THE BS does The BS Politics Our MSM Totally Avoids
Like This EXAMPLE of the Disgusting Drug War On Citizens
and the lengths the growing worthless cops are becoming to adopt.
Shows Politics
For Example A Simple Chart That Should Be Flashed On All TV Screens Once A Month While The FCC Mandated Warning Is Run

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THE BS does The BS Politics Our MSM Totally Avoids
Like This EXAMPLE of the Disgusting Drug War On Citizens
and the lengths the growing worthless cops are becoming to adopt.
Shows Politics
For Example A Simple Chart That Should Be Flashed On All TV Screens Once A Month While The FCC Mandated Warning Is Run

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Perhaps you've heard that Teenagers are leaving Facebook ? - Well here's the BS why - 5 reasons, well thought out IMO. The BS loves how every single feature once loved about FB is now better done at another website.
More Social Media Problems?
Are YOU one of the ones - like the BS - who HATE the whole Google+ crappola?.... You are not alone... the comments on this forum to let Google know how much you hate G+ are Hilarious And VERY Angry - perhaps you should pitch in?
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BS's ParaNormal Side
Is this Creature In South Carolina?
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