Speaking of numbers...... Half Of America Is In `Poverty' -- don't read this article UNLESS you want a different version of the truth than what you will find on the MSM. The BS.
Speaking of America......
More `truth'?

The world's largest consumer of illegal drugs is the United States. Cocaine is grown and processed in South America, and due to its illegality, the exportation and importation process is both risky and extremely profitable. A kilogram of raw coke is worth $250. By the time it reaches the United States, the retail price has grown to $107,000 for that same kilo. That is a profit margin of 1400% enjoyed by drug cartels, banks and corrupt governments. The system of prohibition put in place by Congress impedes the rights of Americans to put whatever substance they wish into their bodies, while simultaneously making billions of dollars annually. If you do not own your body, you are slave.