Seems Bruce has been digging into the perception rabbit hole deeper lately than just about anyone on the planet and what he has been uncovering is somewhat amazing and it seems he is being provided proof of some of his ideas as his intentionality's seemingly breakdown the interiors of actuality.
For example, from this post - What If You Knew Everything You Know Was Unknown? - come these words from another recent post:
I was also struck by the similarity of the aim of both the traditional esoteric school, as well as one that is seemingly applied to such cases as the UFO phenomenon, whereas both appear to focus on the individual by deconstructing the imprinted knowledge base by which we function at perhaps one could consider, a base level, as in water seeking it's own level only in this case, the lowest level appears to be the cultural, consensus models of what reality can and cannot do, a common language of repetition, stereotype and predictability which is reinforced by all forms of our media.
Perhaps these words struck me because Lujan Matus seems to imply the same `wisdom/learning' supposedly being handed to him in his Dreaming via Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda's shaman of questionable existence. And that is, at least to my understandings, that our very perceptions are formed ONLY by repetition, stereotype and predictability -- that is largely given to us by our `parents'/culture. We learn (are told/shown) what is `real' and `how it acts'. Converting, as it were, the Unknown to the Known.
Bruce continues:
In other words, if a extraterrestrial landed and you had somewhat of a coherent conversation with this other animal from a entirely unique biology and sense perception, this ET would more than likely inform you and I that our animal perceptions of space, of time are simply that, perceptions that bear no relation to his reality or ours, that in fact, neither of them exist, except as by products, that we take in hand and create little fictions and great myths in a animal innocence similar to that of a dog, or a horse, or a cat. So what if you discovered exponentially, rather than being taught that everything you knew was wrong, misapplied, hopelessly self referential and not very helpful, and in fact, all of this had turned you the wrong way around for not just a moment or so, but for your entire life, in the deepest sense you could imagine?
In the above lines - I think Bruce brings home the concept of just how devastating an explosion of our understanding of our perceptions could be to an individual. Indeed, enough to `flip-out' some individuals and send them to `mental institutions' IMO. While other people become fixated at gaining more understandings of how perception `works' - and become `investigators' of the unknown in its available forms.
Bruce continues:
Perhaps the individual in a strange sense of evolution in my own rather admittedly "different" sense of the paranormal comes from Gurdjieff as well as Krishnamurti, as well as David Bohmn and Rodger Penrose , all of these individuals as fractals of the dance of the self and non-self I have noted, and yet none, much like the limits of my perception, can take the measure of the whole, and when paranormalists attempt to do so, I think their personal exposure limits come to the fore, wherein they have seen or have investigated so many strange events, that their self critical facilities are worn away like a rock in a rushing stream, so much so that, to them they begin a strange underpinning that anything is possible, if it is in human terms. I say that not everything is possible in human terms tho it is more than likely not in our terms
What I like above is that I think Bruce aptly describes our `faith' in the terms of human perception representing `real'. Now, does that mean that only by wearing away the facilities for perception that the condition for the `paranormal' - `appears'?
Bruce brings his ideas home with this:
A final question: Is it you and I that have created demons from the animal perception of biology? Perhaps we are being taught a new language and as such, I profess ignorance as to where this will lead although it may lead from our burrows where all the roles are within us from The Wizard of Oz, to the extraterrestrial from a far way realm, to a sort of bird alighting from one tree to the next. As for myself, the old demons have been driven from underneath the bed and replaced with a blank sheet of paper to improvise upon....and I sense there is something new that has arrived beyond our recycled mythologies, much like the hydraulic pressure that forces a liquid through the cracks of our foundational tenants drop by drop, until perhaps inevitably, we cannot go back or cling to our pet demons. We perhaps are given a probability there is an experiential language we have yet to be cognizant of as a matter of self awareness rather than cultural imprinting
Like Bruce, I too believe that perceptions are largely a languagelike experience of imprinting. Lujan Matus implies the same too. -------------------------------- At this point, Bruce wrapped up his post --- but then - had a very weird `impossible event' happen to him ------ AS IF TO SHOW HIM that it might be a learning of a language which governs our potential reality - almost a sign to show he is on the right path. PLEASE GO TO THE LINK TO READ ABOUT THE IMPOSSIBLE EVENT. (That is shown to him in an area of his expertise.)
But, I'm not done with Bruce for today - as this is his latest and is one of his few fiction pieces: Another Conversation With An Old Devil -
The Reality of Being: The Fourth Way of Gurdjieff
Gurdjieff, Tsabropoulos: Chants, Hymns and Dances
Gurdjieff, A Beginner's Guide: How Changing The Way We React To Misplacing Our Keys Can Transform Our Lives
The above books largely talk about `The Fourth Way' Ideas - if that is new to you - you owe it to yourself to read up on these important ideas about the reality you experience as a human.
More writings of Bruce -
Final suggestion:
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