oR , IS all of the above The BS?
The BS - Entertains
The BS - Can Be Useful (bookmark today)
As memories of winter fade

Minnesota Hotties
Leftovers From Easter?
Worlds Largest Bunny

Over Four Feet - And Over 50 Pounds
The BS, Entertains
Survey Says - How The USA, Self Divides

As memories of winter fade
Minnesota Hotties
Leftovers From Easter?
Worlds Largest Bunny
Over Four Feet - And Over 50 Pounds
The BS, Entertains
Survey Says - How The USA, Self Divides
I love the blending of the colors above - won't be too long before TEXAS makes it's own NATION (IMO) - the only real question is how many GREEN and Purple and Beige states will be joining them.?
The hard politics of a new USA
Today's Amazon Choice
I love the blending of the colors above - won't be too long before TEXAS makes it's own NATION (IMO) - the only real question is how many GREEN and Purple and Beige states will be joining them.?
The hard politics of a new USA
Today's Amazon Choice
237 Reviews
Bible stuff - get your mind out of the ....
More Data? You Glutton!
Learn more from the graph below than a years worth of listening to a worthless mainstream media.
You never know where the BS will lead you!
Like to the idea that mankind DIDN'T `come out of Africa' but began.... in Australia - there's a LOT of logic and perhaps a bit of the BS here:
Our claim is supported by genes, mtDNA, blood and many experts, that Australian Original people set sail from Australia, not to, 50,000 years ago. We claim that Australian Original people sailed to and settled in America over 40,000 years ago, and visited many other places including Egypt, Japan, Africa, India etc. They were the first Homo sapiens who evolved before the Sapiens of Africa, and who gave the world art, axes, religion, marine technology, culture, co-operative living, language and surgery.
Many may not know that Professor Alan Wilson, the person responsible for the claim that we evolved from Africa, recanted his theory and now believes a small group of Homo erectus got to Australia 400,000 years ago. He believes they evolved into Homo sapiens and then spread from Australia well before the Africans.
That's the slippery slope for today - see you tomorrow?
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