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Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Survey Says - The Most Unacceptable Words In New Zealand

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250George Carlin's list has expanded considerably - do you use any of these with regularity?
And the big F is finally a 50/50 take.
The Inappropriate BS Stuff
Just Sayin
The BS Loves Paul
Data Is Beautiful
Will a new Bond show weed inhaled?
Why Title 9 Mattered
Barfsters Will Enjoy This Book
Barf Stew Entertains
900+ posts this good in the archive

Friday, July 12, 2013

Graphing The Changing Societal Norms In `Mate-Introductions'!

Sometimes, graphics say it all:

261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250The BS - Locker Room Humor, Locker Room Girls
this is how BIG 3D printing will be 
PRINT Your Own Drugs - Of All Types
the slippery slope that will surprise the MSM
The BS's - Sexy Photos
A Breastraunt Waitress
The BS - Does Politics
Caution NSFW

slippery slopes
THE BS Entertains
Yes, it's official - Fracking Causes Earthquakes such as in TEN TIMES as many!
The BS Informs

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ron Paul, Again, Nails Many Folks Sentiment About Boston Bombing NOT Shown By MSM

Ron Paul: Boston shutdown during manhunt ‘should frighten us as much or more than the attack itself’ - covered by Boston.Com

But, all that doesn't matter when YOU are here to see girls who like to get into Position to be seen...... and.... girls, who don't seem to mind showing just that little bit Extra .... nasty girl. Or, perhaps THE REASON to return to the top of this page and mark the box that says you are here because you like the Images (could be as sexy as any ever on BS).
A Reminder - The BS Never Does X!
As most serious and thinking individuals know - the `wars' - in Afghanistan especially - has been a total farce. (I laugh how the MSM repeats about us giving them their freedom when the other day they had 5 car bombs and more terro.) Yet another warm and fuzzy bit of info has come to light - you see - we needed to keep up with the suitcases full of money being given by the Afghan President.....  Yeah, it gets complicated...... A 40-1 ratio of opinion about this suggests you may want to digest this part of the Stew.

Does that mean that when we exit the big A that the government will give some random citizen that bag of cash in some sort of effort to build up Goodwill? Makes ya all warm and fuzzy inside. After all, they will have an extra bag of cash each month.
BS does politics of the slippery slope.
Does The BS `stand' for Bust Shot? -- or -- Tween Athlete Wedgie - which is your favorite? Did you vote in the poll?
Oh that Obama Recovery...... seems the whites are getting richer again at the expense of the much poorer minorities --- how much poorer you ask?

"Given the dynamics of the housing recovery and the rebound in the stock market, the wealth gap might still be growing, experts said, further dimming the prospects for economic advancement for current and future generations of Americans from minority groups.
The Urban Institute study found that the racial wealth gap yawned during the recession, even as the income gap between white Americans and nonwhite Americans remained stable. As of 2010, white families, on average, earned about $2 for every $1 that black and Hispanic families earned, a ratio that has remained roughly constant for the last 30 years."
It's a CNBC Link. Did you vote in the poll?
Perhaps that bag of cash.......
SLIGHTLY INAPPROPRIATE - The BS! Did you vote in the poll?
Did you vote?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ron Paul - Post Election

As always - RP nails the Current Political Situation - as always, the MSM remains silent on his concerns.
Doesn't matter to you however, right? You're here to see images that Arouse Your Interests - and Show Your Uniqueness, right?
Seems 220 petty pot cases, the livelihood of the criminal `justice' system for many years - have been dismissed in TWO counties in Washington state after voters there legalized possession of up to an ounce for those over 21 as of Dec. 6th. Read all about the Glimmers Of Hope. Yes, at times like these you can even begin to pull this book out from under the Mattress if you dare - and put it on the `coffee table'.
BS does the politics the MSM would rather say once and then forgetaboutit. BS does Politics that wake you up. Or, that are simply Unspeakable.
Every once in a while one can find some seriously good Reading about Contactees on the web. Find out more.
BS Entertains.
Strange Pictures Of Huge Fish - an oldie but a goodie that I pulled out of this Great Site of top voted links.
IF you are a newbie, you should be aware that Barfsters come here often to see the pictures of the Busty Women and Gorgeous Gals - so, if you like that stuff, the archive has 100's of posts this good - dig in for a serving or two. Oh, okay - one more Close Up Fantasy
Yes, it's getting absurd:
Let the Alien Invasion continue, right? .............. Would this be called a Pussy Shelf?  BS pictures, reason to bookmark and return....................... Pantie Self-Shot - you know, the high brow stuff. It's always non-nude at BS.
Here's some BS politics for you - CNN is a government mouthpiece - right from a CNN source.
College text books at great discounts of 25- 45% - 125z125 banner

