So, the BS simply used the big G (google) to come up with some `answers' to the question - what percentage of men view porn? And guess what, we've got some results..... now you know you aren't as weird as the MSM likes to portray you as:
(questionable sourcing above)
(2010) 43% Of All Internet Users View Porn
The BS Entertains
Sexy Girls Who Wear Hats

The BS Gallery
The Bimbo Look
Please Support The BS - By BUYING This Bumper Sticker IF You Agree! Seriously.
A Bit Top Heavy
And, from the `you can't make this up category' - Fencing Instructor Foils Robbery - not BS. Had been training whole life for that moment he said.
The Top 1% Is Earning As Much As EVER According To This Chart and over 2 times as much as 25 years ago. Not BS.
In other BS news
Why The Poop Scooper Lawsuit - Stinks!
some serious shit here
Sports - And - Politics

Pro Wresting Skews Democrap?
The BS Gallery
Sexy Sisters?
Oh Yes
two galleries to keep the college guys paging all the way down
Below The Fold And In The Groove

Say A Cheer For The Enlargement
Yes, Bunnies CAN Fly
13 million views In ONE Week
karma The Rabbit
Sell Your Books To The Company Below
The BS Entertains
Sexy Girls Who Wear Hats
The BS Gallery
The Bimbo Look
Please Support The BS - By BUYING This Bumper Sticker IF You Agree! Seriously.
A Bit Top Heavy
And, from the `you can't make this up category' - Fencing Instructor Foils Robbery - not BS. Had been training whole life for that moment he said.
The Top 1% Is Earning As Much As EVER According To This Chart and over 2 times as much as 25 years ago. Not BS.
In other BS news
Why The Poop Scooper Lawsuit - Stinks!
some serious shit here
Sports - And - Politics
Pro Wresting Skews Democrap?
The BS Gallery
Sexy Sisters?
Oh Yes
two galleries to keep the college guys paging all the way down
Below The Fold And In The Groove
Say A Cheer For The Enlargement
Yes, Bunnies CAN Fly
13 million views In ONE Week
karma The Rabbit
Sell Your Books To The Company Below
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