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Showing posts with label barf stew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barf stew. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2013

`Loan Modification' Lets FRAUDSTER BANKS Off The Hook

I crack up when I hear the MSM talk about the `financial crisis' of 2008; as not everyone has forgotten how we got to that point. As I see it, the FRAUDSTER Bankers played a ponzi scheme and got caught. Millions upon millions of folks were taken in by the ponzi scheme - in which the big banks bought up the fraudulent loans to sell `securities' to make even more fraudulent money. And on and on.

So, they NOW come along and want to make things right? You have got to be kidding me? These are fraudster bankers WHO DON'T EVEN HAVE LEGITIMATE LOANS - MOST OF THEM DON'T EVEN HAVE THE MORTGAGE NOTE - WHICH IS REQUIRED TO `COLLECT' ON THE LOAN. 

Isn't that robbery? Again!

So, in my opinion - the ONLY thing that Loan Modification is - IS A WAY FOR THE FRAUDSTER BANKS TO suddenly have legitimate loans on their books ------------ instead of WORTHLESS paper with lists of loans and loan addresses - that HAVE NO MORTGAGE NOTE AND NO VALUE. 

The banks IMO want to CREATE legitimate loans - they don't HAVE REAL loans to even modify. But, as they know, most folks don't have the 1000's it takes to get them to admit they HAVE NO LOAN THAT ISN'T A FRAUD ON YOUR HOME. And, meanwhile, every dollar they take in IS FRAUDULENT. 

So, the next time you hear the talking heads - the government spokespeople in the news - remember that Mortgage Modification is NOT ultimately for your benefit in any manner - it is for the Fraudster Bankers and no one else. So, maybe, the next time you hear the talking heads wondering why more folks aren't doing the modification - perhaps it's that they don't want to help FRAUDSTERS...................... what barf!
Your opinion?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Those Mortgage Free States

As is well known but totally unspoken about by the mainstream media - IS - that thousands and thousands of folks live in states where they haven't made a mortgage payment IN YEARS - but, simply remain in the homes. Just part of the `fairness' involved in the `housing crisis' brought on and bought and paid for by the big banks. The Fraudsters. Anyway, read all about those smart folks who live in homes TOTALLY FREE While DUPES Like You Continue To Pay The Fraudsters during the Obama Recovery.
Did you know that you can BORROW Amazon Kindle Books? And guess where you can borrow them from? The Library. Here's how to get started borrowing Kindle Books - why not BORROW one of my books? My Books.
Of course, many of you are here for the sexy pictures of women who want to be seen - like this Sexy Self-Shot and this Undies Outside Shot. Only one group of ladies looks like this - Sorority Hotties.
BS Entertains, as you know....... like a good read about how it's finally official An Asteroid Killed Off The Dinosaurs. If you liked this story,..... make sure to read my `science blog' too. Such as links about How Close The Nearest `Earth-like' Planet May Be using real statistics based on observations. Or, how Quantum Gas Has Archived BELOW Absolute Zero In Temperature - worth a click.
When you ask what's next - does your mind run to Sensual Cyborgs?
Speaking of sensual - I call this the One Purpose Dress - what do you think is her purpose? 
BS Entertains.
Kill You Parents - Ambien Walrus
Cut Off Your Hair - Ambien Walrus
Image Link
Eat All The Cookies and Go For a Drive - Ambien Walrus
Image Link
More of the Ambien Walrus

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Metallic Robot Arm On Mars

The evidence might be piling up that something is going on - on Mars - that said, I don't think this `robotic arm' is going to be the breakthrough that `life elsewhere in the universe' advocates are hoping for. Barf or Stew - up to you.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Perfect Correlation - Penicillin, Risky Sexual Behavior

It's a real interesting idea - that penicillin and NOT `the pill' was what brought on the free love of the 1960's and the subsequent AIDS epidemic. The research analysis also gets into what happened when the treatments for AIDS got the upper hand too. Barf or Stew - It's An Interesting Read..... and, it sets up yet another Sexy Sunday at BS.
I think this one was ready for a party. I love the concept of the blog I got this picture at too (below) - set yourself up at a MILF resort and take pictures to upload - awesome capitalism at its best. More pictures than you can shake a ..... at.
Found At MILF Bikini
Yeaa.... every once in a while BS will share a picture in 2013 and not just provide the links to beauty and entertainment.
Speaking of BS - how about a UFO controversy in a small New England state? -- Who's Number One In NH UFO Research? - Barfsters can decide for themselves. Check the sidebar of this website for the latest UFO sightings in NH. Nicely run site for only 5,000 lifetime views.
And, sexy Sunday almost always means a Poolside Hottie and an Excitable Nip or two.... to arouse and titillate.
AMAZON for Lingerie? 

