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Showing posts with label Bruce Duensing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce Duensing. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Only The 1% Has `Recovered' From The 2008 Bank Fraudsters

Seems in the Obama recovery that ONLY the super RICH have done `better' - with incomes up 11.2% while the other 99% are earning LESS. Big surprise there, right? The FED has obviously been engaged in RETURNING the money of the super rich at everyone else's expense. Gotta love the democraps and the Obama recovery, right? (How they always are watching out for the little guy with getting those good paying jobs to return from offshore that they sent there via Clinton and the worthless republinuts.)
But, you are here for the chicks anyway - Tight Yellow Short Shorts and a sexy Cleavage Sweetie and a sexy Tent Hottie.
Once in awhile the liberal democraps have a point or two or ten:
BS Does Politics and it often is a history lesson. Is this our coming History?
But, again, you are here probably NOT for the BS politics but for the rare Jailbait Photo - admit it. Short shorts and a tight top describe this chick that likes to Flaunt Her Sexuality.
Today's intellectual post - as often is the case - belongs to Bruce Duensing - The Broadcast Medium Of Quantum Television - as BD is celebrating about a year in this new blog. Oh, here's a snippet of the link:
No such thing will ever exist in anything other than a temporal state of storage, exchange or informational fluidity. 
Speaking of intellectual blogs - Dreaming In The Void - consider this your BLOGFIND - others in the sidebar too.
Now, the final video for today will probably cause HUGE BLACK boxes to appear on Barf Stew - too hot for Google. When you see the big black boxes on this site - please support it in some manner - thanks. BS's sleazy side.
Why Not Join Second Life Today To Show Your Support For BS

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spain's Depression

With an official unemployment rate of nearly 25% the `economy' of Spain certainly qualifies for the usage of the word DEPRESSION. Why do we never hear that word from the MSM? Barf Stew folks.
Ready for some mind stimulation - Bruce Duensing Ponders Actualization - the respectable tin foil.
Speaking of the un-ponder-able:

Are these the images of Ghosts?
Apparition: Has Major captured the spirits of long dead PoWs on a notorious death march 67 years ago?

The incredible story about this route of death in WW2 is in this great Read about how only 6 survived a 160 mile march. Are they still marching 70 years later?
After that, you need some Visual Entertainment, right?
What if you were a teacher at an alternative high school - you know, the ones with `problem' kids. What if one of them slipped you Acid before a field trip and you KNEW it when it started to kick in? It's worth your read.
Speaking of WHAT IF:

BS Politics.
Yes, there are more sexy girl pictures - like this Hottie/
Here's another political picture you don't want to miss as it puts a major issue into a new understanding for you - The Real Gig About Student Debt.
IF you know someone who likes ParaNormal books - send them this Link.
Green Cash For Your Old Books - just click below.

Sell back textbooks at

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Teen Girl Calls Police On Mom For Having Sex

She was 15 and knew what was occuring - felt dis-respected. Digging into the Stew Link includes the police report - In Panama City Florida - this girl must go nuts at the dis-respecting that goes on during Spring Break in her town. Adding the oil to the Barf Stew.
Speaking of oil and old dames - how about this iconic 1936 photo from Atlanta? Also, the comments section gives some GREAT history about how this picture ultimately was used - and their is an Alice Cooper tie-in:
It's worth digging into the Stew for the meaty parts.
Gorilla Walks Upright
3 million hits

Barf Stew Entertains
Meanwhile..... for the HEAVY stuff paranormal you also come to BS for - few reads will compare with this gem from Duensing .... called.... The Creation of A Species As A Self Harvesting Food Source --- Absorb Some New Ideas About Your Reality Situation.
It's 2012. You have thoughts it is the end - so, you search for Armageddon Online and find it. After that, make sure to catch When The SHTF.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Survey Says: Teen Girls Same Sex Contact Up Over 100% In 5 Year Period

And you have to like that this survey was confined to 17 year old females. The actual numbers also reflect other changes that you will want to read this link to know about - such as The DECREASE in being sexually active at all . Interesting stuff at the edge of sleaze but covered up with percentages and analysis. Oh, you gotta see the cheerleaders photo at the top of this HP post.
One of the most popular posts ever on BS was the Mohawk Punk banana pier picture - so, let's return to the banana scene just a few years earlier perhaps - 1906 Time Travel Picture:

Barf Stew Entertains
Speaking of entertaining - teen girls - and modes of transportation - How's This For Hot Cars And Hot Girls? from a website called Ultimate GTO.
Meanwhile... in it's effort to keep up with the future... the huffington post asks about if loving a Robot can lead To a divorce? Seems they are also positioned as being more emotionally available than human males.

