WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

American Super Rich Face Revolution - BS's 450th Post

Think I dug this information up on some conspiracy site? Only if you consider the WSJ such. Is this guy talking about a REAL revolution? -- Here's a tease:
Here’s how one savvy insider who knows described this Super-Rich Delusion: “The top 1% live privileged lives, aren’t worried about much. Families vacation at the best resorts. Their big concerns are finding the best Pilates teacher, best masseuse, best surgeons, best private schools. They aren’t concerned with the underlying deterioration of America or the world, except in the abstract, because they aren’t directly affected by it. That’s not to say they aren’t sympathetic, aware, or don’t talk about the issues you bring up. They are largely concerned with protecting and enhancing their socio-economic positions, ensuring their families live well. And nothing you write about will change things.”

Warning, in 2011 that attitude is delusional, deadly, yet pervasive in America.
Super Rich replaying “Great Gatsby” age, won’t learn till it’s too late
Our top 1% honestly believe they’re immune, protected from the unintended consequences of beating down average Americans for three decades with the free-market, trickle-down Reaganomics doctrines that made them Super Rich.
They honestly believe those same doctrines will protect them in the next depression. Why? Because they have megabucks stashed away. Provisions for the long haul. Live in gated compounds with mercenaries guarding them.
5. Warning: Super Rich must be detoxed of their greed addiction

In “Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (And Stick You With the Bill),” David Cay Johnston, warns that the rich are like addicts, and to “the addicted, money is like cocaine, too much is never enough.” A few years ago an elite 300,000 Americans in “the top tenth of 1% of income had nearly as much income as all 150 million Americans who make up the economic lower half of our population.” The Super Rich Delusion is an addiction that requires a painful detox.
Barf or Revolutionary Stew?
Digging Deeper:
Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse
Prepare for the Coming Financial Collapse [VHS]
Now, are you ready to get REAL scared? This link holds some info that the MSM simply will not `report' in a fashion that `puts the data together' -- why in the world does one need to FIND this information - The Rule of Gold After The Financial Collapse -
Paranormal DVD -
An `artificial leaf' the size of a playing card can produce enough energy for a house - cutting edge for sure - Barf or Stew?
5 foot Artificial Grape Leaf and Grapes Garland
From a bit back (unused bin material) -- a discussion about finds while searching the remote forests for the Orang Pendek -
35 posts on Sufism - Barf Stew Bringssssss It.
Essential Sufism
The Garden of Truth: The Vision and Promise of Sufism, Islam's Mystical Tradition

Universal Mysteries
You say you want today's FRESH news? News that your hometown paper somehow missed? - Look no further -
Come here for the Daily BS Gallery? 1) Public Uniform, 2) Mirror Shot, 3) Catlike, 4) Nasty Mom, Today's Topper, Barf Stew Entertains - Tell A Friend - send this link - - Thanks.
Sexy Bites Costume Fangs
Sexy Bites Costume Fangs
Thanks for your visit today. Barf Stew will be brewing up some new posts soon - check back soon - please explore all the previous pages for great content and entertain yourself - then, return to the sidebar for the Chip-In Tab. Thanks.
(No Update Tomorrow)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Student Punished for Outing School Secretary as Porn Star

Of course he has been punished, right? -- Barf or Stew a BS Classic - The Tease: The clerical worker -- who acted under the name Samantha Ardente -- refused to give the student an autograph and reportedly urged him to keep quiet about her roles in films like "Serial Abusers 2," -
How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale
How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale
Meanwhile .... - the sales of luxury doomsday bunkers is WAY up -- more fearful links at this too. Barf Stew.
Speaking of schooldays - Remember, he DIDN'T inhale - -- which makes one wonder what other garbage democraps and republinuts believed. BARFABLE. (you will send this image to a friend)
BS Animal Humor - Caption - I SAID STOP IT -
BS Gallery Time - 1) Ready, Set, - 2) But Officer, 3) Small, Large, - 4) Sandy Blonde, Humpday Specials - HD2 - HD3 - HD Topper, Barf Stew Entertains.
Today's headlines on Reddit include a GREAT 8th grade prank, and a Jon Stewart video - - make sure to read the comments too.
Thanks for being a Barfster Today. Please visit the sidebar too.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The New Remember Building 7 Television Ad

Some may think some truth movement is building - others would say it is all BS - Barf Stew - Up To You:

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False
Are You Talking Barf?

