The BS Continues In The UFOlogy Field
the UFO gathering sites are beyond shameless
Ok, imagine you've had the experience of a lifetime and that you can prove that you are satan - and yet, No One Is Even Willing To Comment .... this is your way to the slippery slope .... one 666 at a time. More great BS paranormal content.
The BS Does ParaNormal
BS Blogfinds
horror, anyone?
The BS Entertains
Speaking of Entertainment

the final salutes to Squidoo.com
Classic Squidoo Replay
what false positives can show in data sets?
The BS Gallery
Crusted Bits Of BS
The BS could never makeup such crappola
Finally, some poetry from in-house ranter J.S.Flower
No Truth Only Bombs
No Truth Only Bombs
Yo R.,
Well the political travesty continues...
Sad state of affairs
well oiled machinery
grinds the pulp
of thoughts and actions...
Happy New Year
did you hear the horn
from afar-shofar
temples on the side of the head
or on the yiddish corner
land land land
sand sand sand
fence in fence out
papers passport
or else...
Nothing Like, The BS