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Entity `Flash' Visits Mall

This seems like a VERY valid `anomalous' video from a security camera in a mall. But, if you trace the `sourcing' it goes back to a `gathering site' with all kinds of crappola. So, Barfsters can decide for themselves.

It sure seems as if this is a temporary phenomena with a `being' inside, doesn't it? Also, check out this more than intelligent comment at the above vid:

Look into Greg Braden's research proving the correlation of emotion affecting DNA, DNA affecting reality. The proof that emotion is a frequency, fear being slow, love being fast. (Increasing your frequencies to become enlightened through love.) this will also demonstrate the effect emotion plays over evolution and development. Science understands that all matter is made up of consciousness, this is what we know as God. Wouldn't you like to know him/her aswell?

Got another HOT picture for you - Maneating MILF'S? (Bet you bookmark this one.)
As you know, Barf Stew strives to bring great content and entertainment for body and mind to these pages - and, you know we like to poke fun at things like The Endtimers and at the link, dated 10/29/11, you can almost feel the end-a' coming.
As  Barfsters know, there is NEVER any nudity on BS - never. Why would there be, right? Porn is all over the internet, you can fill up elsewhere on that - but at BS, the edge of sexy near R pictures is well part of the program. So, to that end, a very sexy girl awaits at this link, but first you will have to X the browser popup (asking you to download Chrome and such) and then you will have to click that you are over 18 to see this NON Nude Picture. Or, to see this growing up too fast Future Pole Dancer.
Occupy wall street? --- The MSM tells us it's dead? BS Gets Political - Do You?
Meanwhile...... Married Couple In Same Picture Decades Earlier - what a fun read. Stewable.
So, yesterday, Ron Paul ran out of money and stopped spending it - what a politician. Anyway, before you are tempted to vote for any incumbent, either Republinut Or Democrap - take this economic analysis of how the parties have done at handling our money over the Last 40 Years. A tease:
On several occasions, I have glibly referred to how it now takes two spouses working to equal the wages of a one-income family of 40 years ago. Unfortunately, that is now an understatement. In fact, Western wages have plummeted so low that a two-income family is now (on average) 15% poorer than a one-income family of 40 years ago
Yes, this is a super post today - as all bins are overflowing.
MORE beauty. Sexy Teen and Transparent Dress - Oh those Russians.
Haven't touched on UFOs yet - how about a book on the 2006 O'Hare Airport UFO Incident? - Pretty good read.
Here's some encouraging news - 22% Of USA thinks World Will End Within Their Lifetime. Only 6% of the French do.
Interesting read. Barf or Stew?
Let's say it doesn't END, but that the food supply and world commerce crashes - do you want to be tagged to line up for your ration? OR, do you want to be eating gourmet while the system gets up and running again?
398164_Food Insurance

Monday, April 23, 2012

12 Year Old Girl Paints Heaven, Unbelievable!

And, no, it doesn't come with the scholocky NDE normally encountered with youngsters and `heaven'. That said, it almost is some sort of reaction to be being raised as an atheist early in her life. You have to see these gorgeous images she creates - can you say future superstar? - Over a million views and about 15/1 pos/neg ratio of opinions:

