WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ricin - Cannabis Comparison

Oh, that's right - I forgot - lawyers and the court system rake in billions each year so that things don't change - (lawyers always the biggest supporters of the two worthless parties) and so that THEY remain important.
The BS Slippery Slope
now with an increasing slope
Sexy Tan Beach Girl
Sexy Car Wash Babe
Knee Knocker(s)
Sexy Low Cut Top
Bizarre And Entertaining - The BS
Rare Bird Not Seen In 22 Years Flies Into Wind Turbine
The BS Entertains

Where's The Will.... There's The Way
on so many levels
explore the archive before you leave - sidebar has lots of links to great content
your future with solar has arrived

Friday, June 28, 2013

17 Million Pounds Of Pot - Seized (2005-2011)

Could it be stupider?
YouTube - BS Style

The BS Does Politics
our worthless politicians
Ever want to be a bounty hunter? You know, simple stuff like finding cars that are parked illegally and Reporting Them To The Police And Towing Crew to get a piece of the `reward' for finding the revenue for them. Yes, it's an app you can download. Yes, it used to be called snitching.
The Slippery Slope Is Upon Us All
and increased unemployment
Entertained yet?
The Sexy BS Stuff
Ultimate Arm Bra
(how can you NOT send the above to a best buddy?)
Stripper With A's?
who's in the zoo?
The Barf Stew Mix
on so many levels

And You Expect Change From Washington?
The BS does the politics the MSM never mentions.
some things,,,,,,, are....... unspeakable

read a sample by clicking the picture

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Martha Stewart - "Of Course I Know How To Roll A Joint"

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250The story that goes along with the headline and the picture below certainly fit the category of Barf Stew - gotta read the line about what Stewart calls a `sloppy joint':
1984 - 2013 Style
(And with Chemtrail Clouds In The Background)
Militarized Police - No One Asked For It - It Just Is
The BS.
As Barfsters Know - Sunday's Are Sexy
a must see blow-up
support the barf with your purchase of the book below

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

And, Backing The Politicians

One example, of course, of how utterly worthless our politicians are and the compliance to REPEAT the government line by our media - is the 40+ years it has taken for pot to become legal anywhere in the USA.
One example of ANY `issue' that exists.
The BS does Politics
sliding down the slippery slope
One Nights Haul
And, one expects more from the MSM? Oh, Please.
But, you are here for pics like this:
the slippery edge of non-nude
The BS Entertains
T-Shirt Porn?
(and completely inappropriate)
What Are You Afraid Of BEN?
The BS - Thank Goodness For R.Santelli

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Impossible Dream

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250Edible Cotton Candy Pot
And, always remember......
Inappropriate Drug Humor? Must be The BS!
I'd only add - how about the worthless lawyers and politicians?
Don't you find it funny that our BS media has to deal with the FACT that more people view Snowden as a hero rather than a tumor to be humorous?
But YOU are here for the sexy pics - right?
Attire Worn To Be Office Slut
Creepy Image For Dentist Office?
Entertained Yet?
now, go explore the archive within the sidebar

Friday, June 14, 2013

African `Penis Snatching' Crime Spree

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250In what reads like a story out of the Onion - a mysterious stranger, later gunned down, - could electrify with a handshake the removal of a mans penis. It's what passes for a story about Africa in the MSM. The sleazy BS.
And here's one that will make your heart flutter with happiness - yes, yet another overpaid, overstaffed police force `enforcing' the drug policy of the worthless politicians..... Speaking of sleaze.....
Ultimate Non-Nude Picture? ---- Yeah, don't miss this. As the very definition of Non-Nude slides down the slippery slope before your very eyes. What is nudity? For example Too-Two. Most likely NSFW, granted, but nude - I think not.
Could a company called Gazprom topple the impossible to remove Putin? Could it be that we have never heard of GAZPROM because it implicates powerful people in corruption? The way our FREE press loves the politicians who of course wouldn't be corrupt or do corrupt things (like the prison industry as one example of many). THE BS.
Is this The BS?
Sleaze, as only The BS can do.

BTW, did you ever see my `news' blog - the one that also features pictures like the one above from Reddit? - My other news blog is called My Reddit Headlines. I think you'll LIKE the BS over there too. You're Welcome.
IF you are new here, you gotta visit the sidebar before you leave or you WILL have left chips on the table.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

6-11-13 - Nebraska Heat Burst - 99 Degrees At 5:00 A.M. - 26 Degrees Warmer Than At 2:00 A.M.

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250Wow. What a great science read. Yes, this is NOT BS! Here is what a heat burst is - and why it happened in Nebraska. No, it didn't involve HAARP......
But, you are here for the pics, right?
See You Tomorrow?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"The Opposite Of What America Does"

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250THE Barf Stew
Again, as said at THE BS many times - the worthlessness of our politicians and press is beyond belief.
THE BS does Politics
Oh Lord Yes

With a must see blowup -
Entertained Yet? Urbana Illinois?
(turn more onto BS please)
More Sexy Pics
Busty Park Momma
Three Swedish Topless Hotties Hugging
They love the FREEDOM we brought!
Over 1000 Civilians Killed By Terror In May 2013 - Most In Five Years seems that civil war we promised would never happen is in full swing.
The BS.... gives you the stuff the MSM would rather not talk about.
Now, for the good news in graphics!
Can't wait to see the graph for pot smoking establishments someday.
Oh, I've found a new resource for graphs, this is just the beginning.
Ample And Gorgeous
when was the last time you turned someone on to The BS?
the best of bs is in the sidebar 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Excellent Poltergeist Footage - With Story