Finally, let's take one more sleazy leap of the mind today - and watch Kimmie the Robot:
erotic hypnosis - too hot for mainstream consumption - but, not on the slippery slope
Naughty Amazon Again
Hypnotize Your Lover, the erotic hypnosis book that will teach you everything about hypnosis and sex. Learn covert hypnosis, secret sleep hypnosis technique, erotic stories.

perfect gift for someone

Friday, February 8, 2013

Jobs Returning From China - Going To Robots In USA

Only over time are folks gonna realize the full extent of how un-needed they are in the modern world (and how a new structure will need to be developed in a hurry) - and, you can bet that these type of BS stories will be kept strictly to a Minimum by our near worthless press.
But, that hardly matters when most are really here to see the Young Blonde Cleavage, right? Or the fun ones like this hottie who wants to be Seen. And, finally for this set Buxom Young Hotties fill this hot hot tub.
BS does politics - sometimes it only takes one phrase to sum it all UP - what would your protest sign say?
In the Obama recovery - one must be innovative to keep ahead of the pace of the interest on ones debt - in this case the new business of offering one's body in return for money. NO - not PROSTITUTION! Why F when you can Cuddle For 260 Dollars A Day? Franchise's available?
Or, you can pose for daddy:
Man uses Scantily Clad Daughter To Sell 1977 Datsun - other photos of daughter at the link.
As the call for sleaze continues to mount - I present The Erotic Hypnotist - for those in control of themselves.
For the BS music fans:
70-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion on this one
Feel The Wonder Once Again 349792_Orion's Gear up for the Comets - 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Top 10 Libertarian States In 2012's Presidential Election - Or - What The Media Failed To Tell You Once Again

These figures are the official figures as found in Wikipedia - 2012 Presidential Results:
* candidate was previous office holder in * state

NEW MEXICO* - 3.5%
MONTANA - 2.9%
ALASKA - 2.4%
WYOMING - 2.1%
INDIANA - 1.9%
KANSAS - 1.7%
.99% Of Americans voted Libertarian for President in 2012 up from .40% in 2008 
Top Libertarian States In 2008
INDIANA - 1.0%
GEORGIA* - .7%
UTAH - .7%
TEXAS - .6%
IDAHO - .5%
KANSAS - .5% 
The Democraps got 69,498,516 votes in 2008
The Democraps got 65,899,660 votes in 2012
The Republinuts got 59,948,323 votes in 2008
The Republinuts got 60,929,152 votes in 2012
2008 Libertarian vote - 523,715
2012 Libertarian vote - 1,275,804
The increases in Indiana and Kansas can't be comforting to the mainstream power players.
No Rand Paul effect in Kentucky?
If you are new to the stew - these were the top 10 Barfiest Links Of 2012 (where you can find links to the best of 2011, 2010 etc.
the sticker above is priced at 4.25

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Legend Of Bub Kucharuk - And, Delivering The Jack Of Spades

BK, who I met in college, was the most unlikely of superhero characters. A simple guy from nowheresville Ohio - thrown in with mainly the smart ass folks from the Cleveland suburbs - at OU in the fall of 1970. The university itself, just re-opening after the spring riots shut it for good, - after the Kent State shootings in the spring. The whole lot of us - all freshmen - were tossed together as the folks who wanted to live in the all freshman dorm - while skating on our student deferment. And, except for our RA's - we all started equal. 

