Barf, Stew, or Junk Science?
One of the ultimate wordsmiths on the internet is Bruce Duensing - as you can read right here - - only Bruce is at the forefront of tying DNA into perception. Stewable for those that like thick ideas.
Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing (with MyWritingLab with Pearson eText Student Access Code Card) (4th Edition)
Viva la Repartee: Clever Comebacks and Witty Retorts from History's Great Wits and Wordsmiths
World's Greatest Poetry Slam 2004
And, after something as heady as that - why not an almost spooky time travel picture from 1901 - called Shining Path!
(click to enlarge)
The above is the Shorpy Book - A Great Gift.
Now, more of the ultra sexy looks of Russian Female Graduates on their big day - Or - Barf Stew Entertains.
Perhaps This is the Custom for Next Halloween!
Many of you come to Barf Stew for a good UFO link or two - here's a good YouTube report of a policeman describing a UFO experience and who records a UFO sound of note. Worth your click and about 3,200 views when posted:
Are you a fan of the stories about Airships in 1897? Well, so is Erich Kuersten of The C Influence Blog - TCI - that group of paranormalish bloggers who have come together to put their stuff in one place - - anyway, this is the story that includes the dead `little man'.
Oh, I often neglect to mention that the first place I get my UFO fix each day is at The Debris Field (which updates at midnight btw) - -- you can find Lesley's site in the sidebar too. And, if you like links to TCI, Lesley is all over that too - and is ALSO another member of TCI.
And, how about one final Barf Stew punch in the stomach? - Nurses find drugs in C-section patient -