WOW - Barf Stew's Other BACK-HIDDEN Pages - `Old' Magazines You Will Remember!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

THE BS's - YouTube And Sexy Sunday

As the absurd `income gap' continues to accelerate - it seems the only real question is WHEN will someone get to 1 TRILLION dollars in wealth - two years ago you needed to add the richest 51 for a Trillion - now it's 37 - and since we KNOW that the absurdly rich NEVER spend the money back into the economy and simply pile it up.... When Will The BS Hit The Fan? a CNBC read.

The BS - does politics. And touches the manure that others simply won't.

The BS is acting like the Occupy Movement Matters
Did the headline say something about SEXY?
The BS -  Head and Hand Selected Links
The Hard Politics Of The `ATT - Hey Marcel' New America
All About Attitude
women on their knees
Ever Heard The MSM Mention This?
22 F's with 30yr old F's - For example! Or is that too slippery slope?
The BS Entertains
The ParaNormal Side Of The BS
Doppelganger Son Perceived?
Project Avalon Quakery
An example of how thick the BS can come out
Fox News Covers UFO In St. Louis Skies Last Week

Ending With A Bit Of Levity
BS Drug Humor

Somethings Wrong Here
The BS Amazon Marketplacee

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Politician Uses Police Against Parody Maker - Judges Sign Off!

The small town America mayor isn't worth mentioning by name - but - why is it you only read about this on THE BS? I mean the coziness between the politicians, the cops and the judges is beyond even whispers on the MSM.... but, the folks know the BS ....... Corruption In Peoria .... land of the free.
The BS covers the barf the MSM would rather not touch.
The BS Gallery
The New Addiction
Vintage Sexy

Bewitched Alright
Crusted Bites Of BS
POWDERED Alcohol Is Coming - Just Add Water For Rum, etc..
Is this snort-able?
Whistleblower Info On The Global Elite
MSM simply not interested,
Haunted By 333? Got Just The Place For You!
And, welcome to the world of Reddit!
Another Haunted Ohio University Story
And, this one doesn't involve the nut house.
The Slippery Slope Of The BS

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Porn Consumption - By State And Politics (A Proud Kansas Tops Nation?)

Can't really put my finger on the usefulness of the graph below except for the obvious Kansas outlying (and the love of Barfsters for data about everything) ..... well except for the generally higher consumption of porn by democrats...... (doesn't the MSM normally love to focus in on data that tends to embarrass the worthless republicans for this ... you know, the repressed `religious' viewpoint?).... anyway... since the data comes from one source (the porn data that is).... isn't it possible that Pornhub has a racial slant to all of this ..... like a BLACK person slant for the `democratic' states? Or is it that blacks, who use Pornhub, use more porn than whites? - and, isn't that a lot more likely the cause of the graph than politics?


oR , IS all of the above The BS?
The BS - Entertains
The BS - Can Be Useful (bookmark today)
As memories of winter fade

Minnesota Hotties
Leftovers From Easter?
Worlds Largest Bunny

Over Four Feet - And Over 50 Pounds
The BS, Entertains
Survey Says - How The USA, Self Divides
I love the blending of the colors above - won't be too long before TEXAS makes it's own NATION (IMO) - the only real question is how many GREEN and Purple and Beige states will be joining them.?
The hard politics of a new USA
Today's Amazon Choice
237 Reviews
Bible stuff - get your mind out of the ....
More Data? You Glutton!
Learn more from the graph below than a years worth of listening to a worthless mainstream media.
You never know where the BS will lead you!
Like to the idea that mankind DIDN'T `come out of Africa' but began.... in Australia - there's a LOT of logic and perhaps a bit of the BS here:
Our claim is supported by genes, mtDNA, blood and many experts, that Australian Original people set sail from Australia, not to, 50,000 years ago. We claim that Australian Original people sailed to and settled in America over 40,000 years ago, and visited many other places including Egypt, Japan, Africa, India etc. They were the first Homo sapiens who evolved before the Sapiens of Africa, and who gave the world art, axes, religion, marine technology, culture, co-operative living, language and surgery.
Many may not know that Professor Alan Wilson, the person responsible for the claim that we evolved from Africa, recanted his theory and now believes a small group of Homo erectus got to Australia 400,000 years ago. He believes they evolved into Homo sapiens and then spread from Australia well before the Africans.
That's the slippery slope for today - see you tomorrow?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Camera Eyes With Zoom Abilities

