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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marijuana Lowers Cancer Risk

Well, that's not quite right either - the finding is that Pot smokers have a lower level of cancer. Obviously, that could be `caused' by a thousand factors unique to Marijuana smokers that reduce cancer and may not be the substance itself. Nonetheless, the data is in and if you want to lower YOUR chance of cancer - Be A Pot Smoker or, at least act the way they do.
BS has a bevy of sexy links all bottled up and ready to spring loose - are you ready? Sexy Prom Dress? - Ripped Stockings Anyone? - These FOUR Are On TV? - if so, I think they have figured out what males want to see.
BS Humor - Guy was told that this license plate meant something Else other than the obscene.
Yeah, perhaps you can tell with all the pics but I updated my news-picture blog today. It's based on Reddit Headlines and if you haven't read Reddit before - here's a chance to find out what it is all About.
Meanwhile........ American Heart Association: Tasers can cause death - Get the Full Stew Of Both Sides Here.
Some have been asking - where's the sleaze? IF that is you - here's that story about the UK couple who were having sex so loud as to ...... well..... Read For Details. You might even be able to find the session, the audio session, online.
Ready for another trio of beauty? Thank God For Raver Girls -   i think that only OMG describes this one. And, finally, A Proud Fisher Girl.
And, from the Encyclopedia of Philosophy --- Consciousness - RU ready to be blown away.
BUT, does it match the Curtains? BS Humor.
Ready to challenge your mind?

Do you like to take surveys? About movie stars, products and politics? Then please, make sure to Check This Out. Thanks.

Monday, May 28, 2012

1919 Auto SHOW Girls

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

FREE Casey William "Freeblood" Hardison - Political Drug Prisoner

Do you own your own body? Does the government or yourself have the right to how you treat it and what you put into it? Are `free thinkers' dangerous to a `free' society? - Find out MUCH more about Casey and his fight for Justice. Give a barf.
Ready for today's sexy picture bank? SEXY Sweetness and X the browser button and hit the green tab to prove you are over 18 to visit this Russian site to see this very sexy Girl and Car. Finally, another Maneating MILF similar to what we had just the other day on BS.
And, yes, the demand for Girls Jumping On Tramps is thru the roof:

Ready for some time travel? OHIO, 1938
The other day here at BS we did a `alien flash in the mall' story - Barfsters I'm sure remember the video - here's how another blogger I respect handled the same Mall Flash Video.
Finally for today - a look back at a 1950's conversation between two pilots about UFOs - talk like you never hear in our Day And Age
IF you were entertained today - please look around the sidebar for MUCH more content. BS has over 700 posts at least this good.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


As Barfsters know, BS doesn't dig into movie trailers very often as our headline or first serving - but, this fits into BOTH the sleazy side of BS and the political side (in a way). The idea is that PORN can unleash evil spaces. (You mean like governments?)

Hattip -
Meanwhile....... the bond crisis is beginning..... here and everywhere and for a variety of reasons all caused by over promising politicians. In this new twist Declining Tobacco Sales Are A Hidden Reason. BS politics.
So, we've touched on politics and paranormal and now for the P - the pictures of beauty. LOL. Lovely Public Ass - bookmarkable for sure. Here's some Beautiful Beach Frills that I expect you will love. And, finally, the Real Reason You Go To The Beach.
BTW, the archive is loaded with great pictures such as the one immediately above.
BS loves the activists against the system on nearly all levels. Here's one example of how a 9 year old ----- started a blog ----- about the horrible lunches she was being served at her school. And guess what happened after just Five Blog Posts? - Barfsters have to see the pictures she would take with a camera of the food at school and post to her blog. Could 9 year old's be the next terrorists the country has to watch?
Here's the best video of a TANK EXPLOSION that I have ever seen. Well worth the 48 Seconds; indeed, I bet you RE-watch this one.
Ready for more beauty? Asian Model in tiny clothing of course.  And, please, make sure to have a nice bright Perky day.
Did you know that Penn Jillette has a political website? Penn Sunday School - cutting libertarian thinking that the MSM doesn't know what to do with.
Have you bookmarked BS yet? 
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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Are UFO Debunkers Old School?

Recently, Joe Capp put up another post on his UFO blog. He makes a number of points in his post, some of which I agree with, others I don't. Of course.

First, his post is here - UFO Debunkers Are Old School - it's worth the read, (ignore the typos). A tease or two:
All of us who have experienced UFOs up close know there is something not human here. They are not demons in my book because they could just as much inspire a believe in the Christian God. "And thee will be signs in the heavens..."
 The UFO belief factor is up.....
 I find it funny now what debunkers say. They are really sick and have no seance of objective thinking.


