I appreciate it. BUT, what is absolutely amazing - beyond belief really - is that TODAY - just before I went to the dashboard for my blogs and saw that I had a comment (yours) I was going to do a WHOLE post about YOU. So, stay tuned till later in the day.

    Finally, in direct response to your comment - frankly, I was a little worried that it may prevent some from hitting links to my site. Luckily for me, that hasn't really been the case (I think). Indeed, I look forward to doing my Barf Stew post MOST nowadays and plan to continue to make it a place for stimulating entertainment for the mind and eyes.



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