Could Mitt Romney be any more boring? When will the MSM bring up the `special underwear' that Mormon's wear.
Today's final bit of mind entertainment is Bruce Duensing - his post involves God, and entities and more BD's Thought Exercise.
You'd be entertained by the Archive I bet!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

How To Materialize in a Parallel Universe

Editor of, Jeff Behnke, has put together a collection of his esoteric blog posts and published a Kindle book. Today's B.S. lead link is his thoughts on Materialization. His book is below:

Meanwhile.... The Man... The Myth.. Philip Schneider 1/16/1996 - A brief history of someone who claimed first hand knowledge of underground aliens and underground bases - nice piece of blogging.
Here for the TBS daily SEXY picture? Sexy Legs in this large Russian photo.
Want to see a version of an INDIA's Got Talent TV show?

TBS Entertains.
Meanwhile..... The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin - Fantastic Overview Of The Money Outside Of Government Movement - is it even possible.

For another excellent HEAVY Sunday read - It's Bruce Duensing - Part One of Mass and Energy : Is Imagination A Palatable Physics Of Information? - Imagination and Reality Displays - with, a tease:
If we consider imagination as a transient force with properties we do not fully understand in relation to unknown atmospheric phenomenon, is this force, a manifold between the mind, the physical properties of mass, and the organization of energy?

For us all of reality is a bio neurological simulation that is representative of imaging in various forms from pain to vision to taste to.. ..the list is endless.This crucial system of coordinating internally and externally a balance of maintainability through imaging, perhaps could be termed as it's root, imagination.
From this context of application, one could say we imagine reality.
See You Tomorrow

Saturday, November 12, 2011

OMG - All Of EIGHT Employees `Disciplined' Over Madoff Fraud by SEC

Unfukingbelievable - NOT ONE FIRED let alone put in JAIL. Some Had Pay Reduced - Some Were Suspended For A MONTH . One simply cannot make up the absolute Bullshit that comes out of the government these days - example 2,764. The MSM, of course, will report this once, since we are so free, and then not mention it again. Justice in America? Oh, pleaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeee.
Makes ya all warm and fuzzy inside, right? Makes you want to vote for a democrap or a republinut the very next chance you get - right?
TBS's UFO stuff for today includes A Cattle Mutilations Video over at Strange UFO Videos and the bottom bottom line on the 11-11-11 Phenomena and The Thrive Movement at UDCC.

Ready for more HOT STUFF? White Panties And Bra On a HOT Blonde Girl - the TBS daily sexy picture. (Never X rated BTW - you can get that stuff elsewhere.) More sexy stuff via the sidebar.
Meanwhile..... somewhere in-between science and belief --- EEG shows awareness in some vegetative patients - About 20% perhaps - and folks are waiting for methods to ask those folks `yes' and `no' like questions. Glimmers of hope.
Making sure the college students hang in there for today's sexy double shot - a pretty girl Downblouse delivered with a smile.
BS Humor? Sure Hard Landing GIF.
Ready for some heavy weekend reading? Duensing brings that in an over the top essay about his loss of his son and an intellectual friend or two - in Season Of Death.
BTW, does this link look like a housing recovery to you? - how many times has the MSM repeated that things had bottomed or were improving in the last 3 years - a dozen? More? Talk about a worthless MSM.
Oh, here's a UFO book by an Aussie with a UFO blog - looks like UFOlogy told from an Australian perspective - Interesting.
 Speaking of keys to mysteries.

Is hypnosis this easy if you know how to do it? (Make sure to check out the sidebar for more on Hypnosis.)

Imagine The Possibilities.
See you tomorrow.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Whisky Stew

Today's post title are two words that have sent folks to TBS in the last two hours: turns out - There is such a thing - here's the recipe - whiskey stew, can TBS live up to such a title today?
Well, first, a bit of OWS. As you are probably subliminally aware of - immediately upon the first demand-suggestion by the OWS being to `boycott the big banks' ---- the MSM IMMEDIATELY and I mean immediately STOPPED cover the OWS on a daily basis or news story that was featured.

It's painfully obvious how the MSM is under some sort of vague control of TPTB (the powers that be) the only question is to what degree. Indeed, the ONLY mention I heard of the OWS movement on the morning tv `news' shows of the main networks - was the number arrested in Chicago and NYC over the weekend. ONLY the number arrested.

Yeah, it's laughable.