I feature the above video today at my Morning Reddit Headlines (as a link there) blogspot. That said, you might want to read the headlines your hometown newspaper missed this morning -
Meanwhile....... seems someone (THEY, perhaps?) is implanting folks with CHIPS who are on the verge of challenging the current power structure - literally. - Read this and be fearful, very fearful - Bob Boyce's un-requested VeriChip and associated tumor removed -
The Day of the Beast
Amish and lovin it - - BS Humor.
Part of the chain of Amusement Parks called `White City' - here in 1910 in Louisville, Kentucky: --- Time Travel On Barf Stew:
(click above picture to GREATLY enlarge)

Lake Quinsigamond and White City Amusement Park (MA) (Images of America)
Lake Quinsigamond and White City Amusement Park (MA) (Images of America)

Amusement Parks: Amusement Park, Luna Park, White City, Hanna-barbera Theme Parks, Closed Rides and Attractions, Trolley Park
Here's a FULL serving of SHORPY pictures that I've gathered up for my readers over at Squidoo -
D.B. Donlan exposes some BS `Egypt alien?' - Stew - - good investigative thinking. He also is `selling' his old Bigfoot blog material for a `donation' -- well worth it. Consider supporting free blogs before they vanish.
Waiting for the ladies of BS? - Wait no longer - 1) Short Skirt Reveal - 2) OMG, 3) Bead Earners, 4) Now What?, Today's Topper, Barf Stew Entertains. Gallery Fans, please consider a Chip-In (sidebar) to continue the Gallery on BS. Thanks.
Some of you know that I also do a blog called Strange UFO Videos - well, yesterday, I had a REAL strange UFO video on the site - -- Barf Stew for sure.
Oh, finally, thanks - more and more of you are indeed checking out the sidebar content - such as and the Amazon Deal Of The Day - make sure you do too.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Venezuela's Chavez: Capitalism Ended Life on Mars

Seldom does BS get to include such outlandish statements and outlandish politicians in the same post -- well come to think of it, perhaps not. Nevertheless, this is classic Barf Stew -
Life on Mars: The Complete Series - the complete series, under 20.00
Speaking of politicians and over-reaching government - check out this BS from the Delware DOT:

Miss that YouTube and Sexy Sunday? --- Remember the chip-in tab in the sidebar ---- The BS Gallery 1) BS gave you this video previously, here's the screen caps - 2) Yowser, 3) Wowser, 4) Now What? High School Today Topper, --- Chip In to bring back Sexy Sunday and to continue the BS Gallery - Barf Stew Entertains.
BS Humor - and
Meanwhile..... Desperate Woman’s Medical Marijuana Lost in Transit - Gotta read the two comments too - BS.
----------------------------- Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible
Speaking of Marijuana - Stewable.
BS Does Politics:
BS Does News: --- all kinds of topics, politics, humor, and great comments too.
Here for the UFO Stuff? - CGI or real? - and Barf and Stew?
More cool Esoteric UFO stuff - new blog -
Super Cool Product:
The Why Cry Baby Crying Analyzer
The Why Cry Baby Crying Analyzer
WhyCry Baby Crying Analyzer

Thanks for your BS visit. Sidebar Awaits.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Donlan - On - That Kentucky Thing (Bigfoot)

Hello Barfsters - got a good one for you today. Earlier in the month it was announced that some big news was going to be emerging from Kentucky concerning some videos of Bigfoot. So, today, I provide a number of links to someone, Mr. Donlan, who has a blog in my blogroll - who is not only familiar with the potential of the case; he knows specifics about it. So, without further ado here's some great reads - (includes artist renderings) - and ---- So, sit back this weekend and flush out, so to speak, your ideas about Sasquatch.
Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science

BS Humor - I Think This Sign Placement Guarantees Success -
Sidebar has Amazon Deal Of The Day, Check It Out.
BS Gallery - Barf Stew Entertains - 1) Yes Indeed, 2) Pretty, 3) Feet, Peace, 4) Butt2Butt, 5) Public Ballgag, 6) Woodsy, Slightly Perverted - Today's Topper,
Sexy Stuff Below:
Hot Stuff! Sexy Bandeau Seamless Mini Dress with String Detail.
"High Maintenance" Girl Stuff Sexy Lips, Shoe, Perfume, Hearts & Cosmetic Tube Charm Bracelet
Hot Stuff Sexy Firefighter Costume Adult - Large
Betty Boop Pillow Sham
Betty Boop Pillow Sham - Under 9.00

More BS Humor:

Kung Zhu Ninja Warrior Battle Armor Set of 4
I've got another new BLOGFIND for you - -- call it esoteric UFO writing - worth your click to expand your mindset. Arvin Hill blogger.
Today's Headlines? Sure -
IF you have hardback books lying around that you will NEVER read again - why sell them at a yardsale for a buck when you can --
Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back! this is the easy to use service already tried by many of my Barfster readers. GREAT Service.

Friday, March 25, 2011

John Zerzan - Anti Civilization Theorist

Muz is a regular commenter on UDCC, and I recently looked into his `favorites' -- in his blog - which I brought to BS readers in the last week, and is in the BS sidebar; - on his website he indicates being excited by getting an e-mail from a John Zerzan; and, since I had never heard of the guy, I googled him. Barfsters will be happy I did - VERY Stewable material to think about and mull over your taste buds and nerve endings. - -- A tease:
According to him, the dystopia of the Wachowski Brothers' Matrix trilogy is already here: the technological-industrial 'machine' is already running the world, a world where individual humans are but insignificant little cogs with barely any autonomy. No single human being - neither the most powerful politician, nor the most powerful businessman - has the power to rein in the system. They necessarily have to follow the inexorable logic of what has been unleashed. He believes that the climate change summit in Copenhagen is a joke, and environmentalists are too superficial in their critiques to make a difference. In an exclusive interview, the California-based* Zerzan, who was in Mumbai recently for a lecture tour, talks about why going back to the primitivism of the Stone Age is the only meaningful 'green' alternative.
The link has an interview with him and below are his books.

Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilization
Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilization
Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections
 Male Cheerleaders Getting the Crowds Going During Baseball Game Photographic Poster Print by Larry Burrows, 24x18 - Amazon link to (Male Cheerleaders)
Speaking of working up a crowd - The BS Gallery (to keep the BS gallery coming your way - please consider a buck or two via the `chip in' button on the sidebar or purchase your Barfster T-Shirt Today) - 1) Yowser, 2) Braces and Swimsuits (B&S's), 3) Tanned, 4) More B&S's, 5) Maximum Tan, 6) Speaking of Cheerleaders, Today's Topper, BS Entertains.
Are you here for the UFO stuff? -- On my UFO blog yesterday I had a very cool TV report from Russia about an UFO over a symbolic building in St. Petersburg - - Stewable.
Cool pic. This pic is titled - Where's your gods now? - - Quite Stewable.
Along the lines of what John Zerzan has been saying - I present this John Stewart clip: (bonus - did you know that the Libya bombing raid was named after a YES album?)

Twilight of the Machines
Twilight of the Machines
BS Humor, - they laughed at him, a male cheerleader -
Yes, Blogger-Blogspot - has once again scrambled the content of BS for your mind.
Barfsters - The above BS was one set of `headlines' - here's the set I found this morning on Reddit -- you do Reddit, right? -

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Strangeness Happened On March 9th In Florida?

Hard Times in the Lands of Plenty: Oil Politics in Iran and IndonesiaOne of the strangest `trotted out' explanations I have ever heard from `authorities' too. Please listen to this video and imaging this going on for 20 MINUTES (you hear 8 minutes). Barf Stew of the first level:

Now, I found this above video at this link - - which also provides links to HAARP sounds. And, tons of detailed HAARP stuff. You decide.
Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy (The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series)
Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
Speaking of hoaxes and such - did you know that Budweiser Assimilates Food? 1922 Time Travel On Barf Stew!
(yes, and stimulates the appetite)
(click above picture to enlarge)
Meanwhile, ..... how's this for an alternative take on things - Conspiracy of Science - Is Plate Tectonics A Myth? - - chunky stew.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hideaki Akaiwa - The ULTIMATE Japan Rescue Story

You will be shaking your head for days. You will send this link to everyone that you know who LOVES great stories. You will NOT believe what you are reading. Barf Stew presents - the ULTIMATE badass! --
Badass: The Birth of a Legend: Spine-Crushing Tales of the Most Merciless Gods, Monsters, Heroes, Villains, and Mythical Creatures Ever Envisioned
Has FREE energy been found? Has the perpetual motion machine finally arrived? (Funny that this is Motionless) -
Or, is it all Barf Stew. ------- Great read.
The Perpetual Motion Machine
The Perpetual Motion Machine 
Newton's cradle
Meanwhile..... Sammy Hagar Reveals He Was Abducted by Aliens - - Barf or Stew, Up To You.
Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock (his new book)
Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock - the cover.
Thanks for being a Barfster --- Please Chip In via the sidebar to continue your BS entertainment --- paying a buck or two every six months for specialized entertainment isn't much - consider it. (or buying a T-Shirt) ------------ More and more of your favorite blogs are going to go private (or stop) at some point unless folks step up to the plate.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Daily Psychedelic Video

You have to love the internet - each carving out a unique niche - like Psychedelic Videos ------ STEWABLE - - you may want to save this until you are in the `right' state of mind perhaps.......

VideoHound's Groovy Movies: Far-Out Films of the Psychedelic Era (44 cents, I kid you not.)
Rockin' at the Red Dog: The Dawn of Psychedelic Rock
More BS Entertainment - The BS Sexy Gallery - 1) Sisters?, 2) Young Trio, 3) Downblouse Topper, --- Like this? See the sidebar for Sexy Sunday posts.
PLEASE TEASE ME (Erotic Romance for Lovers)
The Anomalist led with this story yesterday - another GEM by Beachcomber (in my sidebar) Mermaids- a story from the 1670's that is very captivating and Stewable.
The Secret History of Mermaids

Shorpy A Century Ago - Real Barf Stew Time Travel!

(click to enlarge) (images like this daily)
Last Words: A Memoir
And, I really cranked up the UFO stuff yesterday at UDCC too - Stewable.
Finally, The Headlines Of Today That Your Local Paper Didn't Bring To You -
Barfsters - The Sidebar Has New Stuff