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Showing posts with label barf stew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barf stew. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pot Goes Legal - DARE Drops Pot Curriculum

To try to put it into perspective for out of country readers - 30 years after the beginning of the Drug War - supported by both parties and forever hyped by the Mainstream Media who accepts the bribes of `advertising' from the parties - and without in 30 years - the support of ANY elected official - has become legal in at least two states as of this writing at 5 AM the day after the election.

Oh, and the BS that has been called the D.A.R.E. program - an indoctrination forced upon the youth of the country - is now beginning to run with it's tail between it's legs about Marijuana.
TRIM Fit Body called eye candy by males. Would these be Double D's?
Did 3rd parties get 5% in Indiana? Without ever being mentioned?
But, you are here for the hotties, right? Ok, how about BS pulling from a new subreddit called College Sluts - didn't think you would mind. OR, 3 young ladies in Pretty Lingerie - blondes at that.
AND, for the BS Political Humor, right? - Such as the strange connection or NOT - between Pot And Guns.
BS Entertains:
Do you really think that `manufacturer's are going to keep hiring HUMANS to make things?
MORE girls? SEXY Halloween Costume - and on the street to boot. (Make sure to enlarge too) Oh, and, believe it or not - not even one of these college girls is going as a Slut - they just like dressing like them. BTW, if you like the non-nude pictures of sexy women, nearly every post on BS has them - dig into the archive or simply bookmark BS and return again soon.
The Floating Rock Video:
Obama Won - You May Want To Consider This Purchase!

398164_Food Insurance

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Could Hell Break Loose?

Thinking out loud. Some what IF's - Romney wins popular and loses electoral. Do you think that the congressional Republinuts are suddenly gonna play footsie? Wouldn't they be more display more cantankerousness than ever? ------------------- OR, even scarier perhaps, Obama wins the popular but loses the electoral. Would hell break loose with that outcome? ------------ And, could hell break loose within New Jersey at some point after the election and before the new year?

And, that isn't even mentioning 12-21-12.
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PrepareWise is an affiliate of Barf Stew
But, you are here for the Barf Stew Beauties - correct? So, how about this reason to Believe In A God (make sure to enlarge) or,  how about these Attention Seeking MILF's . BS has over 800 posts in the archive this good - go explore today. ---- The sidebar is a great place to start.
Will only BS bring you Decadent Lifestyle Propoganda? - You know, inappropriate drug humor and such.
BS Entertains. Have you bookmarked the Stew yet?
But, you are here to be entertained - with Deep Cleavage and other non-nude Hotties, correct? (yeah, go ahead and bookmark that one, it will bring you back to BS for more next week).
Ever wonder what a scholarly read about UFO's and aliens reads like? You know, a page out a some Government Publication?
Oh, Barfsters - I have a FREE book at my Author Page Today (Sunday) - please check it out.
398164_Food Insurance

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Of Course SANDY Had To Be A SuperStorm Hurricane

As the world knows, cyclones and hurricanes are known worldwide for affecting location with beaches of sand. The spreading of that sand is one of the major effects of nearly every hurricane in some manner. So, with that in mind, once the `depression' named Sandy (could it set off some sort of BS depression?) came into being - (how many years would the world need to exist before another would be named Sandy?) - it was ONLY inevitable that the outcome would be what we see.

And, worthy of retiring the name (as they will) - beckoning the Fortean is never the best idea.
As all Barfsters know - BS does Politics , sexy pictures, and more barf stew.
But you are here for the BS Beauties - right? Ok, let's start with the lowest of Thresholds - which may shock even BS'ers like you. --- Okay, no more fooling around - with this one - that is almost ready for her slutty Night Out With The Girls - which is bookmarkable. And, this is the girlfriend she is meeting up with at the Teasefest Night Competition at the uptown bar.
Gotta love Halloween in College towns, Right? - After all, she's just a schoolgirl. Speaking of parties in college towns on Halloween night - nothing beats the Athens Ohio Party Of OU Students - only 80 arrests this year. My bet is that - like this girl - it was a night with the exposure of many a Sideboob.
BS Entertains.
I updated my `science' blog recently - I think you'd enjoy it. This update even featured How To Eat A Triceratops and a cool video. Or, if you have to go somewhere - how about the best site that features ONLY UFO stuff from 2012?
Speaking of BS - This link is to a great Psychology Today study of about 110 college age people - who were rated for attractiveness and they found an interesting thing - Are Good Looking People Mean? Some interesting BS logic in this one.
Great read.
My thanks to all Barfsters who have been interacting with this page - many of you, almost dailycheck out `The Good Book' and other offerings on this page. That is how `surfers' do their payback you know to the blogger. You are a good surfer, right?
Need Some Extra Cash For The Holidays? IF you have old books you never intend to read again - why not sell them? All of this is FREE to you - no cost to ship, etc.
Sell textbooks online at
Now, go explore the archive of nearly 800 posts.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Will Sandy Bury Obama?