Now, here's a slippery slope product if there ever was one.... yeah,.. Google behind this wonder product once again.... say with the ability to Zoom And Record Upskirts With A Glance (And A Dropped Pencil) - but BS like that is a bit under the spin and scope of the article.... of course.
Spinning Down The Technology BS Slope
Speaking Of Skirts
The BS Spin - Gets Your Attention
The BS Does Politics
Have you seen any Libertarian Interviews by the MSM? (Isn't the BS spin of the MSM that folks hate our political parties?) Thought so.
Will The Disgusted Point Of View Be Tolerated?
And, obviously, the blatantly sexual pushes the bar?
(The Sears Robuck Catalog Of Today)
Keeping It Spinning
the BS Entertains
And, makes those that consume too much
Barfstew, Seconds?
Hard Crusted BS Newsbites
Gotta See This Baby, Priceless Shame CNN Material
Everyday news? Or, Bluemoon Mention?
Three Months Into Legal MSM Makes BS Judgement
Oh, Our BS Media Has Yet To Find ONE Person In Colorado Who Says A Statement Like `I Like Pot Better Than Alcohol'. Hilarious.
no wonder the endless campaign on CNBC
The Reason, As You Know, For Your Visit Today
Beyond The Touch Of A Worthless Media
(reposting the classics)
And, Finally:
Thanks for your Barferism
The sidebar Holds Treasures

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Being The NEW John Lennon's Father - 34,000 Dollars, One Cloning Advance

Does our `advanced' science offer us all the chance to have dozens and dozens (if not hundreds to thousands) of our favorite celebrities to return to the flesh once again? An online purchased tooth of John Lennon in 2011 may indeed be the coming slippery slope for such dreams...... And, imagine how much that blue sweater of Monica Lewinsky might be worth - or any number of sweaters in Arkansas worn by our ex-presidents lady friends? Why raise some bland mixture of the one you are married to, when you could perhaps bid for a hair of George Washington? Or Marilyn Monroe.... you get the idea.
THE BS - because someone has to say it.
Raising Lennon
The BS Stimulates Your Imagination
Virtual Situations
The BS Entertains
BS does Politics
The BS
But, perhaps it is time to stop shipping our product elsewhere as American gun manufacturers seeking profit know.
Who Remembers Lennon Declaring 1969 As The Year Of Peace 
Speaking Of  Stimulating Pieces
Lord Have Mercy,Right?
The BS's ParaNormal Side

I found a UFO Website of real value in Australia - one that knows that the Orb phenomena is what represents real UFOs.
one of my 99 cents Kindle Short Reads
daring BS about 9-11
The BS - The Kind of Website You Go Back To The Beginning And Do It All Again

Monday, April 14, 2014

Survey Says - Rich, Educated, Married, Females - The Happiest People On Earth!

They are according to this research - which must mean that Poor, Stupid, Single Males - are the BS of society? (But actually when all factors are considered the actual opposite of Rich Educated Married Females = Having Too Many Kids In An Urban Area)

Stewable BS
1960's Gals Who Didn't Have Too Many Kids
1960's Sexy Hotpants
as only the stew can do
BTW, the lack of recent updates had to do with problems accessing my Google Chrome links. Because Barfsters Know.
Because Making Fun Of The Left Is Fun

Facts, Can Be Explosive
Or is there really so much `profit' already to take care of everyone on Earth? Why is the goal of an advanced society to keep everyone working for someone else?
The BS Gallery Is Next After You Step Down The Slippery Slope - Watch Your Step
The BS Gallery
(did you miss Sexy Sunday?)
(comic book porn?)
The BS - Man Oriented

The BS Is Guy Stuff
Staying in the Cartoon Mode
After You Die is collection of vibrantly illustrated scenarios. I don’t claim to know what happens after you die, I just like to entertain different models. There a total of 38 pages featuring religious models, nihilistic models, new age models, and everything in between.
After You Die
And from the same artist as above:
89 cents from Amazon
The BS Entertains
Okay, a final bonus picture to make sure the college students hang around - and those in Chicago:
And, lastly: With a 140-1 positive to negative rating, seriously: - hattip
`entertainment at any angle' - that's the bs
Hey, tell a buddy - the BS has returned.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Real America

A very interesting chart is below - even if some of it is BS. While supposedly ranked by worst to best (for income inequality) - there is much more to be digested in the below stew of numbers and dots on a line.

For example - notice how POOR the folks in Cleveland and Detroit are and how CLOSE in `income inequality' the lowest 20% tier is to the Normal 50% Joe Median..... Or how things that seems surprising like Virginia Beach's high median income.... answered with a simple `the military presence'. And, what BS that San Francisco isn't the MOST inequitable.... something the democraps must feel guilty about?
The BS Insights The MSM Avoids
The BS Does ParaNormal

I like this video and the person presenting the video = seems like someone willing to have an open mind and willing to walk the walk. It's worth your 3 minutes.... about a thousand views in less than a month.
The BS Gallery

The BS - Inappropriate Entertainment

Sell back textbooks at