Without question, the MSM will try to marginalize this `movement' while it still has time - which is becoming VERY short IMO. The use of FORCE will soon happen during the next bridge take over or something similar. As per usual to the MSM, it will be `unclear' as to whether the police acted appropriately, or `who' started the `violence'. (Such as planted police officers designed to provide a reason for a dramatic crackdown.)
It's becoming clearer by the day that the real thing the OWS (occupy Wall Street) folks want is literally the ENDING of the two worthless political parties - a new F-ing start of the system and a clean out of the old fraudsters. The power players, the shot callers.
AND, a cleaning out of the MSM too.
Yes, it also needs to be thoroughly cleaned of the Wolf Blitzers and the Shawn Hannity's. It needs to have actual people on the airwaves who agree with NEITHER party. OMG what would that be like huh? Would someone be brave enough to call it freedom of the press?
But, ultimately, perhaps after the first snowstorm in NYC has reduced those 24-7's of the occupation movement to a few hundred - would be the time to move in for THE EVENT. Our Tienanmen Square. `Dozens Dead' and an empty square - could save TPTB - and send America into another listless winter of accepting the primaries - and SAVE the two party system from any real challenges in 2012.
What do you think?
Things are heating up - as this video and link show:
"My Little Nightstick Is Going To Get A Workout Tonight"
hattip to - The Debris Field and the source - http://piglipstick.blogspot.com/2011/10/my-little-nightstick-is-going-to-get.html
Yeah, Today's B.S. does Politics.
AND, sexy girl pictures - what a stew of entertainment - Sexy Blonde.
And, inappropriate DRUG humor - Just Say NO - bet you forward this one.
For Today's ParaNormal - lets turn to one of Bruce Duensing's recent gems which generated lots of comments too - Part One of Through The Looking Glass: Backwards As Forward - The Event Horizon Discussion - hurry on this one as all BD links do not remain active (some have been dead when I went to post them).
Oh, if you wanted today's news or more sexy pictures - I just updated MRH today - right here News And Views.
That's enough to mull over for Today's B.S. - hope to see you tomorrow. Send Barf Stew to a friend and let them enjoy the BS Mix. http://barfstew.blogspot.com/
- Since you were wondering where the sleaze was today.