IMO, the odds of a Romney popular vote victory are enhanced by Hurricane Sandy - and the prospects of an Obama electoral vote victory is diminished. That is, unless Romney puts his foot into his mouth in the next few days. Nevertheless, BS stands by it's previous prediction - the first I've seen in print anywhere - that Romney will win the popular vote and Obama will win the Electoral College. Wonder what odds Vegas would offer on the above?
But, you are here for the girls, right? Wanna play with this  Nurse? Or, would you play with this Twosome? Thought so.
Ever wonder about this situation? What if you took all the people in the world and put them in an area of the density of NYC (Paris, etc) - how big would the `city' be? - Very Cool Graphic.
BS Entertains.
How much of this story have you heard? None? - Is Britain about to leave the Euro Union? Seems they are backing out of previous areas of agreement, ... in 133 areas.
Here's a cool video that shows how the impossibly large items in the distant past may have been moved - in this case - the Easter Island statues:
And, here's the link to the fuller story of the above video (cool website too) - Walking The Eastern Island statues.
How about a 1940's propaganda depiction of America ------------ In Germany! This is a must see. Oh, speaking of old wars - here's the words of the last soldier of WW1 - What War Is - BS does politics.
But, as we know, you are here for the girls. Like this picture of Teen Girls Hugging or this probable Pole Entertainer. You can find more pictures like this in nearly all BS posts - 800 of them in the archive now. One more? OK.
Finally, a close look at the informed American Public:
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Alien Surf Girls

Just as BS embraced the 10 folks who found Barf Stew via the search words `Sexy Chemtrails' earlier this month - let BS welcome those 11 yesterday using the `Alien Surf Girls' search to find their own special BS.
Speaking of special BS - (since lots of BS traffic is international, I get to explain American politics) - the Mainstream Media has been - once again - totally worthless in understanding our political system once again this time around. Will they ever get it?

For example: they laugh about the `supposed' undecided voters while ignoring that a MUCH larger contingent - IF NOT THE LARGEST contingent of voters is UNCOMMITTED - literally not even giving a crappola about EITHER party. Totally unconnected to the agendas of EITHER party. The real silent and unreported MAJORITY.
But, you are here for the alien surf girls - right? Then don't get distracted by this Sexy Pole Dancer or this Too Sexy For Public Hottie. ----------- IF you are new to the BS, the archive is full of great pictures such as these.
Some of you know that I am a juggler:
BS Entertains.
In Bigfoot news - an attack on a 1973 Winnebago Has Been Reported In Pennsylvania - by a Bigfoot hunter.
But, you are here for the European Street Hotties right? And, to look at Pokies Through A Too-Thin Shirt - right?
MY Amazon Author Page - you are connected.
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And, finally - Alien Surf Girls

one click and you will know the inside joke

Friday, October 26, 2012

Is Germany Securing It's Gold?

A real interesting BS read into the highest of big league finance - TONS of GOLD and where is it and where will it be stored physically. Is someone nervous? Read this tale of intrigue Germany Securing Its Gold.
Serious stuff - unlike this hot chick in a sexy White Bikini or this other one with a Peek Down In Front - gorgeous.
For all of you coming for the slippery slope of sexy sleaze - join another million of you:

She Kissed A Girl And She Liked It – 10 Best Girls Kissing Girls Videos On YouTube [Videos] And here is nine more.
Sliding down even further --- Pure Mania, get out your headphones for the beat after the 2:02 mark.
Entertained yet? Twin Beauties - don't miss this one. 
Stirring the Barf Stew? Which one is more you?
Speaking of you and stirring it up - Are Poop Transplants In Your Future? - Read all about it. And, speaking of bathroom items - is this for the Adult Bathroom? (look real close at this)
I typically give away 600 FREE books a month on my Kindle Author Page - are any free there today?
Dig into the archive of nearly 800 posts for more BS.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sexy Chemtrail

I don't know what would compel 10 searches of Barf Stew yesterday alone with the words `Sexy-Chemtrail' - but, BS is proud to take the honor and run with it. And, below - is the best of the internet of Sexy Chemtrails.
13 months, 142 views, 2 positive 2negative opinions
With these comments:

  • BOTH!!! The one eye theme girl should have told you that !!!! WAKE UP OUT THERE
  • B for both... Get the December 16, 1989 Wall street Journal on the front page it says that 40 states have wide spread damage ! They blamed Dupont. I personally contacted Morris Bailey N American Division Head and told him that they were spraying toxic waste on our farms with Aluminum levels appearing over 1500ppm in plant fiber. Within 3 weeks DuPont came out and said it was weather patterns. Then our government gave them 160 million to study Alzheimer’s.