Equally non-hip that was,  as the first question put to the group of us by our dorm RA was `who has gotten high' - and only 3 or 4 of 29 raised their hands. By the spring of that next year - that figure had changed, to 27/29 - and the high times were upon us all; and, the escalation of the partying in the 1970's was at hand. By fall of 71, his name was widely known as Bub, and he was already seemingly in a different category from everyone else when it came to `the party' side of things.  Why BUB and not his real name? 

The BUB was his acquisition of the nickname within the opening weeks at OU by a future mayor in Ohio - who mocked his own pronunciation of his name. The future mayor would say -- in a mocking tone after speaking with Bub - "my name is BUB KuCHARuk, my name is BUB KuCHARuk". Somehow, it stuck as everyone grasped at remembering names in the opening weeks of college. And, somehow, Bub's coke thick lenses of glasses, and being a bit portly,  gave him an aurora that fit the name even more aptly - almost, but not quite, a goofy Mr. Magoo type character.

But, Bub was hardly bumbling - and slowly was building a growing legend worthy of the old rum running crowd of days gone by. Running, in succession, a series of the ultimate party houses in a university town KNOWN for being an ultimate party school. Literally being partially responsible - and, as he said at one point - `I'm gonna have this whole town coughing' - while smiling with pride. And, for several years, coughing with blurry red eyes became the calling card of many a young man waking to the scent and flavor of imported smoke from South America. Indeed, the reach of Bub by these long gone days was well outside just the tentacles of Athens O.

By then, the legendary stories were already a ripe bunch. Including the balls the size of grapefruits when simply bringing carry-on's stuffed with party material was the methodology in the simple `before the demand' days. But, the demand for Bub's legend and legendary product would only grow in leaps and bounds - and suitcases onto jet liners would hardly do - as the legend needed to grow beyond the Athens county boundary.

There would be stories of Playboy playmate BJ's upon arrival at the opulent Florida center - before the long run back to feed the students demands. Talks and stories of sailboats and secret offload strategies - with stories of a growing fleet. During this time - the ultimate party man filled his shoes mightily - with legends of reimbursement to those that would `walk him around' when things got too close to the edge of life.  Everything above done while gathering a diploma from the University; and before gathering a persona non grata declaration from the city - for unrelated matters - even while the city thought they knew elsewise. (As the authorities searched for a mysterious legend called bubinisy - details as to why not included - and will remain a mystery to others.) The persona-non-grata tag only enhanced the legend.

With the court order in hand, the whole party moved elsewhere, and became more reclusive and exclusive. But, nonetheless, the legend was well into full swing with excesses beyond anything reasonable; including garbage bags of greenbacks and more. And, indoor bales of hay to the ceiling - before it began to all crash downward.

Then, and forever after, the only legendary highlights came from what could be read in the newspapers, - of the war with the new rum-runners - and a lifestyle that involved duplicate luxury cars, authorities breaking in doors, and erratic driving on interstates - with denials of knowledge of valuables on board. .......... Before his disappearance - and what was assumed, for decades,  to be perhaps an early ending.

But, that was not the exact case - despite a very long multi decade disappearance suggestive of an underground reason - outed only when the internet provided a new touch-base of information placement.

Well, it turned out that indeed, since his end was before being 60 years of age - that his was an early ending. But, not that early; and from what can be gathered via the news accounts, - not without a final twist to the story...... It turned out that Bub was a shop owner in a town similar to and not too far from Athens, O. It seemed the legend had become the towns headshop owner; and BUB,  - was targeted, perhaps, for one final fall - and, that targeting perhaps attributed to his ultimate demise. The legend of Bub had finally passed - most of his stories not retold or even known. Such as the ultimate wacky party at 40 Moore which explored the slippery slope of stonedness. 

Now, a few years has passed - his family with NO contact with anyone who knew of Bub's glory days of legend - stories that will probably never be told again except for this one final time. And the story is delivered today for only one reason .................................... - while playing a game of Texas Hold'em (Bub loved a good card game of guts) - this author flopped a four card, both ends open, straight flush possibility on the first hand of a recent tournament - in the 25 seconds or so between cards and bets - the holder of the 7-8-9-10 of spades, myself, - turned to the ethereal and beckoned the spirit of Bub to `deliver' on the NEXT card, to show that he was still bringing fulfillment to his legion of fans; and the - Jack of Spades - was the next card.