I'd take exception with the above to a degree. As a UFO 
saucer observer too - I would Not rule out that the 
phenomena is human, possibly. I also do not know if the 
observation of one is any inspiration for a God belief IMO. I also do not believe the UFO belief is up, indeed, to the contrary - I think it is slightly waning with the `Disclosure' statement last year by our government. Debunkers IMO are useful but generally offbase.


Time for today's sexy pictures? Sure - Extreme D Cup Hottie and Could Be Here Blonde Sister. Hubba Hubba.

BS Entertains - Freeky GIF that you will bookmark.

Barf Stew with ONLY a 3 out of 5 Stars? Please use this link to VOTE FOR Barf Stew - Thanks.
Thanks for your visit today. Dig into the sidebar for more servings of the Stew.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Entity `Flash' Visits Mall

This seems like a VERY valid `anomalous' video from a security camera in a mall. But, if you trace the `sourcing' it goes back to a `gathering site' with all kinds of crappola. So, Barfsters can decide for themselves.

It sure seems as if this is a temporary phenomena with a `being' inside, doesn't it? Also, check out this more than intelligent comment at the above vid:

Look into Greg Braden's research proving the correlation of emotion affecting DNA, DNA affecting reality. The proof that emotion is a frequency, fear being slow, love being fast. (Increasing your frequencies to become enlightened through love.) this will also demonstrate the effect emotion plays over evolution and development. Science understands that all matter is made up of consciousness, this is what we know as God. Wouldn't you like to know him/her aswell?

Got another HOT picture for you - Maneating MILF'S? (Bet you bookmark this one.)
As you know, Barf Stew strives to bring great content and entertainment for body and mind to these pages - and, you know we like to poke fun at things like The Endtimers and at the link, dated 10/29/11, you can almost feel the end-a' coming.
As  Barfsters know, there is NEVER any nudity on BS - never. Why would there be, right? Porn is all over the internet, you can fill up elsewhere on that - but at BS, the edge of sexy near R pictures is well part of the program. So, to that end, a very sexy girl awaits at this link, but first you will have to X the browser popup (asking you to download Chrome and such) and then you will have to click that you are over 18 to see this NON Nude Picture. Or, to see this growing up too fast Future Pole Dancer.
Occupy wall street? --- The MSM tells us it's dead? BS Gets Political - Do You?
Meanwhile...... Married Couple In Same Picture Decades Earlier - what a fun read. Stewable.
So, yesterday, Ron Paul ran out of money and stopped spending it - what a politician. Anyway, before you are tempted to vote for any incumbent, either Republinut Or Democrap - take this economic analysis of how the parties have done at handling our money over the Last 40 Years. A tease:
On several occasions, I have glibly referred to how it now takes two spouses working to equal the wages of a one-income family of 40 years ago. Unfortunately, that is now an understatement. In fact, Western wages have plummeted so low that a two-income family is now (on average) 15% poorer than a one-income family of 40 years ago
Yes, this is a super post today - as all bins are overflowing.
MORE beauty. Sexy Teen and Transparent Dress - Oh those Russians.
Haven't touched on UFOs yet - how about a book on the 2006 O'Hare Airport UFO Incident? - Pretty good read.
Here's some encouraging news - 22% Of USA thinks World Will End Within Their Lifetime. Only 6% of the French do.
Interesting read. Barf or Stew?
Let's say it doesn't END, but that the food supply and world commerce crashes - do you want to be tagged to line up for your ration? OR, do you want to be eating gourmet while the system gets up and running again?
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Obama-Romney ANAGRAM `Maybe A Moron'

Has Barf Stew found the PERFECT slogan for the Libertarians this time around? Certainly it can't be CHANCE that the combined current last names of the two likely nominees adds up to `Maybe A Moron' - can it? And, isn't that about what the majority of folks feel about the way the nation is being run - BY MORONS?
BS does politics.
The Archive Has Tons Of Stuff - Dig Deep Into The Stew For The Treasures In The Broth!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Private Prison Corporations Are Modern Day Slave Traders

This is some very serious Barf to Stew about. The idea that slavery has become a for profit industry with barely a wimp from our beyond worthless mainstream media is sickening. - Read this eye opening report and facts - Prison Profiteers. Makes you want to get in line to vote for a republinut or democrap doesn't it?
OH, about that RUNNERS HIGH ------ turns out the body is MAKING the active ingredient in POT while running - Runners Need A Bit Of Prison To Straighten Them UP? ---  Yep, that is how stupid our drug war is.
The Cascade Creature?