Barf Stew does beauty.
Speaking of LOTS of beauty - VERY Busty Woman. Sexy Pictures are a main ingredient of the Stew's taste.
The literal Grassroots will WIN Ron Paul the state of Minnesota for Republican delegates - Media Ignoring of Paul Continues (they fear he will run as an indy and win).
Inappropriate Drug Humor Cartoon the kind Barfsters love. BS does Politics.
And, for today's ParaNormal - is this a recent video of some Men In Black? Strange MIB Video (full story).
Using the worst logic tied to actual data that I've seen in quite a while - this `study' purports to show that As women grow older, daughter becomes the favorite - Women's Texts Quantified.
And, if she's not lovin you no more - it's got to be the famous garage rock of 66 and the Distant Cousins:

Over 700 posts just this good are already in the archive - dig into it.
Prince of Peace by Akaine - 9" x 12" canvas Print as seen in Heaven is for Real by Todd Burbo

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Should the U.S. legalize hard drugs?

So, let's see here. The Washington Post runs a piece by George Will asking the above question - and - pointing out the same absurdity of the drug war that EVERYONE but the WP has known for 30 years. To boot, the ONLY candidate who supports such an approach - Ron Paul - is routinely grilled as if he's nuts for suggesting such. Talk about a worthless media. Anyway, if you wish to read the Barf Stew from George Will's sudden realization here you go - Worthless Pundit Wakes Up Decades Late - thanks for F-ing nothing George.
As the people continue to fight back - a new billboard in Colorado:
I love the use of a soccer looking mom type for the demographic. This is indeed the exact type of billboard that every worthless politician in America needs to answer to. The real question is really - should those that have pushed the worthless drug war face punishment when the people eventually win? Who the F thinks that adults do NOT own their own body OTHER THAN THE POLITICIANS and the worthless mouthpiece of a MSM we all endure?

The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization - My New Kindle E-Book Has Arrived - 99 Cents To Blow Your Mind ---- BARFSTERS LOVE PARANORMAL. Please consider purchasing this product to support Barf Stew's efforts.

So, that takes care of the politics and the paranormal - must be time for the sexy pictures. On this picture you will need to hit the green tab to prove you are over 18 to see a very sexy non-nude (never nude on Barf Stew) picture of two Teen Girls In Bikini's (notice the length of the one girls fingers?). Digging deeper reveals a picture of three young ladies in even less garb - Slightly Perverse - Almost. Oh my, control your thoughts.
You are now a Barfster - you might as well bookmark the page.
How about a BS Sunday Video? Man bets his life savings on the Roulette Wheel - you need to see his face on the outcome:

The Archive has over 700 posts this good - all for Barfsters.
Gag Gift

Gave this as a little Xmas gift to some clients and they LOVED it and haven't stopped
talking about it. HILARIOUS. Be sure to check out all the different versions.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Minor-Age Daughter Gets Tips From Mother While Stripping In Club

Oh,...... Barf Stew forgot to add that it was AFTER the mom had complained to the police about possible stripping by her daughter. You may have to read more of the lurid details and see this 42 year old mothers mugshot (she looks 60). Oh, the give away was the Platform Shoes In Her Backpack. Classy. BS does sleaze.
And, this next one is a gem reserved for a blog like Barf Stew: ..... have you heard about the government using PINK SLIME in the government school food? Things that McDonald's and others simply refuse to use. BS indeed. BS politics.
Speaking of politics - how about few words from the ONLY candidate even worth your listen: Fed talk - Election FRAUD talk. RP scares TPTB.

Ready for the Barf Stew Sexy Picture of the Day? Thought so - The OMG of Sofia Vergara. This lady brings it.
BTW, it seems the latest Bigfoot picture to hit the Internet is causing bit of a stir in some quarters Bigfoot Lies?
Double dose of sleaze today? Before you get too worked up about 17 year olds in Stripper Platforms being tipped by their mom at work - this mother Did something too crude to mention - except as a Huffington Post link.
How about one more sexy picture to make sure the college students read BS to the end? MILF Butter.
Thanks for your visit today - Over 700 posts are in the archive for you to digest. Lots of sexy pictures and more. Please look around this page before you leave - thanks. And, please support our sponsors too - support independent blogs.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Speech Jammer Developed