Of course, the names and labels of this story have been slightly changed to protect the innocent - and perhaps the story is just a legend, - the legend of Bub. 
(BTW, the next two hands in the Texas Hold'em tournament even more fulfilled the presence of Bub - but, that is another story.)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Economic Charade Continues

One of the more amusing things about watching the mainstream media faithfully repeat the governments BS line about the economic recovery is the new `upturn from the bottom of the housing mess' talk. Yeah, right. With MILLIONS of empty homes they uptalk a few extra NEW homes for those that refuse to live in the venom of the leftovers of the destroyed American housing dream. Worthless media, worthless politicians - all BS.
Now to the slippery slope stuff - such as our focus on wasting your time with the beautiful female form - They Look Like D's - but, is that paint? Chicks Tease and men please by looking. Future Pole Dancer? Wow. Mardi Gras Girl Downblouse - strong bead count. Erotic Hotties - oh, BTW, IF this blog has the HUGE blank areas it is because of the big G thinking the content is a bit too racy for their advertisers. Please support BS as best you can to ensure the continuation of the slippery slope.
Here's the answer to WHO is `buried' in  outer space (happened in 1997) - Timothy Leary is More Than Dead see who else. Win some trivia with this one.
Timothy Leary Books
Now, you'd NEVER know it IF you only listened to the government sponsored lines on the MSM - but the `anonymous' message on a Government Hacked website last week said the below:
Could anonymous continue the good will by following thru? Find the internet only and censored msm story Here on BS. When will the power players EVER get the idea about the real disgust in the people? BS does Politics.
Speaking of which ---- as more and more old people work to pay endless `interest' on borrowed money to `the fraudster banks' - isn't it interesting to see how those stories are portrayed by folks like CNBC - that the economy FEEDS on those delaying retirement. What a farce.
How about another side glance of the female form? - College guys, are you doing your part to spread the libertarian word of bS?
BS blogfinds -- it's been awhile since I found one I really wanted to share with Barfsters - incredible time wasting content - such as this Optical Illusion of red circles on a house. Groovy.
The blog above has cool images such as the below - called a watercolor method with life:
And here is Erich Kuensten with his best blogfind of literally Trippy Monster Pictures - high minded Barfsters will enjoy this one - and will probably consume seconds.
Today's BS video is was taken on JULY 3rd - which probably says a lot - but, the video certainly is sincere IMO and what is caught -- of a WHITE light emerging from a Red light - is interesting: 20-1 Positive to Negative ratings.

312155_Personal Checks 120x240 Banner

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hawk Snatches Humanely Released Mouse

Truly a Barf Stew classic you will forward if you haven't seen it already: 100-1 Positive to Negative reaction on YouTube.
Now, I know that Barfsters have been waiting nearly a week for this update of exceptional women - Perhaps, Top Heavy? and, Sexy And Sassy Chicks. Finally, nothing but Flat Out HOT and yet another reason to bookmark BS. Oh, alright - one more hot Bikini Beauty.
BS does Hard Politics By Cartoon - can you dig it? 
Ready for another `survey says'? 7% of California Drivers Stoned On Pot --- find out some interesting stuff.
A crashed Disk on Mercury? (A Squidoo and Barf Stew Classic)
Object on Mercury
And, for a bit more on the Crashed `Disc' On Mercury -- kinda BS'y, don't ya think?
Dig into the archive for more tasty morsels. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

