`The Obama Recovery' - Barf Stew remains committed to bringing you the very best of the Republinuts Great Recession and the Democraps `Obama Recovery'. This year we saw The Obama Recovery produce this information - Our Nations YOUTH Are Joining The Homeless, not wanting to mooch off of parents already smashed with hugely lower net worth figures off 40% In Just The Last Three Years. More Obama Recovery news includes how Americans are `Sharing' their home and cars for cash flow, you know, turning into capitalists - like the mothers who are becoming Phone Sex Workers. And, the Obama Recovery has given us a surge in Binge Drinking - in addition to `Buy Gold' shops.
A Chemtrail conspiracy - Nano Objects Are Controlling Us humans. The disinfomation of the conspiracy folks knows no boundaries. Makes the ignoring of the lines in the sky by the MSM even more suspicious?
Is Bigfoot DNA results gonna rock the world? Is/was Bigfoot a hybrid human/alien? Were TWO Bigfoots shot and killed? Does it matter that the `DNA' research is being done by Bible Nuts? More barf or stew? Or, did you prefer the Wholly Mammoth Video Hoax?
How is it - that a major European country fitting the very definition of What A Depression Is (Spain) NEVER has that word associated with it? Or that the common man is Foraging For Food in Spain already? How convenient for the media to keep this downplayed for us, right?
And, what is it about cops? Such as these that thought the public interest was served by Strip Searching A Mom And Pulling Out Her Tampon on the side of the road? Barf and Stew worthy. The rights that have been given up for `security' should concern everyone.
In perhaps the funniest police link of the year - 18 Police Rescue Drowning Sex Doll - as they pull it out of the river, the gathered crowd shielded the sensitive children's eyes. Classic stuff. YES, 18 police. Or, is this one the funniest - as it seems a new law in California will require the police to Be Paid To Watch New Porn Flicks - looking for violations of the law of course - to keep us safe.
And, in what was one of the only glimmers of hope - do you remember the Vermont Farmer who crushed 7 Police Cars With His Tractor over a pot arrest. Do the police realize how they incite this crap by supporting the stupid and worthless politicians? Meanwhile, new data shows that Pot Smokers Make Our Highways SAFER. Meanwhile the citizens in surveys call for Drug Testing Government Offiicals and CEO's.
In perhaps the BSy'est paranormal link of the year - An Entity Flashes Into And Out Of A Mall - remember this one? Or, is this real? Orb nearly crashes into a car!
And, some things you simply want to forget you found out in 2012 - like the Steven Hawking Sex Club Black Hole. Correct? See, you had pushed that out of your mind you thought! Or, how the marketing at TARGET outed a girl who was Pregnant To Her Father - talk about sleuthing information pieces together.
Do you remember that the FBI lost President Obama's Dossier? Or that the presidential security staff routinely uses foreign prostitutes? The BS truths of 2012 - Unforgettable.
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