Amazing BS for sure.
But - you, are here for the `Sexy', right? Well, let that BS begin right now with this Sexy Schoolgirl look - and how about this Thong Bikini Hottie - (you'll bookmark this one). Want more? Dig into the archive for much more.
Some of you have come to BS for politics too. Like how the election Might be rigged at the voting booth by Romney? Barf or Stew - up to you.
Ok, one more treat - from Bra Explosion - interesting site.
Bookmark and return. Share with the share buttons below.
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Saturday, October 20, 2012

How Can Net Worth NOT Be Spoken In Debates?

Here at BS we've often covered the `Obama Recovery' (great label to search here) and at how the government declared the end of the recession in 2009 despite everyone knowing otherwise. Indeed, one reason for the `new normal' is that the REAL middle of the American Class system has seen SUBSTANTIAL decline in new worth since 2005 - despite it rarely being mentioned by the politicians as it does nothing but point out how ineffective they have been. If you need some proof about all this use these links Household Median Worth - HMW. The real people know the system, represented by the two parties - has been `broken' for some time now. There isn't going to be a recovery with them in charge.

Vote Gary Johnson.
But, you are here to see the pictures of sexy ladies, right? Sexy Six Pack - sexy Hipbone View - and here's a couple of Playful Teens. The archive has a ton of stuff this good.
From the glimmers of hope category - NJ `Weedman' Found NOT Guilty - when will the politicians ever learn? Right?
But, you come to BS for the Girls In Wet T-Shirt Pictures, right? Or, pictures of beauties on the Street (hit enlarge button on many of these pictures).
Hey, have you heard the news - alpha-centauri-has-a-planet - fun read.
This Gorgeous Gal Generously Bending Over is supposedly a 19 year old Starbucks Gal.  Barf Stew entertains.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Could Romney Win The Popular Vote And Lose The Election?

Let none other than Barf Stew to be the first to make this prediction - especially since the latest Gallup poll now has Romney Comfortably Ahead Of Obama. Indeed, the Obama numbers seem to be declining. Such a shame. LOL.
But, you are here for the sexy women - right? Like this beauty with a Low Cut Top Showing Her Breasts at a dinner gathering. Or, this uniquely Striking Beauty. Right?
Please check out my most popular Kindle E-Book:
Beyond The Great Beyond
This graphic about sums up why I will be voting Libertarian again for President this time around Libertarian Ideals. BS does Politics.
But, you are here for the Sexy Pictures Of Women, right?
Speaking of BS and Sexy Women:
link -
BS entertains - and over 700 posts this good are in the archive. You could spend all day consuming BS if you wish.
Panama tells Germany it wants to adopt the Euro a story getting little notice. BS?
Here's an uplifting video:
And here is the link to the Suicide Story.
My candidate - Gary Johnson - has this much belief in his supporters - does yours?
BTW, I updated my `science' blog recently - links about a scientific way to find Bigfoot and More - including the `Primates' that simply can't seem to avoid us humans.

Textbook buyback at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two Debates - Not One Mention Of Federal Reserve Or Medical Marijuana

When one effectively locks out other points of view that are on enough state ballots to win the election - such as the Libertarians - the headline is the outcome. (Especially when the media hosting the events are living off the gravy of the advertising.) Sickening. BS does politics.
But, let's let BS get right to the Pretty Girls as Barf Stew is honored to have so many come each day to enjoy the non-nude hotties. Ready for some more? Busty Club Girl.
BS Humor - did this ever happen to you? (Fun Gif)
Hey, did you see stoner Micheal Phelps sink that 153 foot putt?

