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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Talk About Barf Stew - As Expected - Major Banks (BANKERS) To Go Scott Free For Robosigning Fraud (other than fines)

So, let's see how this all works by following the money. The taxpayers bailout the banks who committed fraud againist the taxpayers (homeowners). The government bails out the banks with taxpayer money so that they can `give back' some of that money for committing fraud against everyone. No bankers go to jail. No government folks go to jail.

Wouldn't the solution if there was a non Barf Stew system in place - would have been giving all those folks the homes back and made the banks EAT it - afterall, they committed the fraud? And, then, send everyone who even KNEW of the fraud to jail? --- Slurp the disgusting muck called justice here
Like yesterday - today will be a LINKBURST to clear out some of the bin's backlog before the fall madness hits full force. And, the link burst seemed to be liked as folks must have sent links to others too. Many extra pageviews due to the great content. Just like today will be - so, put your feet up and enjoy.
As disgusting as leaving the bankers off of robofraud with nothing more than them giving the government money back to the government - how about this perverted video that even BS is hesitant to `run'. A video that fits the term BS better than you could ever imagine. I wouldn't play this one if you are at work despite no nudity. Barfable.
Preaching to the PervertedCool Whip
Content this good daily - have you bookmarked BS yet? --- and, there is almost 600 posts in the archive nearly as good. Slurp it up.
Okay, so you'd like to slurp up today's BS sexy Picture? Busty Teen BS Entertains.
Politics, check. Sexy Picture, check. Must be time for some `paraNormal'. Such as the words and website of Lujan Matus. Here one of his students relates bringing Orbs into his own presence before seeing them - And, Note Lujan's Answer Too - Stewable and touches on Phenomenology too.
Lujan's Books Are BS's Biggest Seller in 2011
Awakening the Third Eye: Discovering the True Essence of RecapitulationThe Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan MatusUnveiling the Bible: A Warrior's Revelation
As you may know, LM gets some of his knowledge from dreams with Don Juan of Carlos Castaneda Books
The Art of Navigation: Travels with Carlos Castaneda and Beyond
The Art of Navigation: Travels with Carlos Castaneda and BeyondThe Path: A Practical Approach to SorceryQuantum Shaman: Diary of a Nagual Woman

And, frankly, this is a particularly good UFO video - it moves very fast for an Orb - could this indeed have been some sort of crafts or advanced Orbs?

link- (9k views) (only ufo upload)
For your official BS source of UFO info that can only be UDCC UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - and the latest from UDCC is right here UFO `Caller' Has Over The Top Experience - 100's of UFOs or 100's of Balloons - Barfsters Decide.
Speaking of Earth changing events - how'd you like to have this website name to play with - go ahead, it doesn't disappoint. Stewable.
Emergency Survival Food Supply 275 Meal Pack
Emergency Survival Food Supply 275 Meal Pack Under 100.00
Would you survive? Oh, here's more from the above site - Dare you read BS about Global Warming?
And, speaking of going batty - how about this headline - Drunk Swedish elk found in apple tree near Gothenburg - read the story and SEE the amazing picture Here. Stewable.
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