Something hard as steel might be associated with viewing today's BS sexy picture - http://i.imgur.com/VjW9a.jpg oooh, la, laaaa. BS Entertains.
Halloween Is Just Around The Corner
Run Cursor Over Pics For More Info
Fantastic Carlos Castaneda Link - Hear Don Juan's Words Stewable.
Keeping the focus on the edge of reality - Bruce Duensing Actualizes the Event Horizon Here - Stew, of course.
Speaking of event horizons - dial it back 98 years to Night Light in 1913 - Downtown NYC - The Woolworth Building. Real Time Travel.
(Click above picture to enlarge)
http://www.shorpy.com/node/11011?size=_original (with comments)
and here's a Shorpy from 1902 1902 Classic - The Trip Advisor
Mayan Secrets to Be Revealed by Mexican Government in '2012' Doc - http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/17/idUS269735214920110817
Speaking of BS, have you heard this one? Restaurant Owner Ordered To Pay BMI $30,450 For 'Illegally Playing' Four Unlicensed Songs - Big Brother Shake Down?
And speaking of Big Brother - could the Chemtrails story get even more nefarious? Yes Nano Chemtrails - as the SHTF.
Remember how the MSM makes a huge deal about Red and Blue states? So, who cares of this study says they are largely the same - even comparing states as diverse as Utah and New York - Red And Blue? Try Purple
BS Politics
Sunday is the perfect time to go thru your old books that you will never read again and see how much they are really worth? You might have some goldmines and not even know it.