That said, I did see some actual reporting - on MSNBC - of Naomi Wolf (think I got that right) who personally was jousted around by the police and told about it on TV the next day.

So, anyway. Here's this offering to the movement:
How the MSM asked Herman Cain And Ron Paul about OWS.
Ready for TBS's sexy side? How about something In the Sexy Halloween Virtual Girl Mode? - Or, Two Sexy Girls About To Kiss? - TBS - Tell a buddy.
Politics, check. Sexy, check. What else is needed for the Whisky Stew? Underground type stuff perhaps? --- Profiling The Mail - What Not To Do To Cause Suspicion - hmm. Mountain Rum Running next week?
And, how about a dash of heavy stuff for the stew - from Bruce Duensing - called - Living Systems and The Structural Analysis of Free Will - Heavy Duensing thoughts and link -- that should thicken up the broth a bit.
Oh, btw, here's some UFO stuff - - it's all about that Thrive Movement stuff happening next month. What? You haven't heard?
Books You Might Find At A Thrive Convention?

Or, not?
Check out the sidebar for access to over 600 posts this good.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Prediction - Occupy Wall Street, American Autumn, To Result In U.S.A.'s Tienanmen Square

There's something happening here, what it is isn't exactly clear..... Yeah, it's a somewhat disgusting prediction and not one that B.S. takes lightly. BUT, I can already sense the direction the MSM will be taking during American Autumn's uprising. Certainly, I hope, folks aren't so stupid to think that the powers that be (TPTB) are going to take this lying down, right?

Without question,  the MSM will try to marginalize this `movement' while it still has time - which is becoming VERY short IMO. The use of FORCE will soon happen during the next bridge take over or something similar. As per usual to the MSM, it will be `unclear' as to whether the police acted appropriately, or `who' started the `violence'.  (Such as planted police officers designed to provide a reason for a dramatic crackdown.)

It's becoming clearer by the day that the real thing the OWS (occupy Wall Street) folks want is literally the ENDING of the two worthless political parties - a new F-ing start of the system and a clean out of the old fraudsters. The power players, the shot callers.

AND, a cleaning out of the MSM too.

Yes, it also needs to be thoroughly cleaned of the Wolf Blitzers and the Shawn Hannity's. It needs to have actual people on the airwaves who agree with NEITHER party. OMG what would that be like huh? Would someone be brave enough to call it freedom of the press?

But, ultimately, perhaps after the first snowstorm in NYC has reduced those 24-7's of the occupation movement to a few hundred - would be the time to move in for THE EVENT. Our Tienanmen Square. `Dozens Dead' and an empty square - could save TPTB - and send America into another listless winter of accepting the primaries - and SAVE the two party system from any real challenges in 2012.

What do you think?
Things are heating up - as this video and link show:
"My Little Nightstick Is Going To Get A Workout Tonight"

hattip to - The Debris Field and the source -
Yeah, Today's B.S. does Politics.
AND, sexy girl pictures - what a stew of entertainment - Sexy Blonde.
And, inappropriate DRUG humor - Just Say NO - bet you forward this one.
For Today's ParaNormal - lets turn to one of Bruce Duensing's recent gems which generated lots of comments too - Part One of Through The Looking Glass: Backwards As Forward - The Event Horizon Discussion - hurry on this one as all BD links do not remain active (some have been dead when I went to post them).
Oh, if you wanted today's news or more sexy pictures - I just updated MRH today - right here News And Views.
That's enough to mull over for Today's B.S. - hope to see you tomorrow. Send Barf Stew to a friend and let them enjoy the BS Mix.

 - Since you were wondering where the sleaze was today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Is October 21st The New Judgement Day?

And, didn't Harold Camping say that about 5 months ago? Oh.... it was EXACTLY five months ago. Find out why that matters to the tiny minds following HC by clicking the website God Discussion -- who's motto is - For The Rest Of Us Who Don't Go To Church - and is Today's B.S. lead story. Great BS POV article too.
 - A rebuttal.
Today's B.S. will continue to feature ParaNormal blogfinds such as this look into Crypto Entities - check it out.
Continuing the focus on the anomalous today - Here's an interesting YT `orb' video shot by a paranormal investigator. This guy is into thinking that Orbs means `spiritual' Orbs that are small, within rooms, and appear to video cameras and normal cameras ----- especially if asked to appear. And, while the video could be --- note the words, could be - pure crappola; it's also possible that he is demonstrating just how close the special consensus reality is to `actualizing' at any given moment. 342K views.