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250I've featured this dude before - he claims he has been haunted by a poltergeist that has been following him over time. He has OVER 100 videos to prove it........... Now, the story..... he decided to lay off of recording the poltergeist for 2 months and last week relented and decided to set up his tripod again. And, while in the other room playing bass guitar on `Let It Be' - guess what happened?
And, what do YOU call the night before Halloween? The real BS. Cool graphic. I knew an answer - then again, I grew up across the lake from Detroit.
But, you are here to see the sexy chicks, right? Like a gal who would be very comfortable Petting Your Snake - right? Don't look at me, you're the one cruising the internet for sexy non-nude stuff. Like girls Asking For it?.... Naughty Naughty. Entertained Yet?
Speaking of The BS - The Robot Unicorn Attack will make the economy BIGGER in July..... but.... not Growing Faster..... learn more about this at this CNBC link. Barf Stew and the Intangibles.
Speaking of sleazy attacks:
And, the same guy that does the above blog - GhostSex - does this too - called Droplets Of Fantasy:
More Fantasy Droplets
THE Barf Stew - Certainly you are entertained by now, right?
This just in from CNBC - Social Media A Bust For Small Businesses - interesting BS read.
Dressed like she is applying for a job as a Stripper? ..... BS Entertains.

The BS - Politics & Sleaze Stew - Entertaining, yet, disgusting.
the bs defender
582607_TASER logo
your bug out plan

entertained yet?

Friday, June 7, 2013

One Phrase Leads To Another

Hey, it's not ALL serious at The BS is it? No. So, with a bit of humor to start your Barf Stew day and with over 2 million views -Disco the Parakeet:
Entertained Yet? =======================================
It's a new Sub-Reddit that I am monitoring for good pictures of The BS Quality....... it's called Happily Embarrassed - like getting caught in a rainstorm without your bra..... but, BS won't forget your favorites either.... like the always successful Bikini Carwash Chick (make sure to click for the blow-up size) .... speaking of blow up dolls - Simply Gorgeous. Like these? Check out the endless archive in the sidebar.
The BS Chicks - Simply The Best.
Pssst... wanna live 20% longer? Seems some scientists somewhere in a lab got mice to live longer via This Finding about a certain brain region...... Whereas stoners now have proof from evil German scientists that pot, once again, marijuana, - seems to do the Same Thing - indeed pot, may even GROW new brain matter. (The cannabinoids.)
Speaking of BS and marijuana...... someone has figured out that people in Colorado - with a pot OR a tobacco habit - would spend LESS to be a pot smoker.... Yeah, THE  BS.
Pot Smokers Pay Less... silly silly math.
Unbelievably Heavy
my thanks to Curt Chaplin for this turn-on
Entertained Yet?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A BS UFO Video Two?

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250Where's the sound? Why does the second `light' replicate as if on a wire between two points? Is that a star in the sky?........... Why no sound or attribution for the video?
Perhaps a Sexy Repeat but who cares, right? 2,3,4,1?......Hubba-Hubba or yowser in more common language.
Kindergarten Cops?
The BS Sleaze

More on the changing landscape of digital currency (read Bitcoin) -- the choice seems to be to regulate or evaporate. The real BS just beginning to take form.
Entertained yet?
Speaking of BS - John Wall asks - What Moon Bases? as he too flips out on the ridiculous exo-politics folks.
The Obama Recovery
The Barf Stew - Share it on your Facebook Page IF you dare!
you need this

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A BS UFO Video?

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250Here's the problem, - no attribution in any manner - confusion over Chemtrails on the horizon and a `too good' (especially without attribution) abrupt ending with a building structured Orb. ----------------- The BS...... Entertains.
And, with some VERY cleaver wording --- this link title is NOT BS -
Combine Shaman and Weather Control - can you go wrong? (it's actually a piece on archaeology) 
The BS........... does politics........... as you know, parts of Europe have been in a DEPRESSION for sometime now with little hope of escape....... so, those still NOT in depression are repressing what is going on when such a state of affairs is continued by worthless politicians. Bloody Turkey...... As Barfsters know, pot has tons of positive attributes..... that are unmentioned by the media..... did you hear the latest.... It reduces traffic fatalities...... ready for some more political BS?..... how about the ratio of contractors to solders in Afghanistan? 1.6-1,,, what the HELL are they doing?............... 
But all that hardly matters when you are here to see the barely dressed Barista Girls .... or.... perhaps a Kitchen Clutch?......
Barfsters Info

IF you don't think the system is totally broken - note the quote below:
So much is obvious. Moreover, this wealthiest of all wealthy nations has been steadily falling behind many other nations of the world. Consider just a few wake-up-call facts from a long and dreary list: The United States now ranks lowest or close to lowest among advanced “affluent” nations in connection with inequality (21st out of 21), poverty (21st out of 21), life expectancy (21st out of 21), infant mortality (21st out of 21), mental health (18th out of 20), obesity (18th out of 18), public spending on social programs as a percentage of GDP (19th out of 21), maternity leave (21st out of 21), paid annual leave (20th out of 20), the “material well-being of children” (19th out of 21), and overall environmental performance (21st out of 21).
Oh, the sleaze
(with 103 comments)

Now you can barf stew!
the below are ALL amazon links