Meanwhile, REVIEWS OF THE MYSTERIOUS KIND - The Michigan Dogman and Roswell Rats - - I thought that Lon Strickler had somehow found out that the Dogman tape was FAKE? -- Yet, here, Nick Redfern goes the distance for the anomaly. - And, here, suddenly Redfern is in support of the first mentions of Roswell RATS - Crypto-Rats at Roswell - - Is this all to sell a book? Barf Stew? Or, something real?
Meanwhile, TSA Agents ARE Actively Profiling Air Travelers – They Are Specifically Targeting Attractive Women For Enhanced Pat Downs - - this is news? Barf Stew.
Speaking of needing a patdown - Sexy Picture time - Barf Stew Entertains.
And, how about a dose of Fear today - - Seems our Barfy Banks are 100 billion short.
Melting a Rock With Sunshine - BS Entertains:
Need a bit of business and politics? F.B.I. Agents Raid 3 Hedge Fund Offices - - Barf Stew. In the Line of Duty: The FBI Murders
Ran into this paranormal blog the other day --- interesting to explore - Stewable.
We began with Roman soldiers and end with Romanian Bikini winner:
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