What better way to re-start the Barfstew - than with the "New Jersey" Drone flap - from my UFO page on Facebook:
Camera Sunglasses - For Sporting Events, ETC
Monday, December 16, 2024
The Great 2024 Drone Flap
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
An Interdimensional Portal? Or, Something Else?
Have you ever had anything absolutely impossible happen to you? How about the impossible happening also with another person/witness? How about seeking out the impossible and finding it? Yep.... an absolutely incredible 6 part series - I link to part five here. Seems John and Adam (find last names in link) beckoned the anomalous in a known remote location for possible "Bigfoots" and got something a bit different than what was expected - were their lives in danger?
And how could a simple flashlight - instantly extinguish - a "portal" - or... could it all be something else....such as sharing a separate reality in temporal form - much like the "shared hypnosis landscapes" of mutual hypnosis techniques done in the late 1960's by Charles Tart.
Enjoy the series and the fantastic writing.
Speaking of great writing - Regan Lee - also a writer at the blog The C Influence - wrote this experience of being hypnotized for the first time just a couple weeks ago in 2022 - she also gives her overview and insights of it (she was seeking info on a missing time experience - something I have also experienced) - Missing Time Hypnosis. Enjoy.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
UFO Politics
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Family NET WORTH Drops Almost 40% In Three Years While Media Promotes Two Party System
Seems not everyone is quite into the Queen in England:
BS political humor - The George Washington Connection. As the Police State Intensifies.
Time for some sexy ladies? Arcade Girl or Teenage Hotties.
BS likes to cover the paranormal too - as in this review of the new UFO show on National Geographic and speaking of UFOs - this UFO book is FREE for the next three days (Thurs-Friday-Saturday) and is currently NUMBER one on the charts for UFOs.
Have you played the game below? IF you like it, make sure to see the offer new the bottom of this page.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
FREE Casey William "Freeblood" Hardison - Political Drug Prisoner
Ready for today's sexy picture bank? SEXY Sweetness and X the browser button and hit the green tab to prove you are over 18 to visit this Russian site to see this very sexy Girl and Car. Finally, another Maneating MILF similar to what we had just the other day on BS.
And, yes, the demand for Girls Jumping On Tramps is thru the roof:
Ready for some time travel? OHIO, 1938
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