BS Entertains - tell a friend. Dig into the archive.
BS does Politics - The Oldsters Speak Up
Want a detailed science read about a Noble Gas you may have never heard about (Xenon)? Then you are in luck - find out where scientists think the Missing Gas is Located
Want a very cool first person paranormal story? It's about a person as a 2 year old Taking on another identity for about 15 seconds - that most likely lived a couple hundred years ago.
IF you wonder who BS endorses for the upcoming Presidential Election - it's this Guy - let's see YOUR candidate have this much faith in his supporters.
above is Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson
Please explore BS via the sidebar - and please check out our affiliates too.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Danville Virginia UFO Video

So, a profession videographer and contributor to a local TV station captures this video outside of a local Walmart of something with NO SOUND and moving about - UFO? 199 views since uploaded in August.

link -
Amazing motion in that silent quick moving UFO - don't you think? For the best in 2012 UFO Videos click the link.
But, you are here to see the sexy chicks - right? Get up close (hit enlarge) and personal with this Lip Biting Hottie - or, perhaps this lady with a Small Waist and Big Boobs is more to your liking. Unabashed BS Entertainment.
It's a plane - It's a UFO - It's a balloon?

link - (with the full BS story)
Yes, a balloon. Funny what the eye of the beholder will do.
Speaking of being in the eyes of some beholders - how about using hottie like this for your next car wash? Car Wash Bikini - would probably raise more than cash - don't you think? And, did you know that you could use twitter to find pictures like this? Camel Toe Lady.
The eye of this beholder last night in the vp debate saw a strange strange vp - how about you? Media is spinning it as some tie - as they had to.
Part TWO of the Danville UFO - about 100 views.
The Rest of the Story
So, in New Orleans - a joint falls out of the pocket of a city assistant attorney who has a wife running for public office - Believe It - Or Not. BS does politics.
There are FREEBIES on my Kindle Author Page Right NOW - believe it or not.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Refusing The Information Mix

In these days of manipulated information being literally FED to the population via the MSM - it's easy to understand why a numbered few refuse to interact with it. I personally have friends at that end of the spectrum who either don't have a TV or have a TV but have refused cable forever, and even a buddy that has dropped the internet - on purpose.

Additionally, many of those that use the internet don't seem to utilize ways to improve their information mix. (Crowd sourcing sites for news at least have a bit of freedom perhaps.) Yes, their information mix. How can a person in this day and age rely on NETWORK news at 7PM - and at reading the morning paper (if it even exists in their hometown) for the other news? And then consider themselves informed?

Or, would such an approach be buying into the ultimate level of MSM manipulation?
Would the characteristics of these females be attention `manipulation'? Example one - Blonde Downblouse and number two is Probably NSFW - even if she is in public with these slippery slopes.
Speaking of slippery slopes - seems that those crazies in Japan have opened the worlds first Cuddle Cafe - a place to `sleep' with a stranger for an hour or two (or more). And, for just 2000 Yen the girl will `sleep' with her head on your lap for 3 minutes. BS entertains.
And, how'd you like to cuddle with this exhibitionist Babe? (Bookmarkable) OR, this Exotic Hottie?
Not highly played up by the worthless MSM - but the IMF's main economist predicts the world economy will be in this funk until at least 2018. Peachy.
Need some cash? Have some used books laying around that you will never read again? Turn those books into cash with a click of the icon below:
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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Santelli Nails Jobs Number

The cynicism was thick enough to cut with a knife when the labor department announced the stunning 7.8% on CNBC - too bad the consensus of the smart money doesn't extend to the dumb downed 24 hour news cycle. And, as the headline suggests - Santelli has said FOR MONTHS that the Feds would play with the `assumptions' until the unemployment number was less than 8% prior to the election. Santelli is dead on again.
63 people who still believed the Feds about anything - acted annoyed that it would be suggested that the number was fixed.
The late 2009 BS about UFO Disclosure:
Inappropriate Drug Humor. BS entertains.
Take 40 lucid dreamers and ask them to dream about the famous NDE `tunnel and light' - about half are able to do it - therefore, one can conclude that near-death-experiences-lucid-dreams-experiment-finds - all that was `proven' is that a state of awareness can be developed IMO. Doesn't invalidate the experience in any manner. 
Besides - `The LIGHT' may not even be what the `dreamers' see - as the book below might suggest:
Perhaps all the women in heaven look like This Hot Chick?
There is stupid - and then - there is Stupid.  Up for a Darwin Award perhaps?
Finally, you'd be stupid to NOT hit this link below if you are shopping this weekend.

