WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

YouTube Sexy Limits

YouTube and sexy Sunday return once again with a dig into the archives.... what was the FIRST post with the label YouTube Sexy Limits? ... Turns out it was the famous 1943 Caboose post on 1/19/11... Betty Page and Old Time Fun... and, the video below: (Now with 128K views and a 20-1 Positive To Negative rating)
The same post had hot nearly inappropriate sexy links like This and This and This. The return of The BS will take looks backward as well as exploit the latest internet finds.
The BS Entertains
Speaking of messes to clean up --- Did you hear the latest about Bigfoot Hoaxer Rick Dyer? Seems his Bigfoot He Shot In Texas and took to Bikers Week In Florida to make money... didn't do so well and THEN the bad news that his BIGFOOT movie was outed as a HOAX.... The BS.
Barfstew Does `ParaNormal'
Sexy Sunday Pics
Sunday Sexy Gallery
The Latest Rubik's Cube

Bookmark The BS, Or Else

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Classic BarfStew - The Funniest Book Review!

One of the `returning' features of The BS will be to remind folks of the great times in the past - like - finding the funniest book review ever - for the Big Penis Book: First appeared November 26th, 2012
An excerpt:
.....Oh dear. I am a 70 year old woman and I just happened across this big penis book in my son's room. My son is 45 years old and still single. I think he might be gay. That said, his big penis book is now in my room under my bed. So now my 45 year old single son is probably gay and angry. Well, he should get a job anyway or at least go find some real penis and stop reading about them in books like this. Good Lord this is a big penis book. And I love a big penis.....
The BS Entertains
Today's GIF
In other words the `advancement' of society has riches that have yet to be harvested from the top. The BS.
On So Many Levels
Society's Viewpoint
1/3 Of All TEXAS Electric Power This Week From WIND POWER! seems they will be soon the WORLD's fifth largest producer...... talk about under the radar.... is TEXAS gearing up to become a country?

Woman Force Feeds To Be Large Internet Model - wants to weigh.... yeah, you guessed it.... 420 pounds. More lurid details at the link.

Now For The Heavy Stuff
Ready For Sexy Sunday Tomorrow?
The BS Gallery
The BS Does Politics
1930 Hooligans
BS Art
The BS
Returns - Like You Should!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Million Mask March - 11/5/13

The last of the pre-packaged BS is below - slated to be posted on 11/29/13 but never posted due to THE BS being banned from the internet. ...... Oh, a VERY interesting thing - it seems that before The BS was restored to the internet that at least 8 and maybe as many as 10 posts were REMOVED. GONE from my dashboard. I don't know which ones, yet. I guess selective censorship is a apt description.
The BS - Because Someone Has To Say It!
(here's the November Posting)
IF you only listened to the MSM - You'd Never Even Know there was a protest on 11-5-13 (in America)

you never know what's around the corner or just a-head
BS Humor
on so many levels
Something is UP

Is Bitcoin Going To Be The Handover Of A One World Currency?
Need More Bitcoin?
Heads It's Exploding, Tails It's Anxiety
The BS Entertains

The BS Gallery
Today's BS WTF GIF

Street Underground Explodes
Today's Shameless BS
Larissa Riquelme
What PROFIT Looks Like
The BS Does Entertaining Politics
Thanks For Being A BS'er!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Stupid Government Policy Is More Dangerous than Terrorism - A BS Thanksgiving Edition!

As Barfsters are aware The BS is THANKFUL for the opportunity to again serve your senses and gut instincts - the post below, again like yesterday, is one of three full posts that I had prepared for the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday - (you will notice that theme) - so, Welcome to the Return of the Old BS for now - more new content posting again shortly.
One of the many unspeakables by the local talking heads on your TV set is just HOW STUPID most government policies are - `I'm the government and I'm here to help you' is of course one of the biggest jokes there is..... so, this study suggests that the headline is true mainly because of Government Fraud Like The Great Recession... also covers the HUGE increase in SUICIDES being ignored by the MSM who is still rooting on the `recovery that began in 2009'.
Meanwhile... at the health food store:

For Home Use Only
Bit Of BS Humor?

