The "robo-signing" scandal at the heart of the current foreclosure crisis may be just the tip of a legal iceberg that threatens to destabilize the American financial system just as the government is least equipped to support it.
That's the judgment of the Congressional Oversight Panel, the watchdog agency created to keep an eye on the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. And it's the first official warning from anyone in the government that banks' problematic servicing of foreclosures could obscure and possibly evolve into troubles on a global scale.
"At this point the ultimate implications remain unclear. It is possible, however, that 'robo-signing' may have concealed much deeper problems in the mortgage market that could potentially threaten financial stability and undermine the government's efforts to mitigate the foreclosure crisis," the panel said in a 127-page report issued today. "In essence, banks may be unable to prove that they own the mortgage loans they claim to own."
Much more at the link - Total Barf Stew.
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Barf Stew does Sexy - and and one more for the beginning of this weekend today - BS Entertains.
UFO Link? - Alabama UFO Videos - and Montana UFO videos - - Some Great UFO videos here. stewable.
BTW, something happened earlier this month - the FIRST MSM person to `think' something might be up with the Building 7 collapse in NYC on 9-11 - happened. Geraldo, the TSA and the Coming False Flag - - and at the link is a video of Geraldo Rivera that is a must see if you have been bought into the government side of the story. Barf Stew Does Politics.
So, you say you'd like to fly on a jet without revealing your privates? How's this for ingenious - - Flying Pasties. Stewable. GREAT PICTURES.
And, this was a breaking story yesterday - Hitler's Plan: Use Alien Technology Against The Allies - - With Pictures of `UFO'. Stewable.
Finally, a laugh to end BS today:
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