the red book - #1 in coin value books.
One of the results of inflation of course will be the continued increase in the cost of raw materials - such as the raw materials found in coins in the US and worldwide. Indeed, according to Coin Inflation those Jefferson Nickels (those 1946 to 2014) in your pocket are worth $0.0609 cents right now. Heck, even the common penny dated before 2015 is nearing a real penny in melt value. (Everyone knows those pennies before 1982 are a gold mine worth almost 3 cents now. 2.8 cents.)
How long can such Barfstew go on? After all - the big European money - which pays negative interest rates - still collects big bucks in the American overnight money markets. That said, it's kinda barfy that the MSM isn't all over the NICKEL story.
Republicans Losing Faith..... in electoral process. And all caused by Watching Fox News says this research study that no one who watches Fox News will read. Listen, it's possible that when 1000s would turn out for Trump rallies and near dozens for a Biden rally (before they pulled back) - that people might believe their lying eyes - IMO. Also, why should any system be dependent on 50 results when a popular count would do and would restore some of the faith..... perhaps. Political barfstew.
Think it's impossible that a country would fine EVERYONE over a certain age only..... for not getting your COVID vaccine? The slippery slope is here - and it begins with GREECE - and it's not cheap. Barfstew politics. ============================================
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