Oh, BTW, Bruceleeeowe has agreed to participate in a new website that has been set up by bloggers of the anomalous - with the sole purpose of `commenting' on speculations about the unknown. The website will be in full swing soon and I will keep BS readers updated.
Also, this new websites graphics look has been put together by the one and only Bruce Duensing - and has his untouchable `weirdness' look he is able to bring to all of us. You can check out the look here and the first post http://thecinfluenceblog.blogspot.com/ .
Continuing BS's focus on science today - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10355205 What the Higgs 'harmonic signatures' may sound like - listen to these 58 seconds - it's almost spooky. Short read too. Stewable.
A Toy For Your Science Oriented Friends: Click Image Below:
And, continuing the `Spooky' theme - what happened to this over the top research about the `mini box' that provides audible `answers' from somewhere, somehow - "Mini Box" Available for Paranormal Investigators - (buy the system here - http://www.paranormalsystems.com/mbpl2010.html the story here ) http://terrifyingtales.blogspot.com/2007/12/mini-box-available-for-paranormal.html - Stewable with Barf Warning.
EVP Listener: Click Image.
And, speaking of unconfirmable Spooky and Stewworthy information - Secret gold swap has spooked the market - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/markets/7884272/Secret-gold-swap-has-spooked-the-market.html From the link: It takes a lot to spook the solid old gold market. But when it emerged last week that one or more banks had lent 380 tonnes of gold to the Bank of International Settlements in return for foreign currencies, there was widespread surprise and confusion Spreading the Barf that the MSM covers once and buries.
And, this should give you the BS spooky shivers - Science of Evil: Depravity Scale Ranks Crimes - From the link: - Examples include: Bombing a crowded building in the middle of the work day in order to cause the greatest number of casualties; wanting to watch a victim die; victimizing the disabled; massacring obviously harmless villagers during wartime; and being able to carry out regular activities as if nothing happened after a crime. - http://news.discovery.com/human/depravity-scale-evil-science.html
Oh, BTW, there is a a link at this link that will let you participate in the Evil Depravity poll. Stewable.
If you have never seen the website 5 second films - here you go - http://5secondfilms.com/watch/absence_of_the_towels Barf Stew Entertains.
Here's more Barf Stew entertainment - 11 beautiful Romanian Girls - http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/foto/3a89080d_girlzyv2.jpg
How about another look at Girls Jumping On Trampolines? Barf Stew is your headquarters for GJOT.
Thanks for your visit today - the sidebar awaits.