Aim Carefully
Stuff With Vagina Balm?
And, after the Turkey.. the new tradition... shopping for the kids at Walmart:

Welcome To The 2000's
The Slippery Slope Continues
The BS Gallery
Russian Hottie

A Couldn't Be Hotter Enlargement
Speaking of Dancing

THE BS Entertains
Plenty Of BS To Be Thankful For - Enjoy Your Day!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sheriff', Porn, Spanking, Underage - And More Details


The post below was one of THREE posts that I had already finished back in November when The BS was booted off the internet....... All three posts, which could have been seen by censors at Blogger - are very edgey and probably pushed the sensors buttons even more. Indeed, it's possible that post this HARD will not be in the continuation of THE BS, or will they?
Anyway, enjoy the BS attitude below - feel free to say, welcome back. If you dare.
(the november 2013 post)
Somehow the BS missed this at the time (I think?) but wants to make sure it sees the light of .... The BS. Seems Robin Pagoria has been a lifelong spanking fan and took it all a bit too far for the law while pleasing an internet boyfriend by torturing two girls at least one of which was a minor. Interestingly, the relationship of the girls is not revealed in the Cops Gone Bad link. The comments are priceless about `military girls' like Robin.
Robin Leigh Pagoria, 45, subjected her two victims - described as girls between the ages of 10 and 18 - to multiple torture sessions, authorities said.
The More Things Change

mildly interesting is a new Subreddit I subscribe to
Nothing Changes
Rich Wallstreet Person Buys 30 Month Sentence In Billion Dollar Scheme
On The Other Hand
Oh Those 50's
might be arrested for such talk today
And, once again back to the things are hard to change department...... seems the young folks who go `vegan' after reading a certain book - One year later - tended to be eating Meat Again. The BS.
BS Humor
THE BS - Simply Irresponsible Cheap Trills
our changing skies
UFO or Chemtrail Phenomena?

Below The Fold
The BS Gallery

Slippery Slopes Of The BS
(upon further examination I removed two links from here today 3/25 as perhaps the BS was pushing the edge too hard.)

Revealing Russian Women

Going Glitzy

Sports Bar Bikini Contest
The BS Entertains
And, finally, the BS is known for a good paraNormal read... so... are you ready for what sounds like:
I Saw A Humanoid Creature Crawling On The Floor
And, from Amazon

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Return Of Barfstew

Pageview chart
Graph above of page views to The BS

I want to welcome the surging return of those to The BS as you can see from the Google Analytics above. Already 20 of you this morning had returned to the FEED - and over 100 page views the last two days (after 97 on the day of the return). The response is much appreciated... but much needs to be done to restore The BS to its proper location on the internet as the feast for male minds and eyes.

The assumption at the BS is that the ice is very thin under the publishing of this blog - as such - long time readers will probably notice slight changes.... that I hope will not amount to much or diminish your pleasure of reading. I do hope that the regular readers of this blog - the 80 of you or so - that you help to spread the word of The BS around a bit more now that the revival has occurred - literally the new lease on life. Revived from the dead and walking about as a Zombie is not an option.

So, the NEW BS will be much like the Old BS (the new boss the same as the old boss still) - a place where you can go for the raw political truth free of any bias towards either of the two worthless parties in America that is supported by a worthless media that is a mouthpiece for different branches of power within the government and advertisers. And, yes, a place you can go for EYE Candy too Check Out The Length Of This Talking Heads Skirt- without the embarrassment of looking - at females wishing to be seen. And, yes, the BS will still feature the great reads and speculation of thoughts about the anomalous and paranormal.

Violating the blogger directive of a blog with too large a focus. What the H kind of rule on bloggers is that?
Barfstew - that's what it is!
Calling it BARF when it is:

Such as the obviously old and outdated idea that ANYONE can possibly `work their way thru college' as in the days before the gutting of American minimum wage workers to the level of serfdom. The article below, well researched, along with the graph explains how the increase in college tuition (fueled by government subsidies and fraud) and the lack of a similar increase in the level of minimum wages - has made the cost of tuition impossible for a minimum wage worker compared to the recent past before the elite took their power grab.

Oh, do you EVER hear the MSM talk about this? NO NEVER.

And The Graph
Hours worked on minimum wage per MSU credit hour
MORE BS our so-called Free Media simply can't ever seem to find the time to report?