L. Armstrong - Scumbag Liar

To me, and to other Barfsters I'm sure, nothing is quite as low as saying that folks that are telling the truth are liars when one knows that to not be the case - the very essence of mr lance armstrong. Of course I refer to those that said he was a user and he called them a liar. (NOW, that said, people own their bodies and can put whatever they wish into them as far as I'm concerned.). Scumbag.
BS says what you wish you put into print somewhere.
Say you missed having a sleazy Sunday on BS? How about one more from the sexy mind control arena:
A bit hot? The real slippery slope?
BS does Politics with a biting Libertarian edge. Oh, how is the Fed like the game Monopoly? See Rule 10.
Speaking of games - the game of bathing suits in Beauty Competitions - please vote up all cameltoes, right? OHHHH Miss Canada. ............. Now that you are worked up - White Bikini CT - one of the best CT's I've seen in competition. 
Speaking of bikini's - it turns out that bikini waxes are reducing the incidence of the `crabs'. Indeed, the survey says that 80% of all US college students shave the pubic area - who knows what other facts are at the link, right? Waxing makes for a slippery slope.
Oh, here's a real treat - seriously - a number of images from the Mariana Trench -- one has to wonder if these hellish depths are made for creatures that look Hellish - you'll forward this I bet.
How heavy is a Shaman when you encounter one? Read this account of meeting Lujan Matus for the first time.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Does CNBC Sense The Fiat Money System Is In Trouble?

If one is looking for real information in the USA - one doesn't need to even include the three major networks. But, the supremacy of money in the world and the need for that money to find truthful information is indeed held sacred by the folks at CNBC. And, more and more, the casual Joe can sense the feeling behind the pundits and talking heads - .... that the game of fiat money is nearly over for this round of society. Time will tell. As we all know, once the USA would have to pay even 4 or 5 % on our debt - the system will collapse. Ahhhhh the advantages of being the world's currency. Barf or Stew - it's up to you!
Now BS knows that you are often here to see the worlds most amazing women, correct? All Extremes - makes breast feeding easier don't you think? Perhaps all game rooms should consider this a new Dress Code? Couple more..... Sexy Self Shot

Did you know that you will have a TV invitation to a 110 Million Dollar Party That You Funded? ------- BS does politics. 
And, speaking of Politics - the Feds finally seem to be getting the fed up message of the public. Yet Another Example to which I can relate.
Did you catch this Barf about the 12 year old and 14 year old sisters who ended up crashing cars into each other? Sordid details in link.
The new `Crazy Bastard' standard:
So, was John McAfee Spying On Belize? - the additional word with the rest of the story the MSM has decided to skip.
BS does politics. Such as this Doublespeak we all have to endure from the suck up media beholden to the slimy politicians. Speaking of Which, perhaps it's not all political.

clicking above will knock juggling off your bucket list for under two dollars

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Far From Rising Above - Congress Slithers Under

The beyond worthless political system once again showed its true colors to end and start our newest year. Once again, the BRIBED and worthless MSM will fawn over the deal and then totally look elsewhere until the next political crisis raises it's head next month (the real cliff of no money in the Treasury). Yet, NOT ONE person or man on the street will be allowed on TV who suggests that it is time to REPLACE the `two party system'. So, until the end of February, when our worthless slimy politicians will do it all again, kicking the can further down the road - enjoy the new year of Barf Stew.
May I assume that last years joke `what is the difference between Greece and the USA' with the answer `Six Years' - now has an answer of FIVE.
Pretty women? Consider it a main course at the Stew - BS Loves Tiny Bikini's and Naughty Young Women who were designed to tease. And, we need to thank the lucky guy who sat across from These Sexy Lasses on public transportation - don't you think?  Finally for this set - Braces And Boobs - A Dangerous Combination. BS will not back off the sexy stuff in 13 despite the Google Slap for doing it. All BS sexy content will continue to be NON nude and rated slippery slope PG.
Tell a buddy about BS today.
BS is also known for edgey paranormalish reads - like this one from IO9 examining what humans might be like after Uploading Of Brains Begins To Happen? Real deep thoughts, some barf and some very stewworthy.
Did you know - That there are NO sewers in Dubai? My thanks to my buddy Joel for bringing this to my attention - as you can see, it's called the Poop Snake.
How's that for the very definition of BS?
Just as this is the very definition of Young Non Nude Beauty and this Natural Stage Performer. As Barfsters know, sexy pictures like these are a main ingredient - like This Happy Honey and perhaps our final Seasonal Beauty - a great package for the tree area.
Amazing BS Golf Shot:
Thanks for checking out our BS affiliates - such as Second Life!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Top 10 Barfiest Links Of 2012

Hello Barfsters. Once again, the top 10 most barfworthy links of 2012 are below, to wallow in once more. And, as usual, the memories are atrocious. You are welcome.
`The Obama Recovery' - Barf Stew remains committed to bringing you the very best of the Republinuts Great Recession and the Democraps `Obama Recovery'. This year we saw The Obama Recovery produce this information - Our Nations YOUTH Are Joining The Homeless, not wanting to mooch off of parents already smashed with hugely lower net worth figures off 40% In Just The Last Three Years. More Obama Recovery news includes how Americans are `Sharing' their home and cars for cash flow, you know, turning into capitalists - like the mothers who are becoming Phone Sex Workers. And, the Obama Recovery has given us a surge in Binge Drinking - in addition to `Buy Gold' shops.