Speaking of creatures - I bet this one could wrap you around her finger with one bat of her lovely Eyes, right? Or, how about this Political Creature? - The Archive has tons of pictures at least this sexy.
Oh, you gotta read this Barf about the secret service using prostitutes scandal:
the man had agreed to pay her $800,......... it was nearly three hours after the man kicked her out of the room and she alerted a Colombian policeman stationed on the hallway before three colleagues of the agent, who had refused to open his door after giving her $30, scraped together $250 and paid her, she said.
It is so comforting to know that the men protecting the most important man in the world have such High Standards, right?
IF you have been waiting for someone to put together an inexpensive Ebook about the 2006 O'Hare UFO Incident you are in luck.
Oh, Morning Reddit Headlines has Updated with the headlines your hometown paper somehow missed this morning. (Girly Pics Too.)
Thanks for Barfing Today


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

FOX News Suggests `Aliens' May Resemble Dinosaurs

Now here's a little 22 second goofy story for you to absorb this morning: Barf or Stew?

Now, I know that BS readers are probably chomping at the bit for some beauty pictures, right? OMG Russian Teaser (you may have to X the browser button and then say you are over 18 to see this sexy non-nude picture) - Sexy Pool Shot and this Girls Sexy Legs With Peak Of Panty. Might be more later so keep reading the page.
BS finds you..... well...... BS blogs - 12 Foot Humans - get lost in the muck of strange markings in the stone.
One thing about the past - they weren't sports obsessed like in today's world. Right? -- This 1924 Time Travel photo - Titled `Virtual Baseball' might say differently. (with comments)
For the College Guys that surf BS to the bottom of the page.
That is except for the best UFO photos and videos of 2012 which you can find here 2012 UFO Videos. Recently Updated too.
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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gas And Cigs - Same Price 1977

Talk about a classic picture - time travel to the late 70's when the price of Gas and Cigarettes were comparable. Now that gas is supposedly `scarce' and cigs are the new devil - they are still relatively comparable in price. Will today's pictures be as iconic when cigs are 20 dollars a pack and gas 20 bucks a gallon?
And, from one iconic picture to another - Slutty Party Dress or Slutty Party Girls?
More BS sexy pictures in the archive - look around.
Today's ParaNormal - Lujan Matus


The world of Drugs in one easy Graph - Notice the VERY Center Drug - bet you bookmark this.
Thanks for your visit today. And, don't stop now. Please look around this page for more content to enjoy.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Obama Recovery -> Sharing-for-Cash: A New Way to Finance Retirement

It's something to read story after story of the downgrade of the American standard of living on CNBC. Find out what is being `shared' these days as more and more people turn into Capitalists. You'll love the `renting' of cars half a decade old for more than their value in 9 months. Strange trendy article full of things to stew over.
So, you saw no real coverage of OWS on Mayday, right? Must have been because no one shows up any more, right?

BS does Politics.
BS does Political Cartoons
Imagine walking up upon this Sexy Scene - yowser.
Politics, Pictures, must be time for some `paranormal' - Joe Capp is back with a post from his heart about UFOs. There is something here! -- Or, go here for the very best 8 UFO pictures of 2012; some of these are mindblowing and this is a direct link.
Oh, did you hear the BS about a NEW Titantic? An exact replica? Titantic II's Details and you could be cruising on it within the decade easily.
MORE BS Politics, another cartoon I bet you forward.
Tis the season.
For those still looking for Bigfoot Evidence, especially vocalizations.
Finally, the April winner for most beautiful and hot girl on BS - Stacked Beauty.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1,436 Comments About An `Alien At The Window' Video

To Barf Stew, the `peeping tom alien' video of Stan Romanek, looks as real as the other `Area 51' aliens seen in other videos. Indeed, only Stan's long standing claim of `sightings' before this video (I believe) adds to its potential realness. Watch all the way thru and open your minds to the possible. 500K previous views. About a 3/1 pos/neg ratio of voting.

But, it's the comments about the above video that is of most interest IMO.

want to hear something freaky.... just as i watched this something threw a rock at my window from the back yard!!!!!
it takes a lot to scare me.. this fucking scared the shit outta me!
will not be sleeping ... luckily its 6 am and dawn is coming
Lol the dudes reaction made me laugh. Remember people they're different kinds of extraterrestrial the "Gray"(the one on this film) are not harmful there just fugitives and slaves from there own planet. No bs i know this by experience.
I just want to know one thing.There are actually people on this planet that believed this horse shit?
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