Exposing Racists And
(caution vulgar language)
over 1/2 million views in one day
about a 40-1 positive to negative public vote on YT
So, the above video supposedly shows a racist Hawaiian woman... racist you say? Against whites? For heavens sake right - aren't all Hawaiians happy with how they became a state? Oh, that's right... the point of view below is seldom mentioned at all --- after all... it's where our president grew up>
The native population at the time absolutely was not in favour in becoming a state. Hawaii became a state through a process to similar to countless other peoples who were subjugated to colonial masters, subterfuge, pretext and force.
Briefly, the Local King was overthrown by the Honolulu Rifles, a white protestant militia group, when the King refused to renew the Reciprocity Treaty. This treaty was a 'free trade' agreement and had lead to a large influx of US investment in Hawaii sugar plantations. The treaty also gave the US lands in what is now known Pearl Harbor. The treaty was unpopular with the locals, and when some of the natives had protested the taking of those lands by the US, they were suffocated by US marines.
The Militia established a pliable puppet king and also imposed racist polices including disenfranchising all Asians and imposing such onerous property and income restrictions on voting that the minority white population controlled 75% of the eligible votes.
There was a failed counter-coup to restore the Monarchy. And when the puppet king died, his successor-daughter upon ascension to the throne received petitions from about 2/3 of the Native population to restore the old order and to remove the US military presence from the islands.
The Queen was blocked in her attempts to do so by the 'Committee for Safety', and eventually she was forced to resign. At which point the Committee, with the support of the Honolulu Rifles, created the 'Provisional Government of Hawaii' led by Stanford Dole, a white guy, to negotiate the annexation of Hawaii by the US.
So yeah, not exactly a process that had the support of the majority of the native population, but I guess it did have the majority of the voting population.
Additionally, you find antagonism today, because it is perceived that that manifest injustice still has a real effect to this day. For example, the Caribbean is littered with islands where the descendants of slave masters still dominate the islands economically, and thus politically. The most extreme example is probably Bermuda, where the old families still control the best land, dominate all the major companies, marry within themselves (or wealthy white outsiders), and get insider access and can thus protect and entrench their positions. The locals get fed the lie that the past is irrelevant to their current disenfranchised positions and that if they would just world harder they too could send their children to Eton.
    Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right?
        Speaking of racists - how about this hilarity as a White Supremacist finds out his DNA makeup is
          14% Black
            Too hot for MSM, only right for absurd low rated talk shows?
              The BS
                  Exposing the BS
                    What Men Like IS The BS!
                    And, finally for today - as much BS as one can consume in one sitting....especially after a long fast:
                    Welcome Back - Spread The Word

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Return Of Sexy Sunday

Without further ado:

IF you watched the video above... you know just how brutally honest that the BS is......
THE BS Features The Heavy Stuff The MSM Would Rather Avoid - Like Heavy Mind Art:
Stick To One Subject? Never!
touch of pantie?
Real Barfstew
How 3,000 SWAT team raids in 1980 has turned into 50,000 a year..... disgusting...... for every reason from pot busts to card games to bars possibly serving someone under 21. And they wonder why Americans are as leery of the cops as the criminals? And talk about a worthless MSM constantly glorifying the whole mess.... as Barfsters know, The BS perhaps had one of the BEST anti SWAT team posts ever posted in an independent blog - the `Hey Marcel' post which lambasted ATT for glorifying the SWAT team practice. See that link in the sidebar.
The Other Point Of View
The BS Sexy Sunday Gallery
When Will Female Volleyball Go Prime Time?
The Pension BS About To Hit The Fan Yet?
Yeah, The BS Has Returned

Friday, March 21, 2014

Because Some Things Are Unmentionable - Evidently

About an hour ago when checking my Google Analytics for AdSense I suddenly noticed that had gotten traffic...... then, I dug into my blogger dashboard.... and lo and behold.... I didn't have a (1) next to the word DELETED for the 38 blogs that I put some effort into (most are very occasional UFO blogs by state).... suddenly, despite at least 9 appeals that BarfStew was NOT SPAM -- The BS was BACK. 

Goggle didn't even follow their own procedure and inform me via my chosen E-Mail - and instead, sent it to my G-Mail address (which I never check) the e-mail said. has been reinstated



9:52 PM (18 hours ago)
to me
Hello, We have received your appeal regarding your blog Upon further review we have determined that your blog was mistakenly marked as a TOS violator by our automated system and, as such, we have reinstated your blog. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in the meantime and thank you for your patience as we completed our review process. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team


Now, in addition to appealing about 9 times for re-instatement, I have been trying to re-construct  the best of The BS via Archive.Org - The Internet Archive. (A Wonderful Website.) Indeed, the website exists with 1 post that is up and had already 28 CLASSIC posts in reserve -- and I hadn't even tapped 2012 and 2013 content.

Now, as I said, I was reconstructing and have ONE post that talks about my feelings about having a blog shut down for what appeared to be an over anxious big brother. Anyway, that was going to be the FIRST return post - it wasn't even finished yet ..... but, I am going to link to it today here - that blog is called THE Barfstew and the post called The Return Of Barfstew.

Now, I already had 3 posts ready to go here back in November - I will look those over for appropriateness and be posting.... I have TONS of great links that have went unposted over the last nearly 4 months of being banned. Some of those will make these pages but The BS will indeed try to make the transition back to current BS as time evolves (after all - what about the 28 unpublished Classics? That I've already spent hours collecting.)

Oh, THE Barfstew had a new slogan - `Because Some Things Are Unmentionable' - in response to having The BS banned. Silenced. And holding no cards at all, let alone the Google trump. And, at the post I've linked to - you will find the ways that The BS may simply walk that fine line of being banned at any moment - as I review the `rules' that any normal BS post may have violated.

So, for today - The BS has returned - please visit the ONE link above to understand more about having a blog banned for nefarious reasons IMO. Oh, and thanks for being a Barfster.