Leave it to the Japanese - to develop a device that when aimed at someone - literally shuts them up. You can find out more about this wonderful invention with a click here - Speech Jammer. What a perfect way to keep down dissent?
Does Ron Paul have a strategy for real influence that the MSM simply is not sharing? The Slow And Steady Ron Paul Method - indeed, I heard a talking head yesterday saying that as of yesterday - in actual delegates - Paul had nearly as many as Romney (despite the media saying he has 1/4 as many). We will see. BS does Politics.
These are called Pokies by men. Sexy Stuff.
And finally, some sexy YouTube:

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Barf Stew Calls Iowa Caucus Finish And Percentages (two weeks ago)

As Barfsters know, the prediction and the real below shown side by side:
Dec 19th Prediction                                   Final
Romney 23%                                            1) 24.6
Paul 22%                                                  3) 21.4
(Santorum) 20%                                      2) 24.5
Perry 12%                                                5) 10.3
Bachmann 9%                                          6) 5.0
Others 14% (Gingrich)                            4) 14.1
And, on December 19th, I provided this commentary - which I think with even the substitution this week of Santorum for Gingrich is almost verbatim what the MSM is saying this AM:
The story will be that Romney beat Gingrich and had even more organization to get out the vote than the diehard Paul supporters. They will point out Newt's horrible showing with women voters. It will be wondered if Perry's FOURTH place finish will mean he is dropping out - same for Bachman and the others. Blah Blah Blah.......
Yes, folks, the MSM is EXACTLY that easy to predict.
The visual difference between mushrooms and LSD - Qualified - trippy picture.
Speaking of pictures - how about today's sexy swimsuit picture Hourglass Teen. Wow.
Speaking of sexy pictures - on one of my other blogs MRH - which I updated today - I always have one too.
Lon Strickler brings your paranormal story of the day - The Perverse Oily Man - curl your toes up kind of story.
Today's UFO link is to the new Squidoo page with 2012 UFO videos - Great Links Already Up.
More Sexy YouTube on TBS:

The Barf Stew Mix
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Monday, January 2, 2012

Will The MSM Get A Romney Win In Iowa?

With the most blatant of intent - the MSM has set up the Rupublinut field in near perfect order with a milquetoast Mitch Romney - leading a nutcase (not the BS opinion of course) Paul - over a `swelling' Santorum support (never mind that Santorum means activity associated with Gay Sex). And, the outcome of the caucuses by percentage: (as you read here on BS on the 19th of December)
Romney 23%

Paul 22%
Gingrich 20% (now Santorum)
Perry 12%
Bachmann 9%
Others/Field 14% (now includes Gingrich)
Has only changed in that you can literally substitute Gingrich for Santorum in tomorrows outcome IMO.
As most folks are aware, the MSM wants Romney as they think that BO will beat MR. Which is what they prefer as the Republinuts had their eight years to run the system into the ground with the democraps full compliance. They also would prefer a `split' vote on the Republinut side to ensure victory like in the 90's. They hope Paul will take a final ride as an `independent'.
If Barfsters think something different use the comments to sound off.
First, I provide you with a link
And, now Today's BS heavy post is about taking things at face value and stretching them by using a learned man as a source for ones thinking -
It seems I've built up a few Sexy YouTube videos (like yesterdays) I bet you won't mind:

Slightly perverse indeed.
Even after that some are still looking for TBS's daily Sexy Picture - such as this Dev Model Swimsuit Beauty.
See You Tomorrow I Hope - Bookmark and Return!
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Friday, December 30, 2011