Save Money. Print Free Coupons Anytime.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Controlling The Dreams Of Rats

Isn't this groovy info? The site I link to about the success and controlling rat dreams is full of ideas about how `They' could do it to you Too. The slippery slope folks.
And, speaking of Slopes.
From the glimmer of hope category - Gary Johnson is on the ballot in 47 States - please don't waste your Presidential vote on a Republinut or a Democrap.
Did you know that UFO Secrets were revealed this weekend and the MSM didn't cover it?
Here is a report certain to tickle your innards - seems that California's debt is a bit higher than first thought - perhaps by a FACTOR OF FIVE Or TEN Times Higher. The breakup isn't far away folks. (Breakup and consolidation is the BS bet. A uniting of Canada, Mexico and the USA and a breakup of the USA into regions.)
Click to read a sample:

Does Russia has a Quadrillion Dollars Of Diamonds? Does that make yours worthless?
Bet you could look at a Quadrillion Of These. Or These, right?
BS does Politics. Classic photo capture of multiple cops on the beat.
Are the Greeks going to go bonkers on September 26th?
Alright, even while this is within the never nude on BS rule - some might consider it NSFW.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

No Incumbents In November

The only power available is to use local tactics. Since about mid-June, have these stickers have been popping up in your neighborhood? 

Talk about local action! (and i thought, what a great idea)

Perhaps you'd like a few for yourself, or, would like to learn to make your own (equally easy)? (AS YOU CAN SEE I MADE UP A FEW)

Then read onward.

The ones shown are indeed quality as they are with the protective shield to withstand public placement. One sticker has already survived intact, withstanding the elements, for nearly 3 months at an extremely busy gas station - directly in the view of the most popular pump-  at eye level. 1000's of close up, captive audience, impressions. They have been seen locally at ATM's too (the fraudulent bankers?).

In the observed case of the gas station sticker, not one person, ........... not one employee .......... - felt the need to suppress the public point of view. Almost as if it were expressing a national universal sentiment the mainstream media is ignoring. It's TOO LOCAL. 

But it would be local everywhere if this observed phenomena spread it's wings. And the press could ignore it as it does much. But, then, November would come and the voters will have a chance. They will have seen the message all over town, and wondered if their neighbors saw them too.

The act of not voting for an incumbent - if it became a national neighborhood local movement - would overthrow a large portion of the government of politicians. (Except for the unopposed - but, what if THAT count, when made public, actually showed NO one voted for the unopposed after all?) OR ALMOST NO ONE. OH, THEY ALWAYS  REPORT THE NUMBER AS 100% VOTING FOR THE INCUMBENT.

Who's the incumbent you ask? Easy, in most states they mark them with the asterisk* - how convenient; (lol) golly gee,  I wonder what the reason is for that? 

IF a message to the returning politicians* is not sent now, in a non-partisan manner in the voting booth, when? 


if you vote, vote libertarian or others when you have the chance
take the no incumbents pledge
Tell you what, if you really want one of these stickers, my paypal is; send whatever, be sensible, a stamp is involved after all (especially if you want both stickers) and then send me your address via and tell me of your sticker donation via paypal (cha-ching) - and tell me what you'd like me to send to you at your address.  Paypal will show me you did it. I'll send one or two out to you. Limit 3 stickers, make your own if you want more.
Spread The Word

note: these stickers are easy to make

buy Avery 3 1/3"x4" Shipping labels, Laser Ink Jet, (25 sheets and 6 sheets per label) use their free software to design your own message or copy the `No iNcumbent iN November' pledge preferably

Now you have the sticky back via the shipping label - now to protect the front - you buy a transparent roll of contact paper that you will place over the front of the label.  Cut to the size of the message. Now it is waterproofed and will hold up for some period of time.
Lots of impressions.
Like, until November.

ultimate cost is under a dime a sticker
EXCEPT FOR TIME AND PREPARATION COSTS SUCH AS the energy independence GAS we have all been promised for 4 decades of Republicans and Democrats for President!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time Travel PROOF--iPhone in 1948 Film!

Barf Stew is the unofficial source of unlikely Time Traveler evidence found in old time pictures and movies. Over a million have seen this in the last year - it does look almost suspicious.

One of the funnier things on the internet is the slow down to the near halting of posting in the `2012 Endtimer' blogs - Like This One Called Alien Abductee - Feel The Vibrations Man.
Are NYC cops totally Out Of Control? Lots of slippery slope stuff in this for sure.
Are you here for the Sexy Women Pictures? Not surprising at all as BS has tons of Busty Chicks to check out.
FBI visits home of 16 year old who Questions our moving into a police state in class project video - and read this closely, he was most likely turned in by his teacher.
BS does the politics not in your local hometown paper.

