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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Plea Deal In Door To Door `Free Breast Examines' Fake Doctor Case

Being 76 and successful with his first `victim' (also copped a stinky finger with an ungloved hand) - he continued with his black doctor bag to another apartment, and was promptly let in by a 33 year old who evidently thought free door to door breast examines was a great idea - Find Out Where Women Are Seeking Such Services Here - and is Today's B.S. lead story.
The Feminine Matrix of Sex and Gender in Classical Athens

And, since sleazy is the rule of the day - one has to wonder if the Doctor above viewed this `handy' video:

Or, if he simply read his info here - Female Fingering Methods.
Which leads to Today's B.S. SEXY Picture - Near Perfect - wow, huh?
And to Today's B.S. - Political Humor - Herman Cain VS Ron Paul On The Housing Bubble - slight difference TBS would say.
Ever wonder what happens to a human who suddenly found themselves in the vacuum of outer space? This is what happens and interestingly, death is NOT instant at all.
Strange UFO videos has posted ..... well, a Strange UFO Video of a Plane Being CRASHED by a UFO - pretty barfy but interesting too.
Pocket Water MicroFilter

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