They are according to this research - which must mean that Poor, Stupid, Single Males - are the BS of society? (But actually when all factors are considered the actual opposite of Rich Educated Married Females = Having Too Many Kids In An Urban Area)
Stewable BS
1960's Gals Who Didn't Have Too Many Kids
1960's Sexy Hotpants
as only the stew can do
BTW, the lack of recent updates had to do with problems accessing my Google Chrome links. Because Barfsters Know.
Because Making Fun Of The Left Is Fun
Or is there really so much `profit' already to take care of everyone on Earth? Why is the goal of an advanced society to keep everyone working for someone else?
The BS Gallery Is Next After You Step Down The Slippery Slope - Watch Your Step
The BS Gallery
(did you miss Sexy Sunday?)
(did you miss Sexy Sunday?)
Or, Would You Rather Not Go Out?
Hired Showgirl
Little Little Black Dress
That Naughty Schoolgirl Look (x's 3)
Hired Showgirl
Little Little Black Dress
That Naughty Schoolgirl Look (x's 3)
(comic book porn?)
The BS - Man Oriented

The BS Is Guy Stuff
The BS Is Guy Stuff
Staying in the Cartoon Mode
After You Die is collection of vibrantly illustrated scenarios. I don’t claim to know what happens after you die, I just like to entertain different models. There a total of 38 pages featuring religious models, nihilistic models, new age models, and everything in between.
And from the same artist as above:
89 cents from Amazon
89 cents from Amazon
The BS Entertains
Okay, a final bonus picture to make sure the college students hang around - and those in Chicago:
And, lastly: With a 140-1 positive to negative rating, seriously: - hattip
`entertainment at any angle' - that's the bs
`entertainment at any angle' - that's the bs
Hey, tell a buddy - the BS has returned.
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