A Chemtrail conspiracy - Nano Objects Are Controlling Us humans. The disinfomation of the conspiracy folks knows no boundaries. Makes the ignoring of the lines in the sky by the MSM even more suspicious?

Is Bigfoot DNA results gonna rock the world? Is/was Bigfoot a hybrid human/alien? Were TWO Bigfoots shot and killed? Does it matter that the `DNA' research is being done by Bible Nuts? More barf or stew? Or, did you prefer the Wholly Mammoth Video Hoax?

How is it - that a major European country fitting the very definition of What A Depression Is (Spain) NEVER has that word associated with it? Or that the common man is Foraging For Food in Spain already? How convenient for the media to keep this downplayed for us, right?

And, what is it about cops? Such as these that thought the public interest was served by Strip Searching A Mom And Pulling Out Her Tampon on the side of the road? Barf and Stew worthy. The rights that have been given up for `security' should concern everyone.

In perhaps the funniest police link of the year - 18 Police Rescue Drowning Sex Doll - as they pull it out of the river, the gathered crowd shielded the sensitive children's eyes. Classic stuff. YES, 18 police. Or, is this one the funniest - as it seems a new law in California will require the police to Be Paid To Watch New Porn Flicks - looking for violations of the law of course - to keep us safe.

And, in what was one of the only glimmers of hope - do you remember the Vermont Farmer who crushed 7 Police Cars With His Tractor over a pot arrest. Do the police realize how they incite this crap by supporting the stupid and worthless politicians? Meanwhile, new data shows that Pot Smokers Make Our Highways SAFER. Meanwhile the citizens in surveys call for Drug Testing Government Offiicals and CEO's.

In perhaps the BSy'est paranormal link of the year - An Entity Flashes Into And Out Of A Mall - remember this one? Or, is this real? Orb nearly crashes into a car!

And, some things you simply want to forget you found out in 2012 - like the Steven Hawking Sex Club Black Hole. Correct? See, you had pushed that out of your mind you thought! Or, how the marketing at TARGET outed a girl who was Pregnant To Her Father - talk about sleuthing information pieces together.

Do you remember that the FBI lost President Obama's Dossier? Or that the presidential security staff routinely uses foreign prostitutes? The BS truths of 2012 - Unforgettable.

Need More?
Top Sleaze Stories of 2011 on Barf Stew and here's the 2011 Top Barfable Stories.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Georgia Tech Police Drone

I only selected the GT Drone because I live in the Atlanta area. The GT drone was NOT approved by the way - but this story reads like Big Brother 1984 and gives you a much fuller background of the BB aspect of our society that the MSM - of course - drops the ball on. And, here is the chilling Georgia Tech Info - BS, does politics.
But, you are probably here to see the scantily clad bodies of Shapely Women, correct? Like Miss Teen Nebraska 2012 and this cleavage Self - Shot - oh, sometimes BS has HUGE black spaces on this webpage - when that happens BS has gone over the edge for Goggle Ads evidently. Your support in those days is appreciated.
Ever wonder who the War On Marijuana serves? Cause, one look at this chart should make that the first thought into your Brain - or, are you THAT stupid.   Worthless politicians, who are being dragged into the modern era by those that speak out. The panic of the worthless lawyers who lived off the oppressive gravy train is fun to watch. Should THEY SERVE TIME in a just society to mend their karma?
Did you somehow miss that story this week about the Dogs that have been taught to Drive? - Catch up right here.
Catch up with Sexy Beach Bikini's, right? And, pole dancers that practice In Public - what a sweet morsel this would be to stare at, right? Or perhaps this Nipply Gal?
Oh, if you were scouring the web for more about that DNA Bigfoot material - that says Bigfoot is mixed with human DNA - read more Here, a fantastic detailed look. I love this one comment too:

"alleged Bigfoot/Human hybrid" - so were does that leave the 'pure' Bigfoot? Am I correct that this implies there (once) was a non-hybrid Bigfoot a mere 15,000 years ago, which is now extinct? What people now are seeing is a hybrid? And this pure Bigfoot somehow mated with an indigenous human female quite recently (who, obeying motherly instinct, raised something that must have been quite foreign to her), producing the current population of 7 foot tall, totally hair covered 'creatures'? Truth (if somehow confirmed) is stranger than fiction.
But you are here - Street Beauties is probably the reason, right? Or, Silly Young Things performing for the camera, perhaps? (bookmarkable). 
Before the grand finale to start off your week - The Mindless Erotic Slave - what a gig to get 100K hits:

The BS Entertains:
The slippery slope will be inappropriate - that you can bet upon.
Are you enjoying greasing the slippery slope? - You may want to bookmark and return - I hope.
Some of my Kindle Books are below - some include posts from Barf Stew:

The Ultimate 9-11-2001 Anomaly (Best of The Heavy Stuff)
Have you ever heard the FACT that random number generators at Princeton University on 9-11 went `non random'? And that the non randomness began even BEFORE the hijackings?

Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff)
Have you noticed that the skies are NOT the same as they were even 20 years ago? Ever wonder why the MSM doesn't talk about it? -- And, IF the world was close to an economic collapse in 2008,  really really close - such as NO money in the ATMs close - don't you think they would have told us more? Does that mean that collapse could happen without much if any warning?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Psst - The `Fiscal Cliff' WAS The `Compromise'!

Perhaps the mainstream media just doesn't remember? The real story about the Fiscal Cliff is that IT IS the negotiated `settlement' the last time around to raise the Debt Ceiling. IT IS `compromise' - to expect more out of a near worthless political system is nearly insane. The `Fiscal Cliff' was designed to be harsh and to actually address the problems the country faces. The BS two cents.
But, I suspect you are actually here to see sexy Skinny Chicks In Heels and panties and bra, correct? Or, Subtle CamelToes Through Slinky Creme Colored Panties - perhaps? --- Yep, BS is known for Sexy Ass Pictures - but never nudity. That said, we like to run some that leave Very Little To The Imagination. BS Entertains.
Ever wonder who REALLY profits from the Drug War? Wonder No More - send this onto a buddy.
BS does politics.
IF you are over 55 the chances are you remember the famous MAD magazine `fold-ins' at the back of nearly every issue. Well, I guess, this would be a Current Example - as always, dead on.
Since it is now DEC 2012 - the long awaited ENDTIME - why not provide up some resources for the end, right - Preppers (slow loader but very good).
Independent blogger with some amazing Ideas; where the heck has this guy vanished to?
Bout' ready for more Smiling Downblouse Pictures? Sure you are. And another smiling Sweetie to drool over.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Funniest Book Review? The Big Penis Book!

One must assume this is BS, right?
------------854 of 978 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Wow! July 12, 2008
Oh dear. I am a 70 year old woman and I just happened across this big penis book in my son's room. My son is 45 years old and still single. I think he might be gay. That said, his big penis book is now in my room under my bed. So now my 45 year old single son is probably gay and angry. Well, he should get a job anyway or at least go find some real penis and stop reading about them in books like this. Good Lord this is a big penis book. And I love a big penis. And so does my son, apparently. I give this book ten thumbs up. I can't believe I never knew he was gay. He should get a job. Maybe as a dancer. Anyway, if you like a big penis, you will like this big penis book. Lord there are big penis's in this book. I mean big. Oh dear.

