But, what has become much more in focus in just the last few days is how this thing is going `to be paid for' - as indeed adding millions of citizens to the rolls will have an effect on total healthcare costs in America - one would think. Unless that is - they have `offsets' that bring in revenue - and one of them being `penaties' for not buying the insurance in the first place.
Now, while some of those `penalties' will be to small businesses that don't pony up appropriately (before going out of business I assume) for the insurance; --- but the vast majority of the `penalties' is expected to be collected from the small common man - eventually by the IRS - of what is now estimated to be 25% of all the uninsured who are expected to `refuse' (read: don't have the money or qualify for subsidies - ie: the lower middle and middle class) to participate.
They, the Feds, are DEPENDING ON 25% of the uninsured to `not participate' - otherwise their projections of paying for Obamacare will fail.
Depending on the lower middle class to pony up 500 BILLION in fines over a decade - those outlaws. Oh, IF they don't pony up --- Nancy Pelosi is on record as saying `JAIL' is a VERY fair punishment (for years of not complying) -- gotta fill those prison up with new outlaws now that pot prisoners can't keep it full. The `insurance' renegades will be out in their orange suits, getting healthy - as they will have medical coverage in the pen - cleaning the highways for those that comply with the government desired mandatory spending.
Do you honestly think that the youth and the lower middle class can afford 500 billion dollars? Or the health insurance if they don't buy it already or have it included in their work coverage - which IF they have it at a place like ehealthinsurance.com could once be bought for 50 bucks and will now cost perhaps 175 Dollars A Month?
And, guess what the fines-penaties-extortion of 500 billion will do to those that can afford it the least...... bankruptcies for one...... a huge reduction in `discretionary income' for the pleasures of life affordable to the lower middle class occasionally - like eating at a restaurant, or going to a sporting event or movie - like cable TV --- like all the things that affected the MIDDLE Class and lower middle class when the Great Recession hit in 2008........ just expect it in spades about the second year they begin collecting fines. (2016 I believe). Even those of the middle and lower middle class that DO comply to avoid ultimately JAIL - will have MUCH less money for what used to be `normal' expenditures.
AND, Guess What? THEY WILL BLAME THE DEMOCRAPS - appropriately - for getting the IRS and the government involved in their day to day life. For making them feel poorer.
Indeed, the anger that will be directed at the dumbocrats involving the IRS will be HUGE - and while it will be directed at both parties in a sense - this will be the issue that will change the demographics and politics forever.... as the democraps ... who thought they had the demos to win for generations.... and who seem positioned for the ENLARGING LOWER MIDDLE CLASS - will now be their ENEMIES - they will be the party in favor of a strong IRS.
Certainly if the Republinuts have done one thing it is to PIN the Obamacare on the Democraps (appropriately) AND - to be the only party to have previously had actual candidates that advocated getting rid of the IRS. That will be pivotal in either the rise of a new party - probably out of the `republinuts' - or simply the republinuts taking back power in a huge way - either of which that will end the IRS for good.
The hilarious thing of course is that the dumbocrats have brought this all upon themselves since it is THEIR constituents that DONT have the insurance and will be the ones paying the fines and eventually filling the jailhouses as a unique form of a new debtors prison system - the NEW POOR FARM of the early 1900's. Yes, previously the victimless crimes involved actually DOING something..... usually against the sins of God or sins of man.... now... the new victimless criminal will be someone who did NOTHING - against the sins of government.
And no one will ever think of politicians or the government the same again. Make this BS.... the Barfstew is coming.
remember, the democrats are the party for a strong IRS
The BS Talks Politics
Yeah, it's all politics today as this link PROVES that IF they really wanted to - the government could go right on WITHOUT raising the debt limit even One More Dollar - read and be amazed at some thinking that would NEVER see the light of the MSM but indeed sees the light of The BS.
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and it could mean another crash
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"The Productivity Of Money Is Falling"
and it could mean another crash
Should We Beg Russia To Forgive Our Billions Of Dollars In Debt?
and it could mean another crash
`crash video at the above link'
The BS - As You Know
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collectors stuff as the libertarians began in 80
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