Crypto Links
The Segregated Witness augmentation to the Bitcoin core should help in the desired scaling solution for BTC. Along the same theme - why are BTC confirmations taking so long?
Do you want three good reasons to invest in Cryptocurrencies? How about Japan - Litecoin - Diminshing Fiat Values! Seems a Japan utility is accepting BTC and giving a discount for its use; the Chinese are going for the silver coin LTC; and the Pound and other fiats decline in relation to the dollar.
With Trump calling the vote rigged - the blockchain could once again come to the rescue - For Security.
Once again....might be a good time to get in.
Need more? How about a Netflix executive saying he'd like to see BTC become the world currency....sees efficiency and cost effectiveness.
========================= about an online platform of Doctors... that takes Bitcoin in payments for extra privacy.
And finally
Are some BTC miners trying to force the Blocksize Issue? - No wonder SWitness is about to happen too.
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