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 touch book cover for info
Speaking of penises - here's the lowdown on the inside `Duck' joke about Thai women and Why They Cut Their Husbands Penises Off - such a sense of humor.
MORE BS? Sure - how about the war on Video Taping The Authorities? ..... or this Executive Order ..... don't be a Patsy.
But, most of you are here to see the great looking gals on the BS pages, right? Like this Sweet Beach Dancer (you could look at this beauty all day right?) or, this Panty And Bra Picture - correct? 
Shadow banking system hits 67 Trillion - MSM silent as always. Or, 21 Trillion is Private Banking - very private banking.
Ready to have some confidence in YOUR government?
BS does Politics
Pervert - third time - Dung pile - The BS Sleaze Factor Loved By Barfsters - read all about this UK man. But, is it perverted to enjoy these young lasses in full sexual Bloom? (OMG right?)
Barfsters also know that BS has a `paranormal' side too - so, if you haven't seen this TV special about the UFO Crash In 1897 - here's a good chance to catch it. You can also find the LATEST 2012 UFO STUFF Right Here. Or, if you prefer - an overhead picture of the crop circle of Mitt Romney - BS entertains.
Is it all - Pure Mania (at about the 2 minute mark this becomes the Heaviest song imaginable)

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The `What IF' About The Power Grid

Perhaps it's simply seeing the situation in NYC Staton Island after Sandy - but, what IF that was everywhere - at least in terms of the power grid. Would commerce stop to the point of riots? How quick would the slide downward begin in a situation where no one or very few had any real information? Power Grid Terrorism Report....................... but 85 year old great grandmothers are the concern of airport agents for our safety.
BS'ing all over the greasy slippery slope.
Now for a bit of weekend levity: 72 Year Old Man Models Women's Clothes - yes, he is a grandfather.
But, most of you are here for the sexy pictures - such as women on their Knees Who Are Showing Cleavage - or - True Pictures Of Beauty that you may even bookmark I bet. Non-Nude Hotties On BS. So?
BS often features political viewpoints that Take The Other Side - BS does politics. And, offers `art' of a Trippy Nature.
Entertained yet?
This is certain to entertain BS'ers - A low cut top and something you probably want to open In Private - but that's the way you look at BS anyway, isn't it?
Who else finds it funny that they call it The Patriot Act? - to bring BS'ers up to snuff. Swimming in the Barf Stew folks. Be informed. Oh, who else finds these words of President Obama to be at least a smidgen Ironic?
Oh, did you know that after the vote to legalize pot for recreational usage in two states that the stock price for a company who makes Marijuana Dispensers soared from a price of 4 dollars to a price of 215 Dollars? Mercy. And, with campaign positioning like this against alcohol - Pot Legalization Days Are Just A Step Away - BS or not?
Hey Man - Got Some Reefer?
barf stew has over 800 posts this good in the archives - enter a tag and see where you go via the search engine. oh, please support our affiliates.......
Orion's Telescope Buyers Guide Primary Buyback Link

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ron Paul - Post Election

As always - RP nails the Current Political Situation - as always, the MSM remains silent on his concerns.
Doesn't matter to you however, right? You're here to see images that Arouse Your Interests - and Show Your Uniqueness, right?
Seems 220 petty pot cases, the livelihood of the criminal `justice' system for many years - have been dismissed in TWO counties in Washington state after voters there legalized possession of up to an ounce for those over 21 as of Dec. 6th. Read all about the Glimmers Of Hope. Yes, at times like these you can even begin to pull this book out from under the Mattress if you dare - and put it on the `coffee table'.
BS does the politics the MSM would rather say once and then forgetaboutit. BS does Politics that wake you up. Or, that are simply Unspeakable.
Every once in a while one can find some seriously good Reading about Contactees on the web. Find out more.
BS Entertains.
Strange Pictures Of Huge Fish - an oldie but a goodie that I pulled out of this Great Site of top voted links.
IF you are a newbie, you should be aware that Barfsters come here often to see the pictures of the Busty Women and Gorgeous Gals - so, if you like that stuff, the archive has 100's of posts this good - dig in for a serving or two. Oh, okay - one more Close Up Fantasy
Yes, it's getting absurd:
Let the Alien Invasion continue, right? .............. Would this be called a Pussy Shelf?  BS pictures, reason to bookmark and return....................... Pantie Self-Shot - you know, the high brow stuff. It's always non-nude at BS.
Here's some BS politics for you - CNN is a government mouthpiece - right from a CNN source.
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