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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Is October 21st The New Judgement Day?

And, didn't Harold Camping say that about 5 months ago? Oh.... it was EXACTLY five months ago. Find out why that matters to the tiny minds following HC by clicking the website God Discussion -- who's motto is - For The Rest Of Us Who Don't Go To Church - and is Today's B.S. lead story. Great BS POV article too.
 - A rebuttal.
Today's B.S. will continue to feature ParaNormal blogfinds such as this look into Crypto Entities - check it out.
Continuing the focus on the anomalous today - Here's an interesting YT `orb' video shot by a paranormal investigator. This guy is into thinking that Orbs means `spiritual' Orbs that are small, within rooms, and appear to video cameras and normal cameras ----- especially if asked to appear. And, while the video could be --- note the words, could be - pure crappola; it's also possible that he is demonstrating just how close the special consensus reality is to `actualizing' at any given moment. 342K views.

Of course, for the very heaviest stuff on the internet, its gotta be Bruce Duensing - Material Intangible - put your mind at the door upon entry.
Finally - these books are - to me - the heaviest books I've ever read - Phenomenology And More - Great Site Too.
IF you were wondering what strange search term got SEVEN folks to Today's B.S. yesterday - wonder no more - `sexy bigfoot'
 - makes me want to find some beef jerky.
 27x40 Movie Poster (Under 20bucks)
Politics and Sleaze Tomorrow - So, Bookmark and Return.

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