Now to the slippery slope stuff - such as our focus on wasting your time with the beautiful female form - They Look Like D's - but, is that paint? Chicks Tease and men please by looking. Future Pole Dancer? Wow. Mardi Gras Girl Downblouse - strong bead count. Erotic Hotties - oh, BTW, IF this blog has the HUGE blank areas it is because of the big G thinking the content is a bit too racy for their advertisers. Please support BS as best you can to ensure the continuation of the slippery slope.
Here's the answer to WHO is `buried' in outer space (happened in 1997) - Timothy Leary is More Than Dead see who else. Win some trivia with this one.
Timothy Leary Books
Now, you'd NEVER know it IF you only listened to the government sponsored lines on the MSM - but the `anonymous' message on a Government Hacked website last week said the below:

Could anonymous continue the good will by following thru? Find the internet only and censored msm story Here on BS. When will the power players EVER get the idea about the real disgust in the people? BS does Politics.
Speaking of which ---- as more and more old people work to pay endless `interest' on borrowed money to `the fraudster banks' - isn't it interesting to see how those stories are portrayed by folks like CNBC - that the economy FEEDS on those delaying retirement. What a farce.
How about another side glance of the female form? - College guys, are you doing your part to spread the libertarian word of bS?
BS blogfinds -- it's been awhile since I found one I really wanted to share with Barfsters - incredible time wasting content - such as this Optical Illusion of red circles on a house. Groovy.
The blog above has cool images such as the below - called a watercolor method with life:

And here is Erich Kuensten with his best blogfind of literally Trippy Monster Pictures - high minded Barfsters will enjoy this one - and will probably consume seconds.
Today's BS video is was taken on JULY 3rd - which probably says a lot - but, the video certainly is sincere IMO and what is caught -- of a WHITE light emerging from a Red light - is interesting: 20-1 Positive to Negative ratings.