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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Absolute BS Of Nationwide Car Phone Bans

The lead story today on this A.M.s local news in Atlanta is of some push to ban cellphone usage in cars. Yep, I'm not talking about texting and I'm not talking about non-held cell phones - you see those are covered by simply banning cellphone use in cars. Total banning. NO CELLPHONE USE.

The ponied up reason given by the lame local morning TV team was that was covering this HUGE DEMAND from the public (what, you haven't seen the OWS and other crowds on the streets demanding this?) -- anyway, the reason/justification to our area for this sweeping legislation was that the `Jones/Smith' family lost a family member when someone using a cellphone rammed into them.

Be a good reason to make alcohol illegal again - don't you think? And, perhaps a good reason to make fast food drive thru food illegal in the car, right? And, perhaps those radios are a distraction with all that channel turning? And, certainly, we don't need GOOD sound systems in cars when we are supposed to be concentrated on driving! --- Come to think about it - aren't KIDS in cars too distracting?

Or, since you have seen NO ONE publicly giving any push for a TOTAL ban (which is what this is) -- is this just more of the political BULLSH$T that we have all come to love from our NEVER TOO BIG worthless government and worthless MSM that takes its money via political advertising?
Today's B.S. ---- sometimes you need go no further than the local morning news.
TBS is also about Pretty Girls -- sometimes mixed with --- Time Travel, here we do a rare NON Shorpy - a 1933 Miss America Swimsuit look:
I think Miss Kansas Could Give A Workout Behind The Barn Too
Compared with today's beauties - Bit Of A Different Attitude With This Group - Don't You Think?
How about a simple video to explain something very complex? Like Einstein's heaviest thoughts? BAM (FUN Video) - learn more about the fun of the speed of light.
The rant of J.S. Flower - Humanoid Tractor.
Where's the BS sleaze factor? How about a female teacher of 3rd and 4th grade girls - who invites them to a pizza party at her home - who asks them to change clothes into a party themed pantie and bra set - who gets out the video camera..... More Lurid Details Too - a bit perverse perhaps. Also learn about another Oklahoma teacher (male this time) who lost his job due to that camera set up under the desk of someone.
Those cameras cause all types of problems don't they - maybe the politicians should just make them illegal?
Meanwhile..... Verizon 'Emergency' Text Alert Causes Panic In New Jersey - And IF you believe it was an `accident' raise your hand.

Thanks for barfing around today.
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