Woof 2011 - Woman Dies From Intimacy With Chat Room Supplied Dog

Somehow this slipped by the sleaze sensors all around the perimeter of the TBS kennel earlier this summer. Wait till you read how long the dog has been in Quarantine - yeah, more lurid details at the link including breed of dog, cause of death, and how many children the temptress had. One also has to wonder if this is a first.
Now, here's a real unusual blog and a link to a 1984 big brother story about `tag readers' coming to a road near you soon. But, also, make sure to get into the very idea of A Free-Talking Police Blog - they even have a bloglist.
Sleaze, Politics ..... Must be time for some sexy girl pictures, right? Like this wonderful Downblouse on a busty beauty.
The Barf Stew Mix
Here for a UFO link? What IF Orb Callers Have Advanced Minds? --- Barf or Stew?
BTW, BS is standing by it's bold predictions for the final percentages in the Iowa Caucus next week as the MSM has done the `expected job' on each of the near worthless candidates (RP excepted). You know, the funny thing about Ron Paul is that IF one wanted to slice the size of the government -- could there be a better way than to literally live up to the constitution? I don't hear any of the other worthless candidates saying how they would downsize the government in any specific sense like RP.
And TBS can't ignore the growing drumbeat once again just beginning after the latest `half-save' of the European Union - first El-Erian, the Trillion dollar man, says that the IMF Has Been Bullied By Europe and here's yet another story about the Flash Crash and how fears are rising again that Again. Gotta follow what the BIG money boys are saying.
Have you seen the flood of ads by YouTube and such on the internet? I find it interesting what they are picking to feature - the ongoing `show' aspect is what I detect they are pushing. Very interesting IMO. The NEW TV?
Remember the days when kids were kids? Like the days when `The Boys' were the ones to distribute the daily paper to folks? Like in this picture from 1910 - Today's Shorpy.

More To Barf About Tomorrow

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

The SOPA Act - Today's BS Does Its Part

Barfsters, I received this e-mail from an internet provider I use for other sites - it's about the only worthwhile e-mail I've ever gotten from them but it is important and one I wanted to share with readers of BS. I provide the whole letter except for the link to their pitch for services:

Dear Sir/Miss,

You may have heard about Protect-IP (PIPA) and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) currently under consideration in Congress. If passed, among other things, SOPA requires Web hosting companies like 1&1 to police websites in
order to prevent them from communicating copyrighted information on the internet. We would like to make sure you are aware of 1&1’s official position on SOPA.

As a global provider of domains and hosting services, we oppose the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) or Protect-IP (PIPA) Acts currently under consideration. While we observe the concerns of those who are troubled by the potential impact on protecting intellectual property online, 1&1 feels there is an urgent need to strike a balance between dissemination of and access to information and protection against its illegal use within the public domain.

The US government is currently reviewing SOPA and PIPA as possible ways to prevent unlawful distribution of copyrighted materials available on the internet. These current proposals, if passed, would allow for significant interventions into the technological and economical basis of the internet.

This could put the vast benefits and economic opportunities of entirely legal and legitimate e-business models at risk. Generally, companies offering technological services should not be forced to be the executor of authority in such matters. If they were to act upon every implication of content infringement without any judicial research into the actual usage of its customers, the integrity behind their customer’s freedom of information and speech would be enormously harmed.

1&1 Internet, Inc. has worked through associations and with related companies to ensure that these aspects are taken into account. Thus, we welcome the serious consideration by the US Congress of the potential harmful effects on Internet freedom should SOPA and / or PIPA be passed as law, and hope the stability of the Internet’s domain name system (DNS)
remains intact.

We encourage every Internet user concerned about these plans to contribute to the debate and to raise their voice with their local representatives in the House or Senate. One way to express your concerns could be to use one of the websites that emerged to protect user interests in the current legislative debate, such as

At 1&1 we support you, our customer, and an open internet. If you find that you are supporting a company that encourages SOPA and wish to drop them as
a provider, .....

Thank you for being one of our extremely valued customers, and for taking the time to read this.

Best regards,
Frederick Iwans
General Manager 1&1 Internet Inc.

As you may have noticed - the MSM is starting to go a bit nuts about Ron Paul having a chance to win in Iowa's Caucuses next Tuesday, -- flinging stupid charges of racism to hopefully deflect the support that RP is getting from independents and liberals who love his `get out of the world with our military' position. Anyway, you gotta love what just happened Bachmann's Campaign Chair Jumped Ship To Call the media he's on RP's side now.
Sexy YouTube?

