Sexy Sunday Stunners
Circumstances Unclear
Sexy Sexy Sunday
Oh My
Speaking of unclear circumstances - people's perceptions of Terrorism ....... perhaps

Oh, on Friday the guy that filled in for Rush L. had an appropriate rant about how the Boston police were confiscating peoples Beach Umbrellas (even though they were NOT on a very extensive public list) because `they might be used as spears' (at the 4th of July fireworks).
The BS
Chemtrail Anomalies?
And, here's a point of view the MSM simply ignores
Hard Hard Political Read - The BS
Did someone say Sexy Sunday?

Did someone say Sexy Sunday?

There's No Mistaken The BS
More Sexy Sunday
Dinner Is Served
The Pushback Begins?
There's No Mistaken The BS
More Sexy Sunday
Dinner Is Served
The Pushback Begins?
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