Now, you don't think that Americans feel like above because ...... US Is Nearing Even Worse Financial Crisis: Jim Rogers - http://www.cnbc.com/id/43328325 - Barf Stew Does Politics.
OR, that we have a government who does this?
Now, you wouldn't think that Americans are finally catching on to the Truth do you think? Such as this investigation! - PROOF OF SECRET MULTI LEVEL UNDERGROUND BASES :
WTF? Right?
Did Neanderthals cook their food? -- http://averyremoteperiodindeed.blogspot.com/2011/05/raw-and-cooked-caveman-redux.html -- a priceless blog that I have a few articles ready to bring to BS readers. Stewable.
The Humans Who Went Extinct: Why Neanderthals Died Out and We Survived
BS Entertains - The Daily Sexy Picture - http://i.imgur.com/NRUpZ.jpg - wow.
On Saturday evening - two TRIANGLE UFOs were seen in the USA - here links those reports and PHOTOS -
Not many folks present themselves as an Esoteric Researcher - here's one - http://www.chadstuemke.com/home/ - BS.