Give it a click to read a sample.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Debt Collectors Cash In as Students Struggle to Repay Loans In The Obama Recovery

As most folks know based on surveys that clearly indicate the nation is on the `wrong track' - the Obama Recovery does have its bright spots. And, the booming segment of employment for debt collectors for government sponsored debt is a great legacy to leave our children. And, as the Article Says it never goes away. And, you might want to read about what a dismal failure the latest program about the student debt is already becoming.
How about a 1934 Depression Era Cartoon to stir your senses? BS does politics. Oh, that's right, the MSM has declared us in recovery for YEARS already.
Speaking of cartoons - could this beauty Be Your Assistant?  perhaps wave in some traffic to your store? More hotties in the archives. IF you see big blank spaces on this page it is being banned by google - a bit over the edge even when a PG rating.
BS entertains. You can share us on your facebook page with the share buttons below you know.
If you like to enjoy the best of UFO blogging in 2012 you must see this site which only has the 2012 UFO Stuff - Videos, Pictures And Analysis.
A part of 9-11-2001 that you've never heard about may be very important at a level that is amazing!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Without Manipulation The REAL Unemployment Rate Is 11.2%

As nearly always happens, Rick Santelli nails more truth in one minute, than you will find watching a month of the evening news:

Sickening, right?
Ever notice how Sexting is not a big topic anymore? Wonder why? Could it be that the `retail censors' that everyone used to have to use for film development simply do NOT exist anymore, and that took a few years for that fact to sink into the consciousness of the world? 

Isn't it logical that when the proliferation of cameras happened and that the pictures no longer had to go anywhere to be `developed' would indeed `cause' a new breed of `pictures' to become available? Especially when it involves teenagers?

Or, is it that teenage girls are simply that much more sleazy than in yesteryear? (Unlikely) Nonetheless, the removal of needing to `develop' film has developed a slippery slope, with developing women, as they and their friends are seemingly the source of each of these photos for your enjoyment. Busty Braces and Hot Sexy Teens. Need some more? Wet Panties Upskirt. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone. (there is never nudity on BS)
Title this one - Bongs in Prison. With a 7/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. Oh, he had murdered a cop.

I don't think you will forget this Sexy White Top and might even bookmark it. Like the pictures on BS? You could spend the rest of the day looking at them via the archives. How about 5 young teens looking like future Pole Dancers? Why do I have a feeling these are all MOM approved.
NASA scientist finds that 6% of drivers are Sadists? (All kinds of logic flaws here but it is an interesting read.)
As you can tell, you win when BS clears out its files. Like this Cameltoe Beauty and on this one you will have to swear to be over 18 before they will allow you to see a non-nude Downblouse Photo or the Sexy Legs of this chick.
You might want to bookmark and return don't you think? - become a Barfster today.
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff)

The 14% UFO Myth And Other UFOlogy Essays

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff)

Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year"

Well, of the year 2009 when Santelli stepped to the forefront of being the voice of the people: Over a million views on this baby and an 8/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion:
Yes, the time has come for the coffee shop to be titillating - just call it the Obama Recovery.
BS does Dictator Politics - pretty funny, don't you think?
BS is a Non-Nude Site but that pushes the boundaries don't you think? == And, this is just a totally nasty and Sexy Picture, is that a coloration? And, one last Busting Out should do the trick. Want more? Tons are in the archive.
You are here for the `paranormal' stuff? Like a article asking Why Do People Believe In UFO's? - a relatively naive article I must say. Oh, if you want Strange UFO videos - I updated the blog of the same name today with a man who claims that NASA video provide all the proof about UFO's that you can Handle - 51 total videos at the link. Quick loading. Well worth your click.
Sell back textbooks at (Just give it a click)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Worthless MSM Pushes Romney Female Voter Gap - Never Mentions Obama's Male Voter Gap

In example 5,678 of media manipulation. Oh, and DON'T be looking for ANY surveys to show you the results by race - cause then, we'd have to talk ab
out Obama's WHITE person voter gap. 

Just sayin.
And, you KNOW that BS loves to entertain that male audience too:
Mighty cool vid - don't you think?
Now, how about why you're here in the first place - sexy images of females - even if they are Virtual - Or near alien looking - or have Impossibly Big Boobs - right?
Entertained yet? Why not check out the archives with over 700 posts this good?
Finally for today - do you want to read a great Science Story with Anomalous Overtones?.
Enjoy my latest Kindle Book Today

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