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Sunday, December 23, 2012

God Forbid The USA Cuts Back On Military Spending

Remember the big - no, huge pow wow the last time the Republinuts insisted on getting something to raise the debt ceiling? Yeah, it's what is now called the Fiscal Cliff. The `bi partisan' negotiated bill that raised the ceiling is what gave us this supposed Fake crisis. How else are we ever going to have those who build the bombs and drones and stuff to ever find a REAL JOB? ------------- Answer, by doing the sequester that was agreed to by both sides! Aren't people who build things to kill other people really `hidden unemployment'? God forbid you ever hear that point of view on the MSM, who are always ready to sacrifice freedom for so called security.
Got some BS beauties for you of course - Petite Yet Busty (a category you can expect more of in 13) - and all I can say of this beauty is Va Va Voom love her figure and seductive style. And, pushing the edge of the street fair fashion scene - The Sideview Feast. Or, is that too naughty?
As the findings about pot/cannabis/marijuana continue to astound the uninformed scientific community, the latest finding is that Pot Affects Consciousness, Which Distracts From Pain - or, they wish they had used those words. ..... And, here's yet another study with marijuana side benefits, evidently, - it seems pot usage decreases the odds of problems with Diabetes.
Barf Stew - because someone's gotta say it.
Or, BS?

Still think you can't be controlled by the media?
Is this Sunday Sexy Sleaze once again? BS Entertains.
Sexy Sleaze? - yeah, that one qualifies perhaps. The little Slutty Black Dress Look that is so popular. 
BS, Politically Incorrect? and Just A Reminder about the money and `justice' connection. 
Have you bookmarked BS yet? Barf Stew - The BS You Crave, Now With Less Fat!

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