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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First Romanek, Now, New Alien Peeping Tom `Evidence'

This is a photo from this link where it seems the blogger of `Phantom Universe' just happened to inadvertently catch an alien peaking in his bedroom window. And, Peeping Tom Aliens certainly have the ability to rise to Today's Barf Stew Tag.
Messages: The World's Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story - Romanek's Story Link.

Here's a real Barf Stew Study with 20 folks that produced the headline "Brain shuts off in response to healer's prayer" - Tasty Stew here.

More Chemtrail news - could one of the real reasons be to prevent an EMP bomb effects? Barfy Stew read for sure.

 - Find out just how scary a phenomena an EMP attack would be.

51 years ago a very strange event occurred to some skiers - Dyatlov Pass incident - just how could one of them lose their tongue? Stewy High Strangeness.

Sexy teen in swimsuit - because B.S. Entertains.

Meanwhile, in very stewy science news - Mammoth blood protein 'resurrected' by scientists --

And, when LON says something is as weird as he's read - you are saying something -- here's a first person account of high strangeness - make sure to read the comments too - Careful, spicy Stew.

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