Of course, for the very heaviest stuff on the internet, its gotta be Bruce Duensing - Material Intangible - put your mind at the door upon entry.
Finally - these books are - to me - the heaviest books I've ever read - Phenomenology And More - Great Site Too.
IF you were wondering what strange search term got SEVEN folks to Today's B.S. yesterday - wonder no more - `sexy bigfoot'
 - makes me want to find some beef jerky.
 27x40 Movie Poster (Under 20bucks)
Politics and Sleaze Tomorrow - So, Bookmark and Return.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

UFO Over River In Columbia Kills AND BURNS Fish - 2011 TV Report

So, I spent sometime yesterday searching around YT for some UFO videos for UDCC, and low and behold, found some REAL BS for Barf Stew at the same time. This ignored by the MSM TV report happened earlier this year - just a day or two before the Jerusalem Orb. (You have to read the comments too at this video.)

And, a casual search of G left this link of humans being burned by a UFO - UFO burns and other claims. Stewable.
Fate Magazine, October 1968 UFO Burn Victims! (Volume 21, No. 10)
Fate Magazine, October 1968 UFO Burn Victims! (Volume 21, No. 10)
Looking for a UNIQUE hotel experience? How about staying in a Drain Pipe - bet you forward this. Details at link.
(click to enlarge)
Here's another picture you'll want to enlarge - Handbra Beauty - today's BS sexy picture - Sexy Hottie - more of this content via the sidebar.
Honor Roll Hottie- Women's Sexy School Girl Costume Uniform Outfit
Jennifer's Body (Unrated)
Finally for today's Heavy Stuff - Part Four Of Preliminary Conclusions and Deep Suspicions. - Bruce Duensing Roots Around The Event Horizon - beyond Stewable.
Back of Beyond
Thanks For Barfing Today

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bryan Gardner - Balls Of Steel Fraudster

There's fraud; and then there's FRAUD. Imagine using as your ruse the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States! As the headline said, balls of steel. Find out the lurid details of the levels of fraud that lives, thrives, and multiplies in the banking industry - Balls Of Steel Stewable.
Something hard as steel might be associated with viewing today's BS sexy picture - oooh, la, laaaa. BS Entertains.
Halloween Is Just Around The Corner
California Costumes Women's French Kiss Costume,Black/White,LargeWomen's Secret Wishes Princess Leia Costume, White, M (6/8)Dreamgirl Women's Wizard Costume Grey, SmallWomen's Pirate Costume Red/Black, X-Large
Run Cursor Over Pics For More Info
Women's Secret Wishes Sponge Babe Costume, Yellow, M (6/8) Naughty Enough?
Fantastic Carlos Castaneda Link - Hear Don Juan's Words Stewable.
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, 40th Anniversary EditionJourney to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don JuanSeparate RealityThe Art of Dreaming
The Wheel Of Time: The Shamans Of Mexico Their Thoughts About Life Death And The UniverseAdd to your Castaneda Collection. Great Gift Too.
Keeping the focus on the edge of reality - Bruce Duensing Actualizes the Event Horizon Here - Stew, of course.
Speaking of event horizons - dial it back 98 years to Night Light in 1913 - Downtown NYC - The Woolworth Building. Real Time Travel.
(Click above picture to enlarge)
and here's a Shorpy from 1902 1902 Classic - The Trip Advisor
Canvas Print, Woolworth Building - 12 x 18 Canvas Print
Meanwhile..... Mayan Secrets to Be Revealed by Mexican Government in '2012' Doc -
Speaking of BS, have you heard this one? Restaurant Owner Ordered To Pay BMI $30,450 For 'Illegally Playing' Four Unlicensed Songs - Big Brother Shake Down?
And speaking of Big Brother - could the Chemtrails story get even more nefarious? Yes Nano Chemtrails - as the SHTF.
Chemtrails ConfirmedThe Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla : Haarp - Chemtrails and Secret of Alternative 4Contrails, Chemtrails & Artificial Clouds
ChemtrailsUfo Defense Tactics: Weather Shield to ChemtrailsThe Chemtrail Conspiracy (The Crestone Trilogy)
The New World OrderChemtrails of the World: 2004 Wall Calendar and Picture Book
What In The World Are They Spraying?
Remember how the MSM makes a huge deal about Red and Blue states? So, who cares of this study says they are largely the same - even comparing states as diverse as Utah and New York - Red And Blue? Try Purple
BS Politics
Sunday is the perfect time to go thru your old books that you will never read again and see how much they are really worth? You might have some goldmines and not even know it.

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