At the heart of everything, in the real appearance of things, all existence is made up of whirling currents existing in a chasm of endless space. Even physical matter is made up of these highly condensed and solidified currents. This universe is literally nothing in comparison to all that is out there. When we look out into our daily life, and I mean right out of your eyes, we are witnessing movement taking place within a space. That is the entirety of life and nothing goes outside of this reality. This world that we see is a tiny image of the continuous whole mosaic. These currents never emerged, nor were they ever created, they have always been there whirling, mixing, expanding, and falling apart with eternal momentum. These many combinations over endless eras of time have created entire universes, races, societies, and individuals, among other things. There is no rhyme or reason to the manner in which these currents move, they are utterly spontaneous and undetermined. However, when they come together at specific points, specific individuals and worlds are created. Some of these individuals end up being able to alter these currents on a very profound level.
Much more Stew at the link - - might need a bib for this stuff.
Did you see that Stewart/Colbert rally in D.C. on Saturday? Well, it wasn't the only huge gathering in the country as every Halloween weekend in Southeastern Ohio one town goes NUTS - 78 People Arrested During Athens Halloween Block Party - -- lots was Barfed.
Oh, and about that Stewart rally - which I watched on C-Span - on the news shows on Sunday they seemed to have a hard time with stating how large it was or even what it was about (mocking the media and BOTH parties) - indeed, they couldn't even tell if the crowd was larger than the Glen Beck rally - seems they don't have access to common data like those that actually care about being somewhat accurate -
Well, already BS has covered politics and paranormal - time for those sexy pictures - - AND - Barf Stew Entertains.
How about Predictions For 2010 - Including one that states that TODAY will be the Economic Crash -
And, how about some Animal Barf Stew to Finish today?
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