UFO links you say? How about a long discussion about Orb Callers? One that suggests that some of them, well perhaps all of them, are different than most folks. Higher Consciousness Connections (today's post of 12-29)
The Today's B.S. Mix - Politics, ParaNormal, and Sexy Pictures - Near Daily. Be here for the 2012 madness.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul's Amazing `CORE' Supporters

The MSM in America is slowly getting cooked in its own stupid verbiage; because as everyone knows - they have ignored Ron Paul's run for the Presidency once again. (Do remember however that RP has been on the `run for President' train since his first Libertarian run in 1988 when he placed third in the popular vote with about a half million - one of them mine.) As they did in 88 and in 08 - and `supporters' of his aren't surprised that he is getting ignored this time either. Or, the issues that he represents - as they are a direct threat to the portrayal of America involved with the world as a Positive Attribute.

But, THIS time, its the NON Paul folks that are seeing the obvious IGNORING of Paul's IDEAS. Made even more remarkable when one considers that the other 7 or 8 candidates sound virtually identical on most issues - especially where Paul stands alone. And, as you know, those `core' supporters of Paul's that the media somehow turns into a negative -- is growing into a MUCH larger CORE, as those that used to listen to the MSM find their words a bit hallow. A growing core that is so tired of real issues being ignored as to be almost beside itself.

Even ordinary people are asking - IF Ron Paul's support KEEPS GROWING - when he says he wants the USA to get out of the affairs of over 150 countries ---- HE'S NOT KIDDING. At all. OR, when he says he would actually SHRINK THE GOVERNMENT. ----------- Obviously, fighting words to the MSM who ignores such ideas routinely in their quest to be a mouthpiece for the official government line.

Indeed, ask yourself, how could the MSM NOT have tons and tons of folks --- representing the 20% of America and growing -- who think that bringing our `influence' to focus on getting things right in America first - is perhaps a good idea --- talking at your face as a talking head day after day? Where is this growing viewpoint in our so-called Free Press represented?

Nowhere of course. They are all worthless Republinuts or Democraps. All of them. They say so themselves. And, they try to manipulate the middle folk who are beyond disgust with both the parties antics into thinking they have NO choice except for bum A or bum B. They do NOT want people to be FOR a candidate (like those RP core). It is worse than the one party rule we have all grown accustom to having - it has no become the NO party rule. Literally a system that hasn't even shown the mandatory budget on paper for years to the public. It is all smoke and mirrors. But, the MSM keeps playing the drums for the crumbling `two parties' - the same ones who everyone wants gone except the MSM (who will be depending on their political advertising dollars to make their own profits next year).

Of course, only OUR media could turn being a SUPPORTER of a candidate INTO A NEGATIVE --- "don't worry about THEM" they say about Paul supporters - he just has CORE supporters. ----- Let me give the MSM a heads-up, that's a lot more SUPPORT than either of the major parties have. And, somehow, I think that is what the MSM hopes will occur - a replay of 1992.

In their heads, when RP is denied the Republican nomination by their powers that be, the MSM secretly hopes that RP will Run as an independent - splitting the vote - so that President Obama can slip on by. But, the MSM may be playing with fire. What if those core supporters refused to stop believing? And, what IF the LEFT - yes the OWS crowd, buoyant from an `American Spring' run their own set of candidates?

Could the outcome be something like the below?

  • 2012 Election Outcome
  • Ron Paul 29%
  • Barack Obama 29%
  • Mitt Romney 24% (Republican party no longer qualifies for matching funds I believe.)
  • Oprah Winfrey 15%
  • Others 3%
With not one candidate even near 270 electoral votes? And, with all four candidates having some electoral votes do to proportional representation within some states. What then?

Perhaps the MSM would have been better off actually taking the RP supporters and ideas SERIOUSLY - and let him have a real chance to represent the Republinuts. Then you might indeed have President Obama slip by as the MSM makes a mockery of the Republinuts in an effort to sway those in the disgusted middle from even voting. As they would do an about face from 2008 when they were all for `change' - as the `change' RP would represent would simply be `too much'.

Beyond hilarious. Makes you feel all warm inside right?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Apples fall from the sky over Coventry

In a variation of the old Fish Falling From The Sky oddity, we can now add APPLES to the bunch. Hundreds of apples fell onto bonnets and windshields. No culprits seen, planes heard, or tornado's local - could it indeed be Fortean? Local reaction here. They say other oddities have occurred in the link.

No Small Apple Either
The MSM has reason to worry about their ignoring of those `hard core' supporters of Ron Paul - seems he's back in the lead in Iowa (funny how that 8% cores just keeps on growing). The hilarious part is how the media MAKES IT A NEGATIVE THAT FOLKS LOVE WHAT THIS GUY SAYS AND STANDS FOR as --- because, as you well know, the MSM would MUCH rather you don't give a crap of think you can actually change the structure of power in this country. Anyway, here's the Latest Iowa Poll.
Barfsters love when TBS does `Time Travel' - so let's go to 1899 - The Lumberjacks:

Get Your Willies On (with comments)
Meanwhile.... the Sky Noise Phenomena `this being the Trumpet variety' is still going onward: all of 313 views:

What if when the aliens land they come after us all like This (GIF). BS Humor.
Glad you stuck around for today's sexy girl picture? You will bookmark this I bet Scalding Hot Teen Girl - wow.
New legal effort concerning Obama's birth that the MSM is ignoring . Read the comment too.
Oh, the 43 year old Whistleblower Notary Public about the bank fraud in housing was Found Dead - hmmm.
The Barf Stew Mix

Monday, December 19, 2011

BS's Predictions For The Iowa Republican Caucus Outcome

As you know, the worthless MSM has been making sure you have little to no desire to vote for any of the republinuts running for President of the United States; literally bashing one after another as they acquire the `who gives a crap anyway' support from the most previously bashed. Or self imploded of course. Which has left us in the current state of FLUX as the media attempts to manipulate the outcome thru `venting of the candidates'.

The implied message, of course, is that NONE of these candidates are worthy of throwing the current bum in the White House out of power. That is until 2016 when it would be `obvious' that the Republinut is who to vote for that time. It really is shameful. But, predictable; indeed so predictable that BS will now provide you with the outcome of the Iowa Caucuses (plus or minus a percentage or two):
Romney 23%
Paul 22%
Gingrich 20%
Perry 12%
Bachmann 9%
Others/Field 14%

The story will be that Romney beat Gingrich and had even more organization to get out the vote than the diehard Paul supporters. They will point out Newt's horrible showing with women voters. It will be wondered if Perry's FOURTH place finish will mean he is dropping out - same for Bachman and the others. Blah Blah Blah....... They will NOT ask if the 16% of ELIGIBLE Iowans who had a chance to caucas voting is a good percentage or not - or if that system works in any manner in weeding out candidates for President. And, of course, even the caucus goers get to elect only a percentage of those at the convention,  as many spots are held for delegates selected by insider politicians.
But, the result could turn out like the below numbers with just that swing in my guess on the plus or minus side of things - so let's say it comes out like this:
Paul - 24%
Newt - 22%
Romney 21%
Bachmann 11%
Perry 10%
OTHERS - 12%

That would be a totally different read by the MSM. REPUBLICANS have NO LEADER would be the shout. Paul would barely be mentioned as his total was do to `diehard core' voters. He would be seen as having NO chance at the nomination........ Romney and Gingrich and the MSM would declare it a TWO man race and `let the others decide when it is best for them to step out'. Bachman would somehow describe her finish as a `top tier' finish, and the true `conservative voice' remaining with a chance. Perry will decide its really not for him and drop out just before the NH primary. Yes, that is a BS prediction.
However, IF somehow Gingrich wins in Iowa - the MSM will say it all depends on him carrying his momentum into NH (where they know he has no chance) so that when he doesn't do well there - they can declare no front runner exists.
Bet you